Chapter 1865 Underwater Escape (Part )

"Why don't you shoot anymore?" Cheng Peng asked Qiao Youzi at the water's edge below the hill.

The only soldier who rushed down the hill with Cheng Peng was Qiao Youzi. As for the other soldiers, except for a few soldiers who were knocked down on the slope by the Japanese heavy machine guns, the rest ran back to the back of the hill.

When Cheng Peng, Qiao Youzi, Xiao Daner and several other puppet soldiers rushed to the water's edge below the hill, they soon discovered that the Japanese troops on the opposite bank were shooting into the water.

Qiao Youzi had seen Shang Zhen and the pseudo-army commander and a few others coming down to the middle of the hill earlier.

So no matter whether the Japanese troops on the other side of Shuipaozi are targeting Shang Zhen or not, Cheng Peng cannot just let the Japanese troops do what they want!

So he asked Qiao Youzi to use his rifle to shoot at the Japanese troops on the opposite shore.

The inner and outer slopes of this circular hill are similar, both long and gentle, so the two hills are more than a thousand meters wide relative to each other. However, when you go to the two slopes by the water, the width of the actual water is less than four hundred meters.

Cheng Peng can't reach it without a rifle or a box gun, so doesn't he have to let the clever guy shoot him face to face with a rifle?

As for Xiaodan'er, there were four of them in total. Xiaodan was using a box gun which was of little use at the moment. The remaining three puppet soldiers followed Qiaoyouzi and fired at the opposite side.

Cheng Peng guessed that the Japanese army shot Shang Zhen, and Xiaodan also suspected that the Japanese army also shot his brother.

  Of course, the guns used by these three puppet soldiers were really not that good. When they started firing, they made "bang" and "bang" sounds, just like firing blanks, but it was gunshots after all. As the saying goes, "If you have money, you can make a show of money, and if you don't have money, why not make a show of appearances?"

When Cheng Peng and his men fired their guns at the water's edge below the hill, the Northeastern Army and puppet troops who had been hiding behind the hill naturally heard them.

  Similarly, even if they couldn't shoot at the Japanese, firing a few shots would always be enough to attract their firepower, right?

So, this battle to attract Japanese firepower was fought in this way.

What's more, Qiao Youzi actually knocked down a Japanese soldier with his first shot.

"Captain, I'm out of bullets." Qiao Youzi answered embarrassedly when he heard Cheng Peng's question.

Qiaoyouzi really has no bullets left.

Previously, when their class was with Shang Zhen, he had used up some of his bullets when they were restraining the Japanese army and supporting Shang Zhen. Later, when he was chased by the Japanese army, he naturally turned around and fought back, so he used up some more bullets. Combined with what he had just done, he finally used up all the bullets in his rifle.

Upon hearing that Qiao Youzi had no bullets left, Cheng Peng frowned.

He first glanced back at the hills behind him, because he couldn't expect the people on top to deliver bullets to him.

The Japanese heavy machine guns were raising a huge cloud of dust on the top of the hill. Moreover, if his men came down from the hill they would certainly be exposed to the firepower of the Japanese army on the opposite side of the water. Given the Japanese army's marksmanship, his men would suffer casualties.

Cheng Peng looked at the three puppet soldiers with rifles beside him.

  This won’t work either. The three puppet soldiers are all using old cartridges, and the caliber of the bullets they use is different from that of the Type 38 rifle used by Qiaoyouzi. So no matter how many bullets they have, they will be useless!

Cheng Peng was looking at the puppet soldiers. They knew that firing at the Japanese was just like setting off firecrackers. It would only make a noise, so what effect would it have? So the three puppet soldiers stopped shooting at the same time.

At this moment, it was precisely the interval between the shooting of the Japanese heavy machine guns, and for a moment the world became less "noisy".

But at this moment, Cheng Peng suddenly heard the sound of gunshots. He subconsciously looked forward again, but all he saw were green reeds and white water.

Cheng Peng looked at Qiao Youzi again, and Qiao Youzi happened to be looking at him as well, with a hint of doubt in both of their eyes.

"That's the sound of gunfire? A box gun, right?" Qiaoyouzi said uncertainly.

"It seems to be quite close! It seems to be over there." Xiaodan also came over and pointed forward. What does it mean that the gunshots seem to be quite close? If there were gunshots 50 meters away from them and 200 meters away from them, not to mention them, ordinary people could hear them!

But at this time, they all looked in the direction Xiaodan pointed, but all they saw was dense reeds.

"Don't shoot yet, let's take a look." Cheng Peng said.

Several people stretched their necks to look at the reeds in front of them which was only forty meters away, completely ignoring the "dong dong dong" "dong dong dong" sounds of the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army on the opposite side.

Now Cheng Peng and his men were hiding behind a small patch of reeds, so they were not worried about the Japanese troops on the other side of the water discovering them. As for the Japanese heavy machine guns, they used the hills as their target. After all, the Japanese army opened fire only after they discovered that a large group of Chinese soldiers and puppet troops were about to come down from the hills.

Cheng Peng and his men watched intently for a while, but did not find anything unusual, so a puppet soldier whispered, "No, did you hear it wrong?"

But just as he finished speaking, they heard a "splash" of water, and they saw a person's head suddenly pop out of the water beside the reeds!

The man had no hat on and the water was sliding down his head.

But just when that person reached out and wiped his head, Cheng Peng and Qiao Youzi shouted in surprise: "Battalion Commander!"

Battalion commander, who is the battalion commander? Isn't that Shang Zhen?

At this time, Shang Zhen wiped the water off his face and saw Cheng Peng on the shore. He was stunned at first, then he grinned and said an exclamation that every Chinese would say: "Oh my God!"

  The journey was difficult, but Shang Zhen finally reunited with his people!

It turned out that after Shang Zhen took a breath for the first time, with his sharp personality, how could he swim directly to this end in the water?

His swimming ability was neither very good nor very bad, but no matter whether it was good or bad, it was not good enough for him to hold his breath and swim more than a hundred meters underwater.

So he changed direction underwater and ran towards the reeds on his side. He had to find a place to hide and breathe first.

But even though he changed direction in the water, he still felt something coming down from the water and landing on his back as he dived. He knew it was a bullet!

When Shang Zhen found that he was fine after being hit by the bullet, he was sincerely grateful to the scholar in his heart.

The scholar this time does not refer to the half-scholar Chen Hanwen, but to the real scholar Chu Tian among their group.

Because Chu Tian said that after the bullet enters the water from the air, it will only be weak after reaching a depth of about one meter.

As for why this happened, Shang Zhen didn't quite understand what Chu Tian meant by "medium".

But Shang Zhen understood that air is a medium and water is another medium. A bullet flying very fast in the air will quickly lose its strength once it enters water.

For this reason, Chu Tian also gave an example, saying why sandbags are sometimes used in fortifications. The reason is that sand is a different medium compared to air.

The sand must be thick enough so that the sand grains can squeeze and bite each other.

The sand in the sandbag cannot be filled very full, otherwise it may be penetrated by bullets.

Although veterans like Shang Zhen had been through many battles, none of them had ever been shot underwater, so they were naturally skeptical about Chu Tian's statement.

But today, Shang Zhen gambled with his own life to prove that what Chu Tian said was right. A bullet really cannot fly very far in the water, not more than two meters!

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