Chapter 1859 Kill him!

Three trees. Now Gao Wenli saw three trees growing side by side.

To be honest, there aren't many places to hide on the slope of this hill.

Although wormwood can be used for hiding, it is definitely not an ideal hiding place.

Gao Wenli knew that the Japanese soldier probably didn't see where he was in the wormwood, but he definitely knew that he was in the wormwood.

If the guy opposite sees where I am, he can kill me with one shot.

And if this guy was using a machine gun instead of a rifle, he would probably hit himself with a few short bursts of fire.

The Japanese gunman was like a knife hanging over his head that could fall at any time, but Gao Wenli knew he couldn't move yet.

If he left the cover of this patch of wormwood, he would immediately be shot by the Japanese soldier.

So how can I get to the three trees on my right?

The wormwood was only a temporary shelter; the trees growing side by side could withstand the Japanese bullets.

He had to run behind those trees, and he really hadn't figured out what to do next.

As I said before, I must go and pick up the battalion commander, even if it means my death.

At this time, in the woods, Cheng Lipeng was curiously asking his machine gunner: "Where did you shoot just now to attract the Japanese bullets?"

He felt something strange.

The Japanese devil had closer targets, such as Gao Wenli and Liu Zhu, so why did he shoot his own machine gunner? This made him think about it.

"I--" The machine gunner was a little confused.

At this time, he was still in shock over having escaped death, so he was confused when the company commander asked him.

"I just choose to shoot in places where there are no people." The machine gunner answered subconsciously.

"What? What the hell did you say?" Little did he know that Cheng Peng was also confused by his answer.

"Ah." Cheng Peng glared at the machine gunner before he realized, "The big one I just shot was approximately in that position."

The machine gunner pointed forward.

"What's there?" Cheng Peng looked in the direction the soldier pointed and was unhappy.

But Cheng Peng had finished speaking, and he suddenly remembered what the machine gunner had just said, that he was going to shoot in places where there were no people.

Cheng Peng realized something. He hurriedly picked up the telescope hanging on his chest, hid behind a tree, and observed carefully in the direction the soldier pointed.

At this time, the Japanese gunman was aiming his sniper rifle at the wormwood bush.

He was still carefully looking for the Chinese soldier who dared to rush under his nose.

The Chinese soldier was less than 200 meters away from him, and he could not tolerate that guy approaching him so unscrupulously.

The patch of wormwood was indeed not very big, and it was surrounded by grass that was not even tall enough to cover one's feet. It was the only place where a person could hide, so the patch of wormwood had long been particularly conspicuous.

The situation is like when the people are grazing cattle in the wilderness, and they don’t know which cow has left a huge pile of cow dung there.

The cow dung in the rainforest becomes fertilizer under the wind and sun, so the wormwood there grows particularly lush, but it is only limited to such a large area.

The Japanese sniper stared for a while but did not find any trace of the Chinese soldier in the weeds, but he was sure that the guy was hiding there.

He didn't shoot this time. Just now, bullets hit his side, and he couldn't expose himself easily again.

This Japanese soldier was hiding on the slope of the hill facing Cheng Peng and his men. He relied entirely on his camouflage and courage. Once he was discovered by the Chinese army, he would only be subjected to concentrated fire, and there would be no possibility of escape.

Seeing that there was no movement in the wormwood bush, the Japanese soldier looked again at the mound of earth more than 50 meters away from the wormwood bush. There was no news of the second Chinese soldier hiding there.

He fixed his eyes on the sniper scope again and began to aim at the patch of wormwood, which was closest to him and posed the greatest threat. The sound of gunfire continued to ring out all around, including inside the circular hills.

But now this side has become quiet. There is no more smoke in the air, but there is endless murderous intent.

A minute later, the Japanese shooter saw movement in the bushes.

The Japanese shooter's eyebrows twitched involuntarily. He put his hand lightly on the trigger and began to steady his breathing. Then he saw a hat pop out, but the hat did not move afterwards.

You cunning Chinese, you still want to deceive me! The Japanese shooter held his rifle and stared at the hat with full concentration.

He had fired a shot before, and he thought he hit the man at that time, but when the man ran out again later, he realized that he had been fooled.

Using a hat to pretend to be a human head is not a familiar tactic on the battlefield, but it is almost the same.

Whether or not one is fooled depends entirely on the shooter's experience and whether he is in a hurry to shoot at the time.

So when the Japanese soldier saw the Northeast Army soldier repeating the same trick again, he just stood there and watched quietly with his hand on the trigger.

  But only a moment later, the Japanese shooter's eyes lit up and he pulled the trigger!

Because at this time he saw that this time it was not just a head sticking out from the bushes, but also the shoulders, and there was a rifle next to it!

If the previous time he hit the hat was just his personal feeling, then this time he could be sure that he had definitely shot the bullet into the other person's body!

  But then something surprising happened again. He had just finished firing the shot and had not yet had time to pull the bolt to reload the bullet, when he looked and saw a man jumping out from the weeds!

The man had his upper body naked, and when he stood up, he had already grabbed the rifle in his hand, and then rushed to the right front, which was his left front, like the wind.

It turned out that there were three trees side by side there. It would be fine if there was wormwood under the trees, but the thickness of those trees was more than enough to block bullets.

  Oh no, I’ve been fooled again!

The Japanese shooter didn't know what method the other party used to make his clothes bulge out as bait to lure him into firing another shot.

But he himself ran out with his bare chest.

Why did the other party do this? Of course, it was to trick the bullet in his gun chamber. If he wanted to fire a second shot, he had to pull the gun to eject the shell and then push the bullet into the chamber.

  What people are fighting for is this opportunity to not be hit by themselves in the first place!

At this point, the Japanese shooter no longer cared about anything else. He had to kill the Chinese soldier!

So he quickly pulled the bolt and fired again, and in his small sniper camera, the Chinese soldier was still running irregularly and moving left and right.

"Bang", his second shot hit the left foot of the Chinese soldier, and a thin cloud of dust rose.

The Chinese soldier also felt threatened, and the moment the smoke and dust rose, he jumped to the right like a frightened rabbit.

But perhaps he thought that he was shot on the left, and if he jumped to the right, he would fall into the Japanese army's trap. So he suddenly stopped and ran back to the left.

And in fact, that was exactly the case. The Japanese soldier saw him jumping to the side and then fired a shot. His gun went off, but the man flashed in the sniper lens and ran away again.

If it weren’t for the war, who would have seen such a scene?

A top gunner of the Japanese army kept shooting forward, while the Chinese soldier who was being shot at jumped sideways and vertically, running left and right, gambling his life against the Japanese army's prediction!


There was another gunshot.

At the sound of the gunshot, Gao Wenli, who was being forced to flee in panic by the Japanese army, felt his left foot go numb. In a hurry, he pushed the ground hard with his left foot, which had already touched the ground, and jumped up again.

After running a few more steps, he finally rushed behind the trees he wanted to reach.

He could actually still move, and it seemed that he was not seriously injured. Gao Wenli, panting, leaned himself against the tree trunk and thought.

Even though he looked very embarrassed for his life, he was also counting the number of bullets that the Japanese soldier shot at him.

The shot that made his feet feel numb should be the fifth shot. Now the guy should be pushing bullets into the tree. I don’t know if the tree is thick enough to withstand the bullets?

As Gao Wenli was thinking about it, gunshots rang out again, but this time it was not a single shot, but the sound of concentrated fire.

Hundreds of bullets flew out from the place where he started, and they flew into the void like a flock of sparrows swarming in the air and landed directly somewhere on the hill in front.

Of course, most of the bullets penetrated into the soil of the hill, but a few bullets still hit a Japanese soldier wearing a dirt-gray camouflage uniform.

The bullets from the Type 38 rifle were thin and sharp, and those that did not hit his bones passed through his body.

As for the inferior rifles used by the Chinese army, the bullets only made a small hole in the front of his body, but by the time they came out of his back, they were almost as big as a fist. The reason was that the quality of the guns was too poor and the bullets lacked kinetic energy, so they came out sideways!

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