Chapter 303 General Shooting

"Did you see a high spot under that blockhouse?" Shang Zhen asked with a binoculars in hand.

The Paolouzi Shang Zhen mentioned refers to the enemy building on the Great Wall. With Shang Zhen's level of education, how could he know that it is called the enemy building?
Fortunately, everyone understood what he said, and the other people who "saw it" and put their rifles on their shoulders behind the rocky ridge responded.

"The right side of that high point, I mean the right side of our direction, there are two machine guns of the little devil, I say fight, let's fight together! Then it's up to Company Commander Yang and his own fate." Shang Zhen said .

"Okay!" Everyone replied again.

Shang Zhen and the others are still more than [-] meters away from the first building.

At this distance, if you don't use a telescope, it is difficult to see the Japanese army's head with the naked eye.

In the same way, I believe that the Japanese army on the mountain did not find them.

If Shang Zhen wanted Yang Chuanxi to withdraw, they had to destroy the Japanese machine guns.

The way Shang Zhen thought of was to let all of them point their rifles at the position of the Japanese machine gunner.

Now including Li Le and the others, there are a total of twenty or so of them.

Although Shang Zhen didn't understand the concept of general shooting, it didn't prevent him from thinking about it. Twenty or so people shot at the same place at the same time, and there would always be bullets hitting the Japanese machine gunner's head. Bar!
"When aiming, raise the muzzle of the gun a little bit, and you won't be able to hit a straight line!" At this time, Old Mao Wang, who had recovered his normal state, also spoke.

Old Mao Wang is a veteran, so of course he is well-informed.

Although he seldom hits such a long-distance target with his rifle, he doesn't know why, but he knows it.

The truth that Wang Laomao said is actually that the bullet also follows a parabolic trajectory after flying for a long distance.

"Is that a bit taller?" Hu Zhuzi asked.

He believed what Old Mao Wang said, but he really didn't understand how high the muzzle of the gun was!
"A strand of hair!" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

Originally, their general shooting was done blindly, as if I told you that if you are so high, your shot will definitely be right!

"Okay, I hope the bullet has eyes." Shang Zhen said, "Get ready—"

During Shang Zhen's "preparation", everyone stopped talking and began to focus on aiming.

"Fight!" Shang Zhen roared, and in Shang Zhen's roar, the gunshots of "crack" and "crack" rang out again, but more gunshots converged into one more The loud gunshot sounded like the bullet echoed in the valley!
And just after everyone fired the first shot, it was natural to pull the bolt to eject the shell casing, but it was fired again and fired the second shot!
"Da da da", the machine gun of the Japanese army on the opposite side finally rang out, but in the second gunshot that Shang Zhen and the others had become messy, the machine gun of the Japanese army went silent!
No one can figure out who hit the Japanese machine gunner, even the shooter himself doesn't know, it's too far away!
"Run back!" Shang Zhen shouted, "Everyone shouted while shooting!"

So in the next moment, Shang Zhen's shouts and gunshots were intertwined.

Now Shang Zhen and the others are in the southeast of the first building, Yang Chuanxi is in front of them on the right, and the place where the second division attacked the Japanese army is in front of their left.

Shang Zhen and the others were more than [-] meters away from Yang Chuanxi and the others, and more than [-] meters away from the Second Division's reserve position.

Because of this, Shang Zhen and the others could still hear Yang Chuanxi calling.

And what happened next was exactly as Shang Zhen had speculated, the cavalry who had been suppressed by the Japanese firepower in the depression all got up and ran back desperately!
"Don't stop, keep fighting! The little devil can't figure out where we are!" Old Mao Wang yelled and shot.

But only a few seconds later, a bullet from the Japanese army hit the stone where they were invisible and made a "dang" and "dang" sound. They were still discovered after all!
Shang Zhen had already put down the binoculars, he didn't even move the gun, and now he has a box cannon, which is useless at all under the current situation.

Shang Zhen could only hide beside the stone and watch Yang Chuanxilian's men run backwards.

It is impossible for Yang Chuanxi's men to run towards them. The place where they first attacked the first building was still [-] meters away from the depression, which is even closer. safe.

And this time Shang Zhen saw that after all, Yang Chuanxi's people were shot and fell down one after another.

However, if you fall, you will fall. Even if you don't die, who will go back to save it?
Seeing that another soldier was shot and fell down, Shang Zhen suddenly felt like crying, and he really wanted to shout, "This is not how wars are fought! Why don't you leave someone behind to cover up!"

But he couldn't shout out, he could only helplessly look at those majestic cavalry who used to ride on war horses with sabers and horse rifles, now they are running like routs with their big feet!

But at this time, it seemed that some of the cavalry knew what Shang Zhen was thinking. Shang Zhen suddenly saw that a soldier who had fallen to the ground suddenly got up, but he turned around and pointed his rifle at the back!

oops!This man is bloody, a hero, and a good soldier!
Shang Zhen saw that the soldier had pointed his gun at the first building.

Although the gunshots were noisy, Shang Zhen was sure that the soldier must have fired at the Japanese army, because he was pulling the bolt again.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen saw that soldier fell down, he was shot again, and he never got up again!

In the midst of a rout, there are still brave counterattackers after all, adding a little color to this battle of saving lives.

The price of bravery is the loss of life. Isn't it these brave men who can prevent those stupid little Japan from acting recklessly on this land?

Today is undoubtedly an extremely bad day for Shang Zhen. He watched the people of the second division fall down one by one. He thought their death was undeserved, but now he feels Confused.

Forgive Shang Zhen, he is not that educated person after all, he can't express his inner thoughts with his poor language!
"Okay, stop shooting and hide!" At this moment, Li Le's shout reminded Shang Zhen who was wandering in his mind.

Yang Chuanxilian finally escaped back, and at the distance of more than a hundred meters, he dropped more than ten corpses of his companions.

"Third talent, hold on, you'll be fine!" At this moment, Shang Zhen heard the trembling voice again.

He followed the sound, and just a few meters away from him, a soldier was leaning on a big rock, and a companion was comforting him.

The chest of the soldier leaning on the stone was already covered with blood, and blood was spitting out of his panting mouth.

Shang Zhen didn't know these two soldiers, but there was no doubt that they were brought by Li Le, and there were also casualties on their side.

(End of this chapter)

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