Chapter 1879: Pursuit (Part )

Wu Ziqi, Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu then ran forward.

"Brother, rub your face." Fan Tongwu reminded Fan Tongzuo from behind.

Fan Tongzuo rubbed his face with his sleeve. After glancing at his sleeve, he felt disgusted and couldn't help but say "Puh".

Fan Tongwu of course knew that his brother had always been timid. He originally wanted to ask Fan Tongzuo if he was afraid, but after thinking about it, he decided not to bring up the issue, so he did not ask.

But Wu Ziqi, who was running in front, turned around and said with a smile: "Did you enjoy beating the little Japanese?"

"Ah?" Fan Tongzuo was stunned. How did this have to do with enjoyment?

Wu Ziqi turned his head back, but he was still asking, "I'm asking you, did you enjoy beating up the Japanese?"

Fan Tongzuo couldn't figure out why he did it now, but he finally answered, "Anyway, it was quite powerful. I can't really explain it!"

“Hahaha!” Wu Ziqi laughed loudly while running, and then said, “After we meet up with our people, go talk to Wang Xiaodan. I’m sure you two will be able to explain it clearly.”

"Why?" Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu asked at the same time.

"What are you feeding? Feeding grass!" Wu Ziqi said impatiently, but he still explained, "Wang Xiaodan's courage is even smaller than yours!"

After Wu Ziqi said this, the two brothers from the old Fan family understood. What he meant was that it turned out that Wang Xiaodan was very timid, just like Fan Tongzuo. So they had something in common.

The three men were talking but they did not stop. They ran straight to the west because the gunshots were loudest there.

Wu Ziqi, Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu did not know at this time. It was because they stepped on the corpse of the Japanese soldier and Fan Tongzuo smashed the Japanese soldier's head with the butt of his gun that the gun aimed at them moved away.

The battle was not over yet. The Japanese army rushed out from the second floor, but the Eighth Route Army did not know whether there were still Japanese troops in the small second floor.

Since the Eighth Route Army had limited manpower, the people who were surrounded on the outside suffered casualties when the Japanese attacked, and the rest of the people went to pursue the Japanese. Naturally, the remaining people were unable to rush into the small second floor. So it was only natural that someone monitored the small second floor from a distance.

Fortunately, Fan Tongsheng used the butt of his rifle to hit the Japanese soldier, thus revealing his identity. Wu Ziqi and the other three were spared the fate of being shot.

This was originally a crossroads, so Wu Ziqi, along with Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu, ran to the west where the gunfire was loudest.

  The road to the west was not straight. When the three of them ran to a bend, they saw an Eighth Route Army soldier leaning against the corner of the road. Blood was flowing from his thigh, and he was bandaging himself with rags!

Apparently he was injured while chasing the Japanese army. When he heard the footsteps of Wu Ziqi and others, he looked up.

"How many Japanese soldiers are there?" Wu Ziqi asked the wounded man.

This wounded Eighth Route Army soldier obviously knew Wu Ziqi. After all, Wu Ziqi had been working with their team to fight the Japanese for some time.

"There are more than ten." The wounded man replied.

Wu Ziqi then took the two brothers from the old Fan family and continued to chase.

  They don't have time to take care of the wounded man now, but even if they have time, what can they do?

The Northeast was also in a situation of lack of medical care and medicine, no, no medical care and medicine at all, and was definitely not much better than the Eighth Route Army. After turning the corner, their eyes suddenly opened up and they saw more than a dozen Eighth Route Army soldiers sticking to the houses on both sides of the road and advancing with guns raised, and the end ahead should be another turn.

But at this moment, Wu Ziqi saw a yellowish-brown figure suddenly flashing at the corner in front of him. It was obvious that there were Japanese soldiers holding guns to cover their retreat.

Wu Ziqi fired a short burst of shots from the box gun in his hand, and the Japanese soldier on the opposite side also fired a gunshot.

Since Wu Ziqi was running all the time and he didn't put the box gun against his shoulder to shoot, the bullet was not accurate. The short burst of fire hit the wall in front of the left side, sending out a streak of sparks, while the bullet fired by the Japanese army flew past Wu Ziqi's ear!

Both sides were equally matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

However, as the saying goes, Wu Ziqi was not fighting alone now. Gunshots were heard from the Eighth Route Army side. They saw the Japanese soldier in front of them fall down in a flash.

Wu Ziqi didn't care that death had just passed by him. He raised the box gun and put the wooden box on his shoulder, maintaining a fighting posture and jogging forward.

Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu, who were following behind Wu Ziqi, didn't react at all.

It was only when they continued to run with Wu Ziqi with guns in hand that they remembered the feeling of the "whoosh" sound of the bullet flying past.

A qualified soldier has many requirements, and fearlessness of death is just one of them.

But since the brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu have chosen the path of fighting the Japanese army to the end, then let's go for it. God's arrangement is the best arrangement!

Wu Ziqi, who was running in front, was worried that there were more Japanese soldiers left behind, so he ran quickly in small steps while pointing his box gun at the bend ahead.

And then the Japanese troops appeared again, or to be more precise, the rifles in the hands of the Japanese troops appeared.

Now Gobang was not far from there. Before the Japanese soldier showed up, he saw the shadow of the Japanese soldier's gun and pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang, bang", this time Wu Ziqi shot very accurately, and the bullets hit the wall at the corner, sending sparks flying.

Perhaps because they knew that the box guns used by the Chinese army had fierce firepower, this time when Wu Ziqi rushed to the bend, the Japanese army did not appear.

Taking advantage of the cover of the wall, Wu Ziqi stuck his head out and immediately retracted it. Almost at the same time, the corner where he was hiding was shot. Sure enough, there were still Japanese soldiers guarding the front to prevent the pursuers from showing up.

"Your 20-shot gun is still the most effective!" Mo Jianchen, who was already with Wu Ziqi at this time, praised.

At this time, Wu Ziqi naturally met up with the dozen or so Eighth Route Army soldiers. He looked back and found that the special envoy was also among them, but he looked at him with a complicated look.

  Wu Ziqi was too lazy to pay attention to the special envoy. It was not because he had sensed what the special envoy thought of him, but because the special envoy was now running last among the more than ten people in the Eighth Route Army, while Mo Jianchen was running in the front.

He didn't charge in the front, but was at the end, which made Wu Ziqi look down on him!

So when Wu Ziqi saw Mo Jianchen talking to him, he replied, "That's right! When we have the chance in the future, I'll buy you a 20-shot gun. Unlike some people who use those guns that only women use, what's the point of throwing them around?"

After Wu Ziqi said this, the special envoy's face finally changed. The reason was that the special envoy was holding a pistol in his hand!

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