The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1857 Predicted your prediction

Chapter 1857 Predicted your prediction

"Why are you all hiding? Rush out!" Xiaodan, worried about his brother's safety, yelled.

But it was no use for him to shout, no one came out.

If he pointed a gun at the puppet soldiers, they would probably move, but Xiaodan was not that kind of person. Besides, Xiaodai didn't want Cheng Peng who was standing next to him to watch the fun.

When Cheng Peng heard Xiaoda's shout, he frowned and looked at his people.

Originally, he was planning to make fun of Xiaodan.

But when he thought that he had to rescue the battalion commander and get his men out, how could he have the face to laugh at others?

There was a Japanese sharpshooter hiding on the opposite side, and he had no idea how to fight this time.

He was not worried that his soldiers would not carry out his orders, but he was worried that too many of his soldiers would be killed without achieving the combat objectives.

Cheng Peng's eyes met Gao Wenli's.

Cheng Peng and Gao Wenli are fellow villagers.

We were all originally from the Northeast Army and were all fellow Northeasterners, but within the Northeast Army, when we mention fellow villagers, it means we are very close, for example, people from the same fort.

Gao Wenli had always been Cheng Peng's platoon leader. As soon as his eyes met Cheng Peng's, he knew Cheng Peng's dilemma.

Gao Wenli nodded to Cheng Peng, then he turned his head and looked at the puppet soldiers behind him and smiled. It was not sarcastic, but there was a sense of pride in his eyes that belonged to a soldier. What he said was: "Come on! Look at me and show you how to do it!"

"Old Gao, be careful!" Cheng Peng couldn't help but feel warmed when he saw Gao Wenli was willing to take the initiative to step forward, but he still couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry, Captain! The Japanese who wanted to kill me is still in his mother's belly!" Gao Wenli said casually.

Then he stopped paying attention to the others and shouted to the soldiers in his platoon: "Ma Zhiyuan, do you see that tree? That small tree? Go behind that tree and shake it to attract the Japanese soldiers."

After that, he turned to another soldier and said, "Liu Zhu, do you see those two dirt mounds in front?"

The two mounds that Gao Wenli mentioned were more than fifty meters away from their current location. The mounds were not big, and only one person could hide behind one. The two mounds were about twenty meters apart.

"Platoon leader, I saw it!" the soldier named Liu Zhu answered loudly.

"Let's go out together. I'll rush to the back of the mound on the right, and you'll run to the mound on the left. Do you dare?" Gao Wenli said loudly.

"Whoever dares not is a grandson!" Liu Zhu answered with a firm tone.

"Okay! Get ready! Those who have binoculars, find that little Jap for me, and everyone else, provide cover fire!" Gao Wenli shouted.

Then he turned around and reached out to grab a puppet soldier in front of him: "Get out of the way! Why are you blocking the way if you don't dare to come forward?"

The puppet soldier hurriedly moved aside.

To be honest, there were only three puppet soldiers left in the front.

One is a little egg

He was concerned about his brother's safety and he couldn't run back. Besides, he was responsible for commanding the puppet army. If he stayed back, he wouldn't even be able to see the enemy's situation. How could he command then?

The other puppet soldier hid behind a thicker tree.

No one knew whether the tree could block the Japanese army's bullets, but it could definitely block him and ensure that the Japanese army on the opposite side could not find him.

The other one is the puppet soldier in front of Gao Wenli.

The puppet army had no combat effectiveness to begin with, and they were all fighting to save their own lives, so generally speaking, when a battle broke out, the puppet army would charge slowly and retreat quickly.

But this puppet soldier was different. He was born with slow legs and was slow at everything, whether charging or retreating.

When he retreated, the Northeast Army had already occupied the place. He didn't dare to cross the Northeast Army's head and return to the puppet army camp. He could only lie down in front. Gao Wenli and Liu Zhu climbed to the front, and at this time, the soldiers of the Northeast Army appeared in the woods one after another.

After a while, a "rustling" sound was heard. It was the soldier named Ma Zhiyuan who kicked a small tree hard.

The movement of this small tree became the order for this action, and Gao Wenli and Liu Zhu rushed out like arrows.

Each of them only ran more than ten steps, and then changed direction at the same time. After running a few steps, they turned again and changed direction, which is the so-called "zigzag" running method.

Liu Zhu was also a veteran, so Gao Wenli didn't need to tell him how to charge when the two of them rushed forward.

Since the Japanese soldier hiding on the opposite hill was an accurate shooter, the two of them would never just run over there aimlessly. That would be no different from the Japanese soldiers shooting at fixed targets.

They changed to a zigzag running style, which turned the target from a fixed one into a moving one. The turning style of running also increased the lateral movement.

  The distance of each lateral movement is long or short, which turns it into irregular movement!

No matter how good a shooter is, if he cannot capture the pattern when shooting at a moving target, it will be difficult to grasp the lead time.

Gao Wenli and Liu Zhu's way of running was really fancy, which made the puppet soldiers behind them stare in amazement.

There were still constant gunshots around the hills, but no gunshots were heard from the opposite side.

In this way, Gao Wenli and Liu Zhu's actions seemed a little funny.

  But is this really the case?

The silence of the gunshot is more terrifying than the sound of the gunshot missing the target!

Everyone knew the reason. At that time, the Japanese gunman hiding in the dark had loaded the bullet and was aiming.

As long as he could grasp the running pattern of the two Northeast Army soldiers, he would pull the trigger directly.

On the other hand, if he fired first and missed, he would always have to reload the bullet.

Although it doesn't take long to put a bullet on an eggshell, Gao Wen's gift box and Liu Zhu are very close to where they want to go!

There was still no gunshot, but Liu Zhu was one step faster and reached the designated position first, hiding directly behind the mound of earth.

At this time, Gao Wenli was already very close to the mound he wanted to reach. He only needed to run three or two more steps and then lunge forward to hide behind the mound.

But just as he was about to run towards the mound, something suddenly occurred to him, and he changed direction again! Instead, he ran towards a bush nearby.

  Thanks to his change of direction, at that moment, the people in the woods heard a gunshot in front of them. At the same time, they saw a cloud of fine dust rising behind the mound. It was hit by the Japanese army's bullets!

Gao Wenli suddenly changed direction. If he had not changed direction and still ran towards the mound, he would have been shot when he fell down!

And just after the gunshot, Gao Wenli, who had caught a glimpse of the bullet impact point, made another sharp change of direction, and this time he really rushed behind the mound of earth.

Just as he fell directly behind the mound of earth and curled up his body, gunshots rang out from the opposite side again.

This time the bullet went straight along the top of the mound and penetrated into the soil behind it, making a "chi" sound.

  This Japanese soldier's shooting skills are really accurate!

"What a damn thief!" Gao Wenli, who was hiding behind a mound, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and muttered, while he was secretly feeling lucky in his heart.

Just now, he just saw Liu Zhu hiding behind the mound and suddenly felt something was wrong, so he made a temporary change of direction based on his combat instinct.

  Although I can’t say that this change of direction definitely saved his life, at least it saved him from being hit by a bullet!

If you ask him why, after seeing Liu Zhu hiding behind the mound, he felt it was inappropriate for him to hide behind the mound again?

Now he realized that there were certainly more places to hide than just these two mounds in this open area, but the problem was that the only places to hide were shrubs and wormwood.

People can hide behind those plants, but they cannot block bullets. If you hide behind them, you will probably be shot by the Japanese army.

Presumably, the Japanese soldier had also seen the two mounds. After seeing Liu Zhu hiding in a mound, he immediately realized that although the other Chinese soldier (Gao Wenli) was running in a fancy way, he was actually also heading for the mound.

Then no one will care how you run in the middle of the road. All they need to do is aim their gun at the back of the mound, because you will get there sooner or later.

This is how Gao Wenli, relying on his rich combat experience and keen combat intuition, managed to dodge the Japanese soldier by changing direction, thus making himself safe.

It is exactly what is meant by "I predicted your prediction"!

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