The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1889 Unexplainable Manslaughter

Chapter 1889 Unexplainable Manslaughter

"Fuck you!" Liu Keqiang started to curse, "Since you want to be reasonable, I will be reasonable with you!

First, who can prove that the person who killed Mo Jianchen was one of ours? Does that mean that the person who is with our people must be from our camp?

Second, even if we killed him, it was an accidental killing! Who knew that we were fighting the Japanese, and you followed them out?

Third, what if he was killed? We are not Jing Yier (on purpose), we gave you so many guns and ammunition, just think that Mo Jianchen was killed by the Japanese devils for those guns and ammunition! "

"You, you - you are making specious arguments. The witnesses and evidence are all here, and you are still quibbling? This is only your battalion. If it were any other Northeast Army of yours -" The special envoy who was sitting opposite Liu Keqiang was so angry that his face turned red.

  As the saying goes, he could have imagined that these bandit-like people in the Northeast Army would be unreasonable, but he never expected that they would be so unreasonable!

In other words, this is no longer unreasonable, it is shameless!

Unfortunately, at the moment when their Eighth Route Army was chasing the Japanese army out of the entrance, Mo Jianchen was shot and died!

Now, Mo Jianchen's body is still warm, and the body is "physical evidence". The people of the Eighth Route Army also saw that the person from Shang Zhenying was among the group of people who fired the shots, and those people were all wearing the uniforms of the Northeast Army.

Who is the person in Shang Zhenying referring to? It is Fan Tongzuo who is with Wu Ziqi.

Wu Ziqi brought the brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu and their Eighth Route Army to fight the Japanese.

The brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu, together with Zhao Wang and two other Eighth Route Army soldiers, rushed forward to intercept the Japanese army. This was agreed by the special envoy Mo Jianchen and Wu Ziqi.

Well, the two groups were not far from each other at the time, and it was not yet dark when Mo Jianchen was shot and fell. How could the Eighth Route Army not recognize Fan Tongzuo?

  If the Eighth Route Army soldiers who rushed out of the alley did not see it with their own eyes, then Mo Jianchen was hit by a bullet shot from the opposite side, but in addition to that, they also found a witness!

Although that person also died after giving his testimony, that person was the Eighth Route Army soldier Zhao Wang.

  Zhao Wang was shot and fell unconscious. He was found by the Eighth Route Army soldiers who rushed over. When they reached out to check, they found that he was still breathing!

Let alone rescuing him at this time, he was still dragged awake.

Zhao Wang used his last bit of life to not only prove that Mo Jianchen was shot down by the Northeast Army who came later, but also proved that Fan Tongzuo was indeed with those Northeast Army.

After Zhao Wang finished telling these stories, he passed away suddenly.

Logically speaking, if this kind of thing is not turned into a written confession, it cannot be considered as testimony, but Wu Ziqi was present when Zhao Wang was describing the process.

Wu Ziqi was not a person who could lie. When Liu Keqiang and others rushed over after hearing the news, Wu Ziqi recited all the words Zhao Wanglin said before his death!

  Oh, by the way, there is another important link here, that is, Fan Tongzuo and his group of Northeast Army actually ran away after accidentally killing Mo Jianchen!

Originally, the number of Eighth Route Army soldiers chasing the Japanese troops was not large, and they rushed out from the streets.

When Mo Jianchen and several Eighth Route Army soldiers just rushed out, Mo Jianchen was shot. Some of the other soldiers saw it, some didn't. Those who saw it were busy taking care of their captain. Who would go after that group of Northeast Army?

So Mo Jianchen must have been killed by that group of Northeastern soldiers. If they didn't kill him, then why did they run away? It must be that group of Northeastern soldiers who ran away, and Fan Tongzuo took them with him!

  Doesn't this prove from another angle that the person who shot Mo Jianchen was from Shang Zhenying? Otherwise, why would Fan Tongzuo run away?

In this way, the body of the murdered Mo Jianchen is still warm, and there is Zhao Wang who has already sacrificed his life, but there is also Wu Ziqi as a witness, and the murderer has fled for fear of punishment, so the fact that someone in Shang Zhen's camp accidentally killed Mo Jianchen is confirmed!

Liu Keqiang originally led a platoon to help Chen Laocai guard the village within the village.

Considering that guarding the village is the top priority, even when Chen Laocai sent out the village protection team, Liu Keqiang did not bring anyone out.

But who would have thought that it would have been worse if he hadn't come out with his men. They didn't kill any of the Japanese, but instead encountered this kind of thing!

  Liu Keqiang was the company commander, the highest-ranking officer in the Shang camp besides Shang Zhen. Who else could the special commissioner ask for the murderer if not Liu Keqiang? But how could the whole process of such a thing be so simple?

So after it was discovered that Mo Jianchen was mistakenly killed by the Northeast Army, and then Liu Keqiang arrived, the entire investigation process was very cumbersome.

When faced with such a situation, Liu Keqiang was also confused. He felt that the key issue should be to find the group of Northeastern troops who shot at the Eighth Route Army. Of course, it was also very likely that they were from his own battalion.

  But Liu Keqiang also became cautious. Although someone saw it, he didn’t know where the murderer was or who he was.

So how could he rashly agree that the man was from his camp, even though in his heart he believed that there was a 99% chance that he was from his group.

It is completely understandable that his group witnessed the accidental killing of an Eighth Route Army soldier, and then ran away for fear of taking responsibility, leaving no evidence.

It can be said that Liu Keqiang is a mature and prudent person.

However, during this process, the special envoy was relentless and kept asking him to hand over the murderer.

It is said that even clay figures have some earthy temperament, not to mention that Liu Keqiang is a man who leads troops to fight in wars.

The Eighth Route Army special commissioner who thought he was in the right finally pissed him off, so he finally uttered the most popular curse in the Northeast Army at that time, "Fuck you".

  Someone asked what the phrase "Fuck you" means?

In fact, people in later generations basically don’t know about it. Even people in Northeast China may not all know it. They have only seen it in film and television dramas. In the earliest times, the old marshal of the Northeast Army liked to use this colloquialism the most.

In fact, if this word is translated into modern Chinese, everyone will understand it.

"Bazi" is a Manchu word, specifically referring to a non-male organ.

"Ma Le Ba Zi" translated into modern Chinese is "spicy hot"

  As an aside, this is the beauty of the Northeastern dialect. If the word "ba zi" was not so obscure, how could it be spoken so openly in film and television dramas?

Well, now Liu Guoqiang not only started to curse, but also listed one, two, three in a rage. As a result, not to mention what happened to the special envoy, the Eighth Route Army soldiers behind him were also angered by him.

Under the firelight, there was a "clattering" sound of gun bolts being pulled, and the Eighth Route Army finally raised their guns.

  The Eighth Route Army raised their guns. Liu Keqiang's men from Shang Zhen's camp naturally couldn't let others point guns at them, so they raised their guns as well!

Both sides have loaded their guns. At this point, if someone on one side really pulls the trigger, even if it's just an accidental discharge, a bloody fight is inevitable!

At this critical moment, someone nearby suddenly shouted, "People in our battalion, put down your guns! You Eighth Route Army soldiers, put down your guns too! We are friendly forces, and relatives of the Qing family. If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you firing guns?"

Following the shouting, a man rushed to the center of the confrontation between the two sides. It was Qian Chuaner!

Qian Chuan'er also had a gun in his hand, but he raised it above his head. He pointed his chest at the muzzles of the Eighth Route Army's guns. Then he turned around, looked at Liu Keqiang, and winked at him.

At the same time, in the shadow where the firelight could not reach, Shang Zhen was frowning and watching everything happening in front of him.

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