Chapter 1911 Clues

"The division commander's head injury is so serious?" Zhao Mingxuan asked Zhao Tieying who had just come out of the division headquarters.

"Who can explain this kind of thing clearly, ah." Zhao Tieying sighed, "I heard from the chief of staff that it seems nothing is wrong outside and the scar has healed long ago, but the division commander said that his head hurts. We can't see this thing even if we throw it away, what can we do?"

Zhao Mingxuan said "Oh" and stopped asking.

"We now have a place to live. The chief of staff will treat us to a meal tonight. The three regiment commanders, as well as several deputy regiment commanders and battalion commanders will also be there.

There is nothing for you to do now. You can also take the brothers to have some drinks. You have been exhausted recently." Zhao Tieying instructed Zhao Mingxuan.

Zhao Tieying led those dozens of people to go after the ocean hidden by Shang Zhen, but he never expected that Fan Tongzuo, who "knew" the whereabouts of the ocean, escaped and caused them a lot of trouble.

Zhao Tieying has always used both kindness and severity, and now is the time to show kindness.

"Yes." Zhao Mingxuan responded quickly.

At this point, the two of them separated and went to their own drinking parties.

Zhao Wenxuan set up the drinking party in the yard of a commoner's house.

Since their regiment is now relatively close to the division headquarters, drinking in the barracks would have a negative impact.

The soldiers that Zhao Mingxuan rewarded this time were the ones who followed him and Zhao Tieying to find the silver dollars hidden by Shang Zhen.

  The windfall was not made, but the soldiers worked extremely hard. Although we cannot give them rewards, at least they can have some good food and drinks, right?

The so-called good food was the pig they stole from a commoner's house on the way, and the good drink was the sweet potato stew they got, although there was not much of it.

You learn from who you follow. When soldiers go to war, they all keep their heads on their belts. Enjoying life while you can is the life creed of these soldiers. So, after drinking the hot wine, the soldiers became noisy.

But in the midst of this noise, the door of that commoner's house was suddenly pushed open with a creaky sound.

Some soldiers were talking loudly and did not notice that the gate was opened, but some of them noticed it. When they looked at the door, no one came in.

"Damn it, who is it?" a soldier asked loudly.

When the soldier asked this, the rest of the soldiers naturally noticed it, so the noise stopped and everyone looked towards the gate.

The gate was wide open, but no one came in. There was no wind, so the heavy wooden door could not open by itself.

  At this time, Zhao Mingxuan realized that he had not sent any sentries!

Will there be any accidents? Zhao Mingxuan thought to himself and wanted to reach out for the gun, but then he realized that he had hung the gun on the wall of this family before drinking.

And at this moment, a head suddenly popped out from outside the courtyard gate.

Speaking of that, he had an officer's hat on his head. If the soldiers drank without permission in the garrison and saw an officer, they should have been scared. However, when they saw the face under the hat, the soldiers who had been silent just now burst into laughter.

"Commander Wang, what brings you here?" Zhao Mingxuan stood up with a smile.

It turned out that the person who showed that face at this time was Wang Qingfeng.

  Who is Wang Qingfeng? He is the brother-in-law of their division commander Liu Chengyi and the logistics manager of their 113th Division! How many people in the entire division don't know him?

"Okay, you guys hide here and drink, I have to report to the commander!" Wang Qingfeng said seriously.

If someone was not familiar with Wang Qingfeng, he would really be intimidated by Wang Qingfeng, but Zhao Mingxuan was familiar with Wang Qingfeng. After their group got the good stuff, they often presented gifts to this fat man Wang. They were very familiar with each other and couldn't be more familiar with each other!

"Commander Wang, if you report our drinking to the division commander, you won't have any part in the drinking this time!" Zhao Mingxuan said with a smile.

"No, no, what do I need from you?" Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

  Just when Zhao Mingxuan was thinking about how to respond, Wang Qingfeng, who was hiding behind the door, took a step forward and stood inside the door. She moved her right hand, and Zhao Mingxuan saw that Wang Qingfeng was holding a large wine jar in his hand!

"I don't lack wine, what I lack is food to go with it. Brother, how about I join you?" Wang Qingfeng began to talk nonsense. It turned out that no one knew where Wang Qingfeng smelled the wine here, and she actually came over with a jar of wine to drink with them.

"That's great!" Zhao Mingxuan laughed, stood up and went to greet Wang Qingfeng.

At this point, there was one more person at Zhao Mingxuan's table.

This time, Wang Qingfeng brought more wine, and the soldiers naturally drank happily. More wine meant more talk, so all kinds of topics came up one after another.

"Speaking of Shang Zhen and his men fighting the Japanese, they are definitely better than your regiment, but they are not as good as your regiment in collecting spoils of war!" Wang Qingfeng, whose face was already red from drinking, started talking about Shang Zhen without knowing who else had started the conversation.

There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. When Wang Qingfeng said this, people like Zhao Mingxuan were unhappy.

"Commander Wang, I don't agree with what you said. How can you boost their morale and destroy the prestige of our regiment?" A soldier with a red face stood up. That person was Ren Hai, the platoon leader under Zhao Mingxuan.

"Then you guys are just not as good as Shang Zhen's men!" Wang Qingfeng, who was also drunk and had a red face, directly refuted, "Take this time for example, I heard that Shang Zhen and his men killed a lot of Japanese devils in Shuiquan Town! How many did you kill? If the number of devils you killed exceeds the number I slapped, then I lose!"

"Why didn't we kill any Japanese devils? We don't know how many Japanese devils we killed, but there must be at least ten or eight!" Ren Hai continued to argue with Wang Qingfeng with a big tongue.

"Don't brag!" Wang Qingfeng was unhappy and raised her voice. "Where did you kill the Japanese devils? When did you kill the Japanese devils?"

"We also killed Japanese devils in Shuiquan Town. The Japanese devils rushed out, and we fired at them with our box guns. Just that one burst of gunfire. There were no more, at least ten or eight!" Ren Hai shouted.

"Is it true? Then why didn't I see your regiment reporting the results of the battle?" Wang Qingfeng still didn't believe it.

But just as he was waiting for Ren Hai to speak again, Zhao Mingxuan stood up and said, "Commander Wang is right, we are indeed no match for Shang Zhen and his men in fighting the Japanese.

Ren Hai, sit down! We didn't kill any Japanese devils this time, but we killed no fewer than Shang Zhen did before!"

Wang Qingfeng noticed that when Zhao Mingxuan said this, he gave Ren Hai a sharp look.

Ren Hai sat down.

But when the wine got in the way, the straightforward man wanted to talk, and even though his superiors tried to stop him, he was still in high spirits.

Ren Hai finally muttered, "I beat him, so why don't you let me talk about it?"

When Wang Qingfeng wanted to ask Ren Hai again, Zhao Mingxuan said, "Come on, brothers, let's all toast to Commander Wang. I hope Commander Wang will support us and take care of us in the future!"

Since the company commander said he wanted to toast Wang Qingfeng, the soldiers stood up one after another. When Wang Qingfeng thought about the previous topic again, it seemed a bit abrupt, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The banquet started at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Qingfeng kept drinking until it was almost dark, then he staggered out of the civilian's house.

Sure. Just when he reached the entrance of an alley, a man suddenly appeared from the alley and asked Wang Qingfeng, "How is it, Chief Wang, did you get them to say something?"

"I just got one sentence out of it." Wang Qingfeng answered swayingly and then walked towards her residence.

"What did they say?" the man asked.

"They said that they also fought the Japanese devils in Shuiquan Town. When the Japanese devils rushed out of the town, they opened fire with box guns." Wang Qingfeng replied.

The man wanted to ask more, but this time Wang Qingfeng really drank a lot. When the wind blew in his face, he suddenly felt very nauseous, so he squatted on the ground and vomited loudly.

I'm too sleepy. I have to go to bed. I'll fix the typos tomorrow.

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