Chapter 1855 Enemy or Friend

The puppet army commander was of course very nervous when he saw the Japanese army starting to come down the hill.

He also looked at the terrain here.

A circular hill with a valley in the middle. Although the valley is very large, there are reeds in the middle. Where there are no reeds, there is white water, which looks quite deep.

There are dense reeds and wormwood in the shallow water, but if the Japanese army really blocked them here, then this would be a dead end from which they could not escape!

The Japanese army surrounded the place and sent people down to search. Even if the Northeast Army's sharpshooters were very accurate and good at shooting, the situation would still be bad.

"Captain, how about we go inside again?" said the puppet soldier with some concern.

"Don't move for now. It's not that easy for the Japanese to come down." Shang Zhen's voice came from the reeds.

"Where are you? Can't you see the top of the mountain from where you are?" Yifei Jun was a little unhappy when he heard Shang Zhen say that.

You are still the battalion commander? If you are the battalion commander, the Japs can't be seen anywhere! Do you plan to wait for the Japs to come and be captured alive?

  Besides, you, Shang Zhen, are a battalion commander, but you are the battalion commander of the Northeast Army, and we are not under your jurisdiction!

The three puppet soldiers were right at the edge of the wormwood field, and there was a gap between the wormwood and the reeds. Through the gap, the three of them could see the Japanese soldiers coming down the hill.

Shang Zhen was hiding in the reeds, which were very dense. Judging from the position from which Shang Zhen spoke, it was unlikely that he could see the hills.

Because of this, the puppet soldier looked down on Shang Zhen a little.

"Are you inside or outside the wormwood?" Zhang Zhen asked.

"We are behind the artemisia, what's the matter?" asked the puppet soldier.

"It's not impossible for you to run inside now, but the prerequisite is that you can't let the Japanese see you.

Anyway, I can’t move now. If I move now, the reed will move and I’ll be shot.” ​​Shang Zhen replied.

After Shang Zhen said this, although he did not explain it in detail, the three pseudo-army commanders understood it.

The Japanese army should not have noticed the three of them hiding behind the wormwood, but Shang Zhen ran back later, so the Japanese army must have seen his approximate position on the hill.

If Shang Zhen moved in the dense reeds now, the reeds would surely sway, which would surely attract bullets from the Japanese army.

"But the Japanese devils have now moved down." Seeing that Shang could not shake, Puppet Soldier A said worriedly.

Although these puppet troops have now torn their faces with the Japanese army, they still understand the Japanese army's capabilities after having been in contact with them for a long time.

As the saying goes, the more they know, the more frightened they are. They know that their puppet army alone cannot defeat the Japanese army.

  Although they had also witnessed Shang Zhen's marksmanship, so what?

It is true that in their subconscious, Shang Zhen, you are a sharpshooter, but no matter how good you are, you are just one person. How can you defeat so many Japanese devils?

Therefore, it is impossible to say that the puppet army is not worried.

But before he could finish his words, gunshots suddenly rang out in the hills.

The three puppet army commanders were talking to Shang Zhen while glancing at the Japanese troops. Amid the gunfire, they saw two of the Japanese soldiers coming down being shot and falling down.

They didn't see who fired the shot, but it was entirely conceivable that it was Shang Zhen's men who must have fired at the Japanese army.

And then something happened again that surprised the puppet soldiers.

Following the gunshots they had just heard that knocked down two Japanese soldiers, gunshots were heard in several places across the hills.

  Of course, there were gunshots from the Japanese army starting to fire back, but in different directions, it could be said that fighting broke out between the enemy and us in all directions of this circular hill!

For a moment, the puppet army commander and the two soldiers looked at each other in bewilderment. In any case, they had never expected that the battle would be so wide.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was hiding in the reeds, couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

According to his original battle plan, he was to lead that squad to contain and attract the Japanese army. When the Japanese army entered the middle of the hill, which was where he was now, Cheng Peng and Qian Chuaner would lead the troops to rush up and shoot at the Japanese army from a high position.

But who would have thought that the Japanese army first let the puppet army attack, and then used this puppet army commander as a shield.

As a result, his battle plan fell through.

Now Shang Zhen can judge from the gunshots around him that both the enemy and our side have scattered on this circular hill.

  Not only are our own people fighting on their own, the Japanese army is probably doing the same. This is going to turn into a chaotic battle!

Forget it, I can’t care about so much now. If the battle is disrupted later, I might as well take the opportunity to run inside. The water is deep and there are reeds everywhere, so I can just hide there.

  Now Shang Zhen could only think so. In fact, just as Shang Zhen guessed, the battle in the surrounding hills had been disrupted!

Qian Chuaner brought a platoon of troops to support Shang Zhen.

However, seeing that the Japanese army's grenade fire was fierce, Shang Zhen took the initiative to cover the rear and attract the Japanese firepower.

After the Japanese army rushed up the hill, they began to chase Qian Chuan'er and his men, but Qian Chuan'er knew that Shang Zhen had not rushed out.

So he divided his soldiers into several groups and hid them among the wormwood bushes.

Seeing that the Japanese army was about to rush down to search for Shang Zhen, not only Qian Chuan'er, but even the soldiers refused. This time they started fighting without any orders!

As mentioned before, he dispersed all the Japanese troops before the Japanese commander died.

In order to deal with the Japanese army, Cheng Peng and Qian Chuaner would naturally set up lookouts in all directions.

Shang Zhen is fighting hard now. Who on both sides of the enemy doesn’t care about his own people?

Then some people showed up, and some of those who showed up were discovered, and then the shooting started again.

But if that were the case, it would be fine. However, when Qian Chuaner saw that Shang Zhen did not follow him, he was worried that the platoon he led was not enough, so he sent someone to look for Cheng Peng and the others.

However, Cheng Peng was still confronting the puppet army led by Xiaodaner, neither an enemy nor a friend.

Although the person Qian Chuan'er sent to report the news did not know who was the commander of the puppet army, he saw a puppet soldier wearing riding boots being chased into the hills by the Japanese army.

Who else could the only person wearing riding boots be if not Xiaodan'er's brother, the pseudo-army commander? Xiaodan was worried about his brother's safety, so he led the team back.

Whenever Xiaodan led the puppet army, Cheng Peng would naturally follow.

Cheng Peng could also understand that if the puppet army commander died, the puppet army would have to turn against the Northeast Army, and he couldn't let the battalion commander suffer.

Cheng Peng was worried that the puppet troops would join the war, so he took them to a forest outside the circular hill.

Now that they had received news about the puppet army commander, the puppet soldiers naturally came out of the woods and tried to re-enter the hills.

But before Xiaodan moved, he turned his gaze to Cheng Peng who was standing opposite him.

The "What are you looking at?" scene did not happen. Instead, Xiaodan said to Cheng Peng: "You have to go out with us. I don't want you to stand behind us when we turn around."

Of course Cheng Peng also wanted to go and help Shang Zhen, but he didn't agree with Xiao Dan'er in his words: "Why? What does it have to do with me if you go to save your brother? Do you care where we stay?"

"As you Northeastern people say, there's no point in talking. You brought us here, so you have to take us out, or we should go out together." Xiaodan said to Cheng Peng unhappily.

The two of them have been chatting ever since they came out of the hills and here. Their principle is that no one will shoot, but they are still on guard. Judging from the time they have spent together, they can be considered acquaintances in another sense.

In fact, they don’t want to do it, but what can they do?

That’s where things come to a head!

It's like a couple living together who have a grudge against each other. After a fight, they have to go to bed and watch out for each other. They can't sleep too soundly and get tied up and then doused with gasoline and set on fire, right?

Seeing that Xiaodan was really anxious this time, Cheng Peng said in a gloomy tone: "Just go out, who are you trying to show off to? Let's go out half of us first. If all of us go out, I won't trust you!"

The two of them had a verbal argument and the matter was settled.

So the two groups, the Northeast Army on the left and the puppet army on the right, began to walk out of the woods, while Cheng Peng and Xiaodaner, who stayed where they were, still looked at each other.

"Actually, kid, considering our age, you should call me uncle. Look, your hair hasn't grown out completely yet." Cheng Peng teased Xiaodan with a smile.

Xiaodan is actually just his nickname. He is not young anymore, at least twenty-two or twenty-three.

In comparison, Cheng Peng is already in his thirties, so he said that.

But how could Xiaodan spoil Cheng Peng? He glanced at the beard on Cheng Peng's chin that hadn't been shaved for several days and said coldly: "Oh, does having hair on your chin mean you are old? Sheep have beards when they are born!"

"Huh?" Cheng Peng never expected that Xiaodan would trick him after his provocation.

But before he could figure out how to fight back, he heard a gunshot outside the woods. The two of them stopped arguing and both looked up.

Just one look and Xiaodan'er's face changed, because he saw that one of his men had been shot and fell down!

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