The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 307 The Choice of Sitting on the Fence

Chapter 307 The Choice of Sitting on the Fence

The gunshots behind were getting denser, and even Shang Zhen and the others could hear the sound of continuous machine gun fire.

Yang Chuanxi and the others didn't even have machine guns at all, so who are those gunshots that hit like rain hitting plantains?

But Shang Zhen was still standing there, this time he didn't blink around, and he didn't look at other people's faces, he just looked at the ground.

But what is there on the ground, although the ice and snow have melted now, there is not even a small ant on it!

Everyone was waiting for Shang Zhen to make up his mind, but Shang Zhen just stared blankly at the ground. Are you in a hurry?

"The former is afraid of wolves and the latter is afraid of tigers. Why the hell are you fighting the Japanese devils?" Finally someone spoke, and that person was Hu Zhuzi.

Hu Zhuzi was in a hurry.

In Hu Zhuzi's thinking, it's either forward or backward, so what's the use of staying here?
After hearing Hu Zhuzi's words, Shang Zhen suddenly raised his head and pointed: "Go there!"

After speaking, he ignored the others and ran to the place he pointed.

What's there, it's seventy or eighty meters away from the mountain behind it, and it's just a mountain there.

If there is any difference between that mountain and the mountain where Yang Chuanxi and the others are, it is only shorter and there are more stones on the mountain, that's all.

"If you don't say it, it's over, it's too hard!" Hu Zhuzi said and ran after Shang Zhen with a gun.

As soon as the two of them moved, everyone naturally started to run, including Li Le and the others.

No one knew what Shang Zhen was thinking when faced with a decision.

Maybe they didn't care what Shang Zhen was thinking, just like Hu Zhuzi.

Either charge forward and serve the country together, or retreat together and become deserters together!

It's that simple in Hu Zhuzi's world, so at least in the eyes of others, Hu Zhuzi is a person with different happiness and troubles. His biggest trouble is not life and death, but not enough to eat!
As for other people like Wang Laomao and the others, they didn't have any opinions on Shang Zhen's choice. They were neither tigers nor stupid, but they were equally entangled in what to do. They understood Shang Zhen.

They understand that if they let themselves make this decision, they cannot make it.

On the other hand, Li Le, who followed Shang Zhen and the others, thought that Shang Zhen's choice was a slippery choice of riding a fence.

Anyway, there are less than [-] of them together now. They don't need to fight the Japanese attack like Yang Chuanxi and the others. They can hide aside and "beat the side drums".

The Japanese army rushed up, and they could shoot a few shots at the Japanese army from a distance. At that time, if Yang Chuanxi was not completely killed, it would be almost the same.

A hundred or so people were killed in the front, and there were only twenty or so people who fled for their lives. They all swore to live and die with the position, but that was just to say, even if the higher-ups knew about it, how could they be harsh on them?
This boy Shang Zhen, you see, he usually doesn't talk much, but his brain is a little too easy, can I recommend someone like Shang Zhen to be an official?
Li Le hesitated again.

Soldiers all use guns, but soldiers are also guns, and the guns of the soldiers must be fired wherever the commander points out. People like Shang Zhen who refuse to be used by the commander as guns are not liked by the commander. !
But it's useless to say anything now, let's deal with the situation in front of us first.

Shang Zhen and the others ran towards the hill, but at this moment they heard the dull sound of hooves behind them.

When they turned their heads, they saw that the herd of horses that had stopped at the foot of the mountain had started to move, but they were running towards them.

Since Yang Chuanxi chose to use cavalry and infantry, it seemed that he was vowing to live and die with the position, and the horses they put down the mountain would be useless.

No matter how terribly Yang Chuanxi and the others fought, he would never leave the more than one hundred war horses to the Japanese and puppet troops, so he naturally sent someone to drive the horses back.

Thinking of Yang Chuanxi's decisive decision, Shang Zhen and most of them felt a fever on their faces.

But the feeling of fever on his face was only for a moment, "Run!" Old Mao Wang shouted.

Just because the horse herd had already started to run at this time, and the momentum of hundreds of war horses running was absolutely astonishing, and obviously there were not many cavalry driving the horses behind, so the horse herd came running towards them!
Countless gigantic horseshoes dug up the ground into dust, and with that momentum, do you think Shang Zhen, who is not far in front of the horses, would be afraid of them?
Run quickly, if they run slowly, they don't even need the Japanese and puppet troops to fight, I'm afraid they will be trampled like mud by their own horses!
Shang Zhen and the others no longer turned their heads and ran desperately towards the hill, but when their last Li Le ran up the hill, the group of war horses ran rumbling past them.

If it had been slower, Li Le would have been hit by that horse!
"They're all crazy!" Li Le scolded angrily.

Naturally, he scolded the soldiers driving the horses, and when the group of horses ran past, the soldiers driving the horses behind also rushed over on their own horses.

Some soldiers glanced indifferently at Shang Zhen who was standing a little above the foot of the mountain, their eyes were full of disdain.

At this moment, Li Le, who had just finished scolding someone, felt feverish again on his face.

The soldiers driving the horses clearly drove the horses up from behind them on purpose!

Why do people drive the horses behind the group of them?
People look down on them!Their cavalry company had already caught fire with the Japanese and puppet troops in front, but they had less than [-] people but they were deserters!

"What are you looking at? Go up the mountain!" Shang Zhen shouted.

Shang Zhen's shout seemed to have exhausted all his strength. Obviously, as the master of these deserters, he must feel uncomfortable!
The gunshots became more intense, and when Shang Zhen and the others had just laid down behind the ridgeline of the hill, the puppet army's machine guns could no longer be heard that day!
"Isn't this some bullshit?" Old Mao Wang began to curse again.

It's impossible for him not to scold, there are thousands of puppet troops on the opposite side, not to mention that Yang Chuanxi's cavalry company doesn't have machine guns, so what if they have machine guns?In terms of firepower, I'm afraid Yang Chuanxi's horse rifles are not as many as the machine guns of the Japanese puppet army!

And Shang Zhen lay there looking at the front, biting his lip and not making a sound, what could he think, what could he do?In the face of the enemy's torrent, if one's own side can't build a strong enough dam, a small ridge will be washed away by the enemy's torrent in an instant!
"Look, little devil, no, the traitors of Gou Ri are starting to make a detour!" At this moment, the little dustpan shouted.

Yes, the puppet army began to turn around, Shang Zhen and the others also saw it.

The hill where Shang Zhen and the others are now is not directly behind Yang Chuanxi and the others. They can see puppet troops appearing from their side and front, and they have already circled towards them.

At this time, the situation is really mixed!
Hi, the enemy's detour at least proves that Yang Chuanxi and the others are still resisting.

Worry, what should they do, that puppet army came to their hill!
Shang Zhen is faced with a choice again, to fight or not to fight?
(End of this chapter)

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