The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 220 Tragic Mother and Daughter, Tragic Soldier

Chapter 220 Tragic Mother and Daughter, Tragic Soldier ([-])

How long has this been going on?Shang Zhen still hasn't forgotten.

In the process of entering the pass this time, Shang Zhen and the others were in a small mountain village outside the pass. A man in the mountain village warned him and was killed by the Japanese army, and then left a mother and daughter in this world.

Since the house of that family was also burned, Shang Zhen asked Qiu Bo to take a few people to escort the mother and daughter into the customs to relatives' homes.

However, he never thought that the mother and daughter would appear here at this time.

Now that the people from the Northwest Army have got the mother and daughter out, what is going on?
How did people find the right mother and daughter, and what is the relationship between this unfortunate mother and daughter and the Northwest Army?
"Did you send these girls to this village?" Shang Zhen asked Qiu Bo beside him in a low voice.

But Qiu Bo replied in a low voice: "I think this village looks familiar!"

have to!Ganqing is really a village!
Shang Zhen frowned and didn't speak any more. After all, they were standing with hundreds of soldiers from the 29th Army, and one had to be careful when speaking in the ranks.

And at this time, an officer standing in front of the line had already spoken loudly: "Do you know why I brought this girl in front of us?"

Naturally, there is no need to answer this kind of question, it is a self-answering question.

Shang Zhen looked at the officer, he knew other people but not himself.

When he went to Du Man's place to fetch bullets earlier, this officer happened to be outside. Du Man secretly pointed out to him that this officer is a brigade commander of the 29th Army, and he seems to be over 40 years old.

And then the brigade commander shouted loudly: "Just last night, some of our people sneaked into this couple's house to harm their daughter!"

Even though there are soldiers with military discipline standing below, the words of the brigade commander still caused a commotion among hundreds of people.

On the occasion of the desperate battle with the Japanese army, such a thing would happen, who would dare to harm someone else's daughter at this time, it is really audacious!
"Who did this? Take the initiative to stand up for me, and I will give you a whole body, or let me find out, and I will kill you alive!" The brigade commander was obviously on the verge of rage.

The brigade commander's words made Shang Zhen and the others involuntarily start to exchange glances.

Only now did they know the reason why the mother and daughter appeared here.

Thinking about it now, this mother and daughter are really unfortunate!
First, the man was killed by the Japanese army, and then he arrived in the pass under the protection of Shang Zhen and the others, but he was harmed by the lecherous soldier again.

Of course Shang Zhen knew that the dozen or so people he was with would never do such a thing.

From a subjective point of view, there is no such person among them. From an objective point of view, they all slept in the same room last night, and there was no shortage of them.

Well, since the mother and daughter have found the 29th Army, there is no need to ask that it was done by the soldiers of the 29th Army stationed in this village.

At this time, the brigade commander's sharp gaze was scanning the soldiers below.

But this kind of thing is impossible to see with the eyes alone.

"Don't stand up, right?" The brigade commander snorted coldly and then turned to look at the very thin girl.

Shang Zhen and the others had already had contact with the mother and daughter, so they naturally knew about the mother and daughter.

The girl is sixteen this year, but due to poor family conditions, she is very thin and looks only fourteen or fifteen, and looks malnourished.

A girl like this can only arouse a man's desire to protect, who can lay hands on such a poor girl?Shang Zhen and the others were already angry.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. Didn't you say that you saw that person's face? My people are all here. You go up and identify them one by one. If you recognize him, I will make the decision for you!" The brigade commander turned his head. Said to the little girl.

Although the brigade commander had already lowered his tone and spoke as softly as possible, the so-called officer was not angry but arrogant. Just under his words, the girl began to tremble.

As a girl, when had she ever seen such a scene?Usually she would tremble when facing an ordinary soldier with a gun, not to mention he is facing hundreds of tiger and wolf troops now.

"It's okay, girl, raise your head up and admit it boldly! Our 29th Army never protects our weaknesses!" The brigade commander said again.

Seeing that the girl was about to faint, the brigade commander also understood that it was really unlikely to expect the girl to walk over to identify it by herself.

"Come and carry this girl over, be gentle and recognize them one by one!" The brigade commander could only order.

As the chief officer of the army, he has to deal with this kind of thing.

The 29th Army was originally a well-disciplined team. They were very poor. If the common people did not help them, how could they fight the Japanese army?No matter from which point of view, this matter is definitely not small!
The thin girl looked more and more pitiful when she was erected from the side by two soldiers. It felt like she was like a straw, and she needed to find a strong support.

For such a weak woman, what kind of person would have the heart to let go of that evil hand?
Two soldiers stepped forward, and each grabbed the girl's arms and moved forward.

At this moment, the girl could only look at the hundreds of officers and soldiers opposite her.

The guns in the hands of each soldier and the big knives stuck in their backs undoubtedly dazzled her, but at this moment, it was up to her to recognize them or not.

Following the pace of the two soldiers supporting him, the girl's eyes swept across the faces of each soldier one by one.

She didn't say anything, which undoubtedly means it's not.

But just after she passed through a few rows, she unexpectedly glanced back, and then her gaze stopped!

"Damn, what are we doing, we didn't do this!" This was Ma Erhuzi who was standing at the back and muttered in a low voice.

"Huh?" At the moment when the girl's eyes were fixed, everyone was looking at him!

The eyes of hundreds of people all turned around, so these people from the 29th Army saw the ten Northeast Army standing behind them!
"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!" At this time, Ma Erhuzi muttered again, ignorant of current affairs.

Ma Erhuzi's words made Old Mao Wang turn his head and give him a hard look.

Do you still not understand this matter?Are they going to point you out?They just recognized us people!

If we can all recognize others, can they not recognize us?We have known each other for a long time!

When you say that so frankly, it's as if we are really the bastards who did something bad!
At this time the brigade commander had already moved forward, and of course people thought that the soldier who violated military discipline was among the group of people the girl was looking at.

The brigade commander's face turned cold in an instant, but he was also wondering in his heart, he felt that Shang Zhen and the others were unfamiliar!
 Lao Zhe's novels are code words and not code words.It is said that codewords are not all online novels are codewords?It’s not a horse, because the novel written by Lao Zhe is not a short novel after all, and he doesn’t want to be similar to the previous novel, so naturally it takes a lot of thought.

  Even slower, please understand.If you think the writing is okay, if there is anything that needs to be improved, please comment.

  Five today!

(End of this chapter)

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