The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 503 Shang Zhen's Rebuttal

Chapter 503 Shang Zhen's Rebuttal

"Are all of us here?" Shang Zhen asked Wang Laomao when a gleam of light appeared in the eastern sky.

"All of us are here, not one is missing." Old Mao Wang replied in a low voice.

Then Shang Zhen stopped talking, and Wang Laomao did the same.

It's gratifying that they don't lack any of them at the moment, but they just feel fortunate that they don't have a trace of joy in their hearts.

It was only because there were still sporadic gunshots and explosions in Songjiang County, which was left behind by them.

Shang Zhen guessed that there was another fight between the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who had no time to retreat, and the Japanese army commander Wu Keyong had already withdrawn from Songjiang County with a large force.

It's just that at this time, it is impossible for them to go back for the few soldiers who were separated from the army.

Because, their so-called large army now only has more than [-] people left!

Yes, there are more than [-] people. Before dark, they still have more than [-] people, but in the night battle of the Japanese army, a large part of them were killed.

And to put it a little bigger, that is, the Sixty-seventh Army of the Northeast Army has a team of [-] people, and now there are only more than [-] people left!
More than [-] officers and soldiers of the [-]th Army threw their bodies on the Songhu battlefield, and this did not include other Northeast Army members.

When people of later generations mention the battle of life, they often regard the defense of the Sixing Warehouse as the final battle on the Songhu battlefield.

But in fact, the defense of the Sixing Warehouse took place between October 10th and November 26st.

However, the Songjiang blocking battle carried out by Wu Ke's Sixty-seventh Army was carried out from November 11th to November 6th.

In these two battles, the Songjiang garrison was the same as the Sixing Lone Army in terms of their will to kill the enemy, but the situation of the Sixty-seventh Army was very different from that of the Xie Jinyuan Regiment who fought against the Sixing Warehouse!
The four elements are alone in a four-story reinforced concrete building, with solid barricades outside, electricity, running water and gas inside, and daily life is carefree.

However, the Japanese army did not dare to use aircraft and artillery because they were concerned about the neighboring buildings of the British and other buildings next to the Sixing Warehouse.

There are several months of food reserves and a large amount of comfort goods in the Sixing Warehouse, sufficient guns and ammunition, outside the support of public opinion in the society, public condolences, and letters from superiors to encourage and support, and as we all know, there is even a female Students sent flags to the Four Lines Warriors!
Check the newspapers of the year, some well-known newspapers in the country, such as "Ta Kung Pao" and "Shen Bao", there are a lot of news about the heroes of the Sixing Warehouse.

But what is the situation of the Sixty-seventh Army?A large force of more than [-] people rushed here by train, with insufficient ammunition and supplies, but they were tough.

There were no ready-made fortifications, no preparations, no support from material and public opinion, and then they went to war directly with the Japanese army!

What they faced was the elite of two permanent Japanese divisions and a reinforced brigade.

And what the 6th Division of the Japanese Army did in the subsequent war, all Chinese should not forget, just because the commander of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army is called Hisao Tani.

At the cost of almost annihilating the entire army, the Sixty-seventh Army held on for three days and three nights and completed the blocking task.

is this easy?It's really not easy!
Not long after, in the Taihu blockade battle of Huangmei Guangji, the three armies of a certain department were directly defeated by the 6th Division of the Japanese Army and the Taiwan Potian Detachment.

As for the Wuhan battle that took place later, the defense of the seven armies, including the Central Army and other troops, was actually penetrated by a division of the 6th Division of the Japanese Army.

There was even a situation in a certain army where the division commander ran away, and the regimental commander was eventually shot because of his escape!
Of course, that's all in the future.

And now, just as the darkness of dawn has just passed away, more than sixty-seven or four hundred remnants of the defeated army are marching towards Jinshan.

China is so big, you can see that it is not easy to resist the Japanese army in blood, but it is really easy to retreat or escape.

Under Wu Keyong's command, the troops attacked from the north gate, then turned right and headed southeast, where there was a road from Songhu to the south.

When they broke through, it was still dark, and the Japanese army couldn't figure out the direction of their real breakout, but there was no tragic battle.

It's just that although this remnant army successfully broke through, everyone's heart is not happy.

When they came, the team was huge, with flags flying like a long dragon. They were all energetic and dedicated men from the Northeast, but now the team of more than [-] people looked more like a guerrilla team.

No one knew what Army Commander Wu Keyong was thinking, but most people still felt tired and lost.

During the silent march, the sky gradually brightened, and after they marched for a while, they felt even more disappointed, because they saw troops on the road that could not be seen at a glance.

If it is said that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, our team is strong, and anyone who sees it will be refreshed, but what they see now is a retreating soldier, or to be precise, a rout. The rout of soldiers with their heads all the way to the sky.

As I said earlier, a mechanized division with troop transport tools like cars and motorcycles can't finish a day and a night.

So, even if the hundreds of thousands of troops on the Songhu battlefield want to retreat cleanly after the 67th Army stopped in Songjiang for three days, how can it be so easy?
Fate seemed to have played a huge joke with the Sixty-seventh Army. In order to protect the defeated army behind them, they paid the price of almost annihilating the entire army, but in the end they also joined the defeated army.

At this time, among Shang Zhen and his group, someone felt this kind of sadness, and that person was Chu Tian.

"History has played us a huge joke." After all, he is a scholar, and Chu Tian is different from others when he speaks.

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others followed Wu Keyong and hadn't walked into the endless rout on the road, so others could hear Chu Tian's words clearly, even though his voice was not loud.

It's just that Shang Zhen and the others are used to Chutian's emotion, so no one answered.

"We fought desperately to stop the Japanese army to protect the rout on this road, but now we join the rout again, what a great irony!" Chu Tian continued.

Chu Tian was really right this time.

Isn't it ironic that the protector provides protection for the protected, and finally the protector joins the ranks of the protected?

Chu Tian thought he was telling the truth, but he ignored one point, or he didn't understand it at all. Telling the truth always makes people feel heartbroken.

At this time, when he said such a sentence in the ranks of the Sixty-seventh Army, it was already equivalent to adding salt to the wound.

It would be fine if he was a high-ranking officer, it could be understood as self-deprecating, but he was just an ordinary soldier.

Well, his kind of behavior is called literati temperament if it sounds good, but it is a nerd if it is not good.

So as soon as Chu Tian said these words, all the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Army looked at him. These words really planted a thorn in everyone's hearts.

"You're bluffing for nothing! You know nothing!" Old Mao Wang said hastily when he saw the situation was not good.

To say that Wang Laomao's words are very rough, but Wang Laomao has enough emotional intelligence. He definitely said this for Chutian's good, but Chutian's literary temperament has improved and he doesn't appreciate it.

"Am I wrong?" Chu Tian asked back.

But this time, without waiting for Wang Laomao to say more, Shang Zhen directly refuted it: "Of course what you said is wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Chu Tian asked.

"What reason do you have to say that he is a defeated soldier?
Yes, our [-]th Army suffered heavy casualties.

We became routs because we really fought the Japanese devils, but how do you know that those people who became routs did not really fight the Japanese devils? "Shang Zhen said loudly.

Shang Zhen was also in a hurry, he didn't expect Chu Tian to say such a heart-pounding truth.

Actually, from Chutian's point of view, there was nothing wrong with what he said, but Shang Zhen refuted Chutian from another angle.

Chutian slammed his mouth shut.

Not only because what Shang Zhen said was reasonable, but also because Chu Tian could hear the severity in Shang Zhen's tone, Shang Zhen had never talked to him like this.

Under Shang Zhen's reasonable reprimand or persuading Chu Tian, ​​the other officers and soldiers all looked at Shang Zhen.

Of course they knew that Shang Zhen was the leader of this group of soldiers, so their attention was successfully diverted by Shang Zhen.

So in the silence, they walked towards the noisy road, and finally merged into the torrent of the rout.

 One chapter will be updated tonight and will be added tomorrow.After all, there is a time conflict between working part-time and writing novels.

(End of this chapter)

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