Chapter 207

"Regimental Commander, look where they are!" An officer on the hillside pointed forward.

And just beside this officer, another officer was watching with binoculars, and there were densely packed Chinese soldiers lying in ambush beside the two of them.

The guns in the hands of these soldiers are only average, but the big knives stuck in the back of each of them have shown their identities - the 29th Army, which is the Northwest Army responsible for guarding Xifengkou.

The 29th Army is poor, as Wang Laomao said, they don't even have bayonets.

But battles are always going to be fought, so each of them was equipped with a big knife.

How good is that knife?For example, what kind of magic weapons made of high-grade iron are used, that is all nonsense.

The big sword of the 29th Army is strong, and the back of the sword is thick enough to be strong.

A butcher's knife is sharper than an ax for chopping things?That's impossible, each has its own use. From the perspective of thickness, the broadswords of the 29th Army are similar to axes.

The broadsword team of the 29th Army is not as sharp as the bayonets of the Japanese army, but you can stab me to death with a date knife, but I can definitely remove your half-armed shoulders with a single swing!
"We don't have many people, and we seem to be being chased." The officer said again.

The regiment commander next to him didn't say a word, and in the binoculars were the hurried figures of Chinese soldiers in gray cloth clothes running away.

He saw the big knife on the back of one of the soldiers, and couldn't help frowning.

Compared with other faction armies, the 29th Army is very poor, but people are poor but they can't be short-sighted. What does this make Little Japan look like a rabbit?

He moved the binoculars and looked forward again, casually seeing thirty or forty Japanese soldiers behind him.

Only thirty or forty people?The captain looked into the distance again through the binoculars.

This is a mountainous area, high and low mountains, after all, blocked his sight.

"Regimental Commander, should we send someone to respond?" the officer next to him suggested again.

The character of the chief officer of each army may not be the same. The commander is usually a taciturn person.

The officer who thought he knew the head of the regiment very well, saw that the head of the regiment didn't say anything, so he thought it was acquiescence.

So he started to call the messengers, but when he just called "Come here", the regiment leader waved his hand suddenly and said: "Leave them alone, let our people pay attention to hiding and ambush on both sides of the road, and we must be able to pick up the messenger at critical moments." Charge up with a big knife!"

The commander's order was so weird that his subordinate officer was taken aback for a moment.

He couldn't figure out what his regiment leader meant. Could it be that the whole regiment was to use a big sword to meet his own people who were chased by the Japanese army in front?
"Hurry up, pay attention to concealment!" The head of the regiment ordered loudly, so his subordinates acted vigorously.

The subordinate officer who had been following him hid behind a rock and looked into the distance in confusion. There was nothing in the distance except mountains or mountains, but at this moment he found that the team being chased had dispersed on both sides of the road.

"I suspect that there is a Japanese brigade behind, and those Japanese devils chasing in front may be pioneers, which is a bit troublesome!" Only then did the regiment leader express his intention.

The officers under him suddenly realized.

Their regiment was ordered to advance forward to seize a military point.

And they heard gunshots from this side when they were marching, so after arriving at this favorable terrain, the regiment commander ordered the troops to hide in the rocks on both sides of the road, and he began to observe the situation, so it was With the series of situations just now.

But what he was worried about now was whether the dozens of Japanese soldiers chasing after him, if they were leading Japanese soldiers, would find his soldiers ambushing on both sides of the road.

"Li Xianqian, send a squad down to secretly help our people below, and see if we can wipe out the devil's vanguard." A moment later, the regiment leader issued another order.

At this moment, the regiment leader suddenly realized that the team chased by the Japanese army could really be of great use!

He sent not many people.

If the vanguard of the Japanese army is wiped out, the Japanese army behind can only think that the target they are chasing is very powerful.

The Japanese army never imagined that those people had become bait, but in fact they had already entered their ambush circle.

And what happened to the soldiers below who were being chased by the Japanese army at this time?

That group was none other than Shang Zhen and the others who had been chased here by the Japanese army.

Old Mao Wang was panting heavily while hiding behind a big rock. They had been hiding behind the stone on the side of the road for a while, but at this moment he was able to speak: "Damn, if you keep running like this , can make us vomit blood!"

The fist is afraid of the young, and the stick is afraid of the old wolf.

To be honest, Wang Laomao never ran like this when he was young, not to mention he is over [-] this year.

The Japanese army was chasing after them, forcing them to run all the way in front.

Now, Old Mao Wang knew that the Japanese army was chasing after him, but he didn't even intend to turn around and shoot, because he felt that he was panting so badly that he couldn't even shoot accurately!
Old Mao Wang couldn't run anymore. Once he let go, everyone else found places to lean against big and small rocks to breathe heavily, and this other people naturally included people from the 29th Army like Du Man. .

People in the 29th Army are martial arts. It is said that the 29th Army has specially hired martial arts masters to teach them how to use big swords.

Those who can use big swords are those who know martial arts. Is the physical strength of the 29th Army bad?But even so, these young people in the 29th Army are exhausted.

"I think they must have picked out the best runners," Little Dustpan also said.

That's all for Du Man and others, but people like Wang Laomao, Chen Hanwen, and Ma Erhuzi are all looking at Shang Zhen.

Now that Shang Zhen is back, it is natural that Shang Zhen is the leader, let's see what Shang Zhen will do?

Shang Zhen hid behind the stone, panting heavily, so he aimed his eyes at the back.

It was also the first time for Shang Zhen to experience such a march, or how could this be called a march, it was like a [-]-meter race.

It would be fine if they just ran a hundred meters, but they ran with all their strength for several miles all the way.

Just imagine running [-] or [-] meters at the speed of running [-] meters. Who can stand it?No matter how good your physical strength is, you can run and stretch your hips.

At this time, the Japanese army chasing and killing them was no longer the pioneers of the previous Japanese army.

Naturally, Shang Zhen would not believe that the Japanese army would pick out those who could run and use them to chase them.

However, Shang Zhen could think that the Japanese army behind him must have come to chase after them all.

If there are 1000 Japanese soldiers behind, then why are there not dozens or hundreds of them running fast among the 1000 people!

Isn't the Japanese army offering a reward?Do people have to catch a living?
And what are my group of people?That is by no means elite, maybe as that Fatty Wang said, my group is the broom star, and the other group has become the elite broom star, that's all!

But sighs are sighs, what should be faced must be faced eventually.

Shang Zhen saw the Japanese soldiers chasing after him reappear, but this time the distance between the enemy and us was still about 200 meters.

Although the Japanese army was chasing very closely, but now that the Japanese army saw that there was no one on the road, they also guessed that they should have hid behind the stones on the roadside, and they also slowed down their pursuit.

Shang Zhen turned his body back again to look at the direction he was heading.

When they got here, the terrain had changed. The two sides of the road were no longer hard to climb rocks, but turned into gentle slopes. Just in front of them, the two sides of the road turned into large and small stones.

It's just that Shang Zhen is not a foresight, but he didn't know that thousands of soldiers of the 29th Army were already hiding behind the rocks on the hillsides on both sides.

When Shang Zhen turned his body from the right back to look at the lowest point, he saw thirty or forty Japanese soldiers chasing up.

"Fuck him!" Shang Zhen blurted out involuntarily, feeling that his breath had calmed down a bit.

"Okay!" Du Man agreed.

To be honest, Shang Zhen was also chased by the Japanese army, and he was too breathless in the pursuit, so he blurted out such a sentence.

Behind those thirty or forty Japanese soldiers, there were of course large Japanese troops. As they ran all the way, the large Japanese troops should have been thrown away by a certain distance.

It is not impossible for people like myself to fight a short and small ambush against these "tails" who are catching up.

"Check the gun ammo to see how many bullets are left, we really need to shoot.

After the fight, let's run to the stone formations in front, and let's do whatever we want for the rest! "Shang Zhen's words already had a broken tone.

He knew that he couldn't run like this anymore, and if he continued like this, people like himself would really be chased by the Japanese army and vomit blood!
(End of this chapter)

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