The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 424 Hou Kanshan's Invention

Chapter 424 Hou Kanshan's Invention
The sky was already slightly bright, and there was another green smoke curling up in Liujianao.

If they didn't know that this place was ransacked by Japanese devils yesterday, if it wasn't for the sound of gunfire in the middle of the night yesterday, then outsiders would still think that everything here is the same as before, and the green smoke is still the smoke from the villagers' cooking in the morning!

But following the smoke, you can see that things are neither people nor things. Originally, the Japanese army burned a few houses first, and a few more houses were burned down in the middle of the night yesterday, but the other houses were far away. It was a little closer, and then there was a gust of wind, so the village was set on fire!
There are dilapidated walls and burned houses everywhere, but how can such a "scenery" correspond to a "scenery" without people?
Yes, there are many people, but they are all dead!

Chinese, male, female, old, young, Japanese, Japanese soldiers of the same color.

Are there really no living people?the answer is negative.

At this time, the sound of Xi Suo sounded, and a Japanese soldier who was lying on the ground raised his head from the ground.

Although his face had a smoky look, his eyes vigilantly scanned the newly lit village.

He was holding a big [-] cap in his hand, but he didn't pick up the gun hastily.

Just because he hasn't figured out whether there are those damn Chinese people in this village.

He was shot in the right leg.

Although he also bandaged himself in the dark night, his companions who were still full of arms and legs were really frightened by the Chinese army who hadn't seen their faces so far. It was time to retreat in the dark, and they didn't care about the remaining wounded.

The wounded, oh yes, the Japanese soldier remembered.

He was shot when he rushed out of the house last night.

Now thinking about the submachine guns of the Chinese army, they are really terrifying. In the night, countless bullets flew towards him along the red line, and all his comrades in front of him and behind him were shot and fell down.

At that time, he also felt as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer on his leg, and then fell down uncontrollably.

The difference between him and his companions is that fortunately he is still alive, while some of his companions died directly, and some died after struggling and screaming.

The sound of Xi Suo sounded again, and the wounded Japanese soldier, who had already fallen into memory, suddenly woke up. Now it was not time to recall, he reached out and picked up the rifle, and skillfully pulled the bolt to point at the place where the sound came from. go.

And a moment later, it turned out that a hen appeared in his vision.

What does it matter if the world becomes a killing field?

I don't know which chicken this is after the robbery, but it has started its life of digging in the soil for the rest of its life.

The Japanese soldier held back his hunger and put down his rifle.

Now he can't make any noise, he is still alive, he needs to find other companions who are still alive and find a way to return to his army.

Oh, by the way, what did I think of just now, the wounded, to the wounded.

The Japanese soldier got up from the ground, he used the rifle in his hand as a crutch and walked towards a house.

He remembered that those wounded were all there yesterday.

He was lucky, among those wounded there were seriously wounded but also lightly wounded, maybe they could survive last night's battle.

It was just that he was disappointed when he walked around a few houses that were already on fire. The big house where other wounded people lived had also collapsed, and at the same time he smelled a strong smell of barbecue!
He saw several corpses in front of the house, all of which belonged to his companions.

No need to ask, it was my injured companions who tried to rush out last night, but they were beaten to death under the light of the fire.

He limped forward, peering into the house from the doorway that had disappeared into a heap of ashes.

His original luck disappeared.

He saw the burned-out house shelves that were still emitting green smoke, but he also saw many piled up corpses that had been burned to death.

Although he was sure that those corpses belonged to his companions, the corpses of those companions who were short and short like him looked like sparrows that had been roasted by fire, and they could no longer see yellow and white. Everyone's skin is black and even shiny.

They are all dead.

The wounded Japanese soldier stared at the corpses for a while, then finally turned and left.

He heard that there was no sound in the village, and after thinking about it, he finally called out "***".

He called it in Japanese, is there anyone else?

He didn't yell loudly at first, but seeing that there was no answer, he finally yelled loudly.

No one responded to him, and when he was getting more and more disappointed, there was a sudden answer.

Um?It was Japanese.

The Japanese soldier suddenly became excited. He was a wounded man, so it is very important to hold a group to keep warm!
He responded loudly, leaning on the rifle and running towards where the sound came from.

It's just that he ran a little anxiously, and his legs and feet were not smooth, so he tripped over a corpse and fell down.

And when he got up to look, he found that the body that tripped him was a naked woman, but after last night's tossing, no woman, no matter how fair she was, was no longer alluring to him, let alone this woman had been tossed so hard It's clear, and it's still a dead body.

The wounded Japanese soldier didn't care about the female corpse anymore, he jumped over the corpse with one leg while leaning on a "crutch".

However, he didn't know that most of the reasons why their Japanese army suffered heavy losses last night were all thanks to this dead young woman!
A total of five remaining Japanese soldiers finally got together.

Although they were all injured, none of them were fatal. Although their legs and feet were not flexible, they did not lose their ability to move.

However, when the five Japanese soldiers were discussing, they heard the sound of Xi Suo again. They raised their guns and followed the sound. At this time, they saw a companion wearing the same clothes as them crawling from behind a room. come out.

It's just that the soldier only crawled out half of his body, looked up at them, and then fell down.

The five Japanese soldiers were shocked when they saw this companion.

Just because in their opinion, their companion was seriously injured.

It's okay to have blood on his face, but his lips are turned up. How many injuries did he suffer in the battle last night, and why was he disfigured?

"***" A Japanese soldier greeted him, no matter what, he was his companion, and they couldn't just ignore death, no.

It's just that when they all supported each other to stand up, they saw that the companion who was lying on the ground suddenly moved.

What's so strange about the companion not moving?

But the problem is that the companion's movements are extraordinarily agile, so how can it look like he is seriously injured?

Then these Japanese soldiers saw that the opponent raised a black object and threw it at them. It was a grenade with white smoke!
Can these Japanese soldiers escape?
They were all wounded, although some of them were only injured on their arms or upper body and their legs were able to jump freely, but after the grenade exploded, the Japanese soldier who had dodged to the back of the thatched cottage to avoid shrapnel The soldier appeared again, and this time he held a box cannon in his hand.

"Crack", "crack" and "crack" gunshots sounded, that's called refilling the gun!
"My trick is not bad, it saves me a lot of worry!" At this time the Japanese soldier said, but it was Hou Kanshan!

A few soldiers followed behind, but Shang Zhen and the others were not here.

(End of this chapter)

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