The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 312 Bound to the battlefield.

Chapter 312 Bound to the battlefield.

"Brigadier, let's retreat! We can't fight this position!" An officer of the cavalry brigade behind the ridge advised his brigade commander.

The brigade commander shook his head, and said after a while: "Hold on a little longer."

"Can we still count on the New Seventh Brigade?" the officer said again.

"I didn't count on the New Seventh Brigade either. I have to wait for Jiao Ying's battalion to attack." The commander of the cavalry brigade seemed a little helpless.

His cavalry came and went like the wind. They were originally engaged in guerrilla warfare, but now the higher-ups asked them to "tie up" their horses' legs. This battle was really difficult!

Let the cavalry abandon their horses and switch to positional warfare. Isn't this the same as binding the legs of the horses?

They are all stupid commands!The cavalry brigade commander sighed silently.

Abandoning strengths and taking weaknesses to fight against the Japanese and puppet troops in this position, there is not even a fortification, and he is unwilling to fight such a battle as the brigade commander of the cavalry brigade.

But he had to fight again.

He wouldn't talk about someone who was fighting off his cavalry in the position.

But it has to last for a while, so that not only the faces of their cavalry brigade will look better, but the faces of the entire Northeast Army will also look better.

"Jiao Ying's battalion should have reached the impact position, right? This is too slow." The officer muttered again, and then pointed the telescope to the southeast under the cover of the rocks.

Jiao Yingying was the same battalion where Yang Lianxi, who was killed earlier, was in.

There were three companies in one battalion, and one of the three companies died. Originally, the commander of the cavalry brigade asked the battalion to gather the horses behind.

But just over [-] minutes ago, a soldier came to report that Jiao Ying led his battalion to the southeast of the battlefield, and they wanted to attack the Japanese and puppet troops in the front from the flank.

As far as Jiao Ying's behavior is no longer disobedience to military orders, it is acting without military orders at all!

But the incident had already happened, the brigade commander thought, it would be good to make an impact like this, and the casualties would definitely not be small if they are fighting like they are now.

At least according to what the reporter said, and what Jiao Ying said, charging from the side can give full play to the advantages of cavalry.

And the brigade commander had already thought about it, as soon as Jiao Ying's battalion finished its attack, he would immediately retreat with his own cavalry brigade.

A cavalry brigade, a cavalry brigade, is naturally called a cavalry brigade only if there are horses.

As the leader of the brigade, he was always worried about the loss of horses, but this time, the cavalry brigade changed to positional warfare, and there were a lot of horses left. Instead, his own cavalry who could fight on horseback suffered a lot of casualties. What the hell are they called!

The brigade commander sighed here, but where did the Jiao Yingying he was talking about go?

"Everything is lined up, and no one should show up.

If anyone is exposed, then I don't need to kill you, just strap on a grenade and rush directly to the pile of devils to commit suicide and serve the country! "Just behind a mountain, the battalion commander from Shandong with a loud voice yelled again.

And he is Jiao Ying, the battalion commander Shang Zhen found.

Originally, according to Shang Zhen's original idea, they were already in place, and they could charge the Japanese and puppet troops on the flanks.

But when more than half of their cavalry battalion hid behind a mountain on the flank, Jiao Ying was surprised to find that there was a forest in front of them, and with the cover of the forest, they could go back to the back of the current hill .

And this hill is less than [-] meters away from the battlefield where the enemy and the enemy are fighting endlessly!

Although the hill is not high, it is narrow and long, and it should be able to block the enemy's sight.

However, there is a section of [-] meters where there is no forest, but it is easy to be discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops.

In order to ensure the suddenness and quickness of the charge, Jiao Ying made everyone dismount, but led the horse through the gap in the forest.

And they are slow here.

"Boy, you don't ride a horse very well! Hey, what are you doing?" Jiao Ying said to Shang Zhen while watching the soldiers behind him leading the horse around.

As a cavalryman, Jiao Ying certainly has reason to say that Shang Zhen's riding skills are not good.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Don't think that it took more than ten minutes for Jiao Ying to lead the people around, but he knew when he saw Shang Zhen's riding condition, Shang Zhen's riding skills were not so-so, they could only be called too so-so!
From his point of view, Shang Zhen's level of horse riding was just enough to ensure that he would not fall off the running horse.

He doubted it, no, he didn't have to doubt it, when the cavalry began to charge the Japanese puppet army, if Shang Zhen dared to shoot at the enemy with the flower mechanism in both hands instead of holding the rein, he would definitely fall off the horse !
Originally, he still admired Shang Zhen's courage to take the initiative to fight, but this time the horse "slipped" down, but he had a new comment on Shang Zhen-brave is commendable, but his ability is not good!

But now, he was surprised to find that Shang Zhen was already sitting on the horse, and the boy who came with Shang Zhen was fastening Shang Zhen to the horse with leggings!

What system?That is to tie Shang Zhen's two legs and waist together with the straps on the horse's body with leggings!
"If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. If you want to die, who can do it?" At this time, the person who was tying Shang Zhen's rope couldn't help muttering, of course he was Li Le.

Li Le couldn't bear the excitement of Old Mao Wang, so he naturally followed, although he regretted it immediately when he said "I'll go too".

But what you say is like splashed water, just like that little girl married and became a little daughter-in-law. If you want to return to the original state, it is impossible!

At this time, Shang Zhen who was honestly asking Li Le to tie the "rope" took a shy look at Jiao Ying and smiled embarrassedly.

"You think of yourself as a death squad!" Jiao Ying sighed, but then she said in a higher voice, "Okay! Boy, it's good enough, as long as I don't die this time, I will remember you!"

Shang Zhen remained silent, holding the flower mechanism in his hand.

How could Shang Zhen not know the risk of doing this, but he has no other way!

When he was making a detour earlier, he rode a horse and followed Jiao Ying and other cavalrymen, only then did he realize that when the horse ran fast, his own riding skills were really far from enough!
He could also understand that when his hand left the rein, he would definitely fall off the horse!
That's rushing into the enemy group, even if you fall off the horse and don't get thrown badly, it's impossible to live.

So it is absolutely not allowed to fall off the horseback, so what should I do?That, of course, is tying yourself to the horse.

Although the horse was shot and fell down, there was no hope of him surviving.

But the balance of the two, he still thinks that if he is not tied, the possibility of falling off the horse is greater than the possibility of the horse being shot!
It can be seen that compared with the cavalry, his riding skills are not generally bad!
So what other choice does he have?
"Okay, everyone get on their horses, those who use tricks to throw grenades are in front, and prepare to charge!" Jiao Ying shouted loudly when he saw the last cavalry finally approaching.

He no longer has the mind to deal with Shang Zhen.

But right now on the battlefield ahead, the face of the cavalry brigade commander had darkened, and he was already planning to retreat.

The Japanese puppet army's offensive was too fierce, the puppet army was in the front, and the Japanese army was behind. There were already hundreds of puppet troops lying at the foot of the hillside, but under the supervision of the Japanese army, the puppet army was also rushing up desperately.

But in the same way, if the Japanese and puppet troops suffered more casualties, the casualties of his brigades would be more, or even more.

His brigade really can't stand it!
(End of this chapter)

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