The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 524 The hero who saved the beauty is a bit old

Chapter 524 The hero who saved the beauty is a bit old

Another grenade exploded on the street of the village one after another, but how wide can a street of a village be?The debris flying everywhere is undoubtedly the nightmare of this group of Japanese soldiers.

Soon after the explosion stopped, even the wails of the Japanese soldiers disappeared on the street.

All the Japanese soldiers were either killed or went into hiding uninjured.

And at this time, a person crawled out again at the entrance of an alley, of course it was Shang Zhen.

The little devil's grenade is really a great weapon for night battles, Shang Zhen sighed in his heart, but he was still groping in the dark.

The explosion just now was produced by the battle. He touched the Japanese soldiers who were killed by himself, and installed several grenades before running back to attack the Japanese soldiers again.

At this time, Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese soldiers here were seriously injured even if they were not killed, and he wanted to change the target of attack.

The sound of grenade explosions and gunshots on the right front continued intermittently. Hearing that the gunshots belonged to the Japanese Army's [-]-type rifle, Shang Zhen guessed that Qian Chuan'er and the small dustpan must be there.

But he didn't intend to go there.

This kind of night battle Japanese army didn't fire flares, so it's better not to get close to them. It's fine if they fight the devils bravely, but if they are accidentally injured by their own people.Then there is really no place to appeal for grievances, and it is estimated that the legendary Lord Yama will not care about this matter!
Shang Zhen also noticed that the explosions in the direction of the ancestral hall behind him did not stop.

It seems that the Japanese army was divided into several groups and sneaked into the village. In this case, Shang Zhen would not look for appetizers and small dustpans, and naturally he would not return to the ancestral hall.

So his choice was to go outside the village to have a look. She didn't believe it. The Japanese army broke into the village in several groups, so there would be no Japanese army outside the village?

If it was just a small group of Japanese troops, Shang Zhen didn't mind giving them another grenade while it was dark, but if it was a large group of Japanese troops, then he ran back to the village and told everyone to hurry up!
As for Shang Zhen's choice, it can't be blamed that he doesn't have the consciousness of a commander. It's really this kind of chaotic battle in the dark, that's the way of fighting!

But in fact, that was exactly the case. At this time, there was already a mess in the ancestral hall.

When the Japanese grenades woke up on the roof, it would be strange if the people in the house didn't panic!

Fortunately, Old Mao Wang, who woke up in time, shouted at that time to let everyone rush out regardless of the windows or doors.

Encountering an enemy attack in the dark night, everyone will inevitably panic, but the most important thing Wang Laomao thinks of is, aren't they blocked by Japanese devils?
Don't let the little devils stuff grenades into the house, then they will suffer heavy casualties!

So in the flustered situation at that time, he still didn't forget to shout and threw two grenades into the yard.

In fact, those soldiers really did that. They threw the grenade grenade out of the window or door, and everyone rushed out after the explosion.

But now, Old Mao Wang felt that he should be the only one left in the room, so he also stood up.Ready to jump out of the window.

But at this moment, Old Mao Wang suddenly heard a weak voice shouting from inside the ancestral hall: "Help, I'm hurt!"

Um?Old Mao Wang couldn't ignore the voice calling for help, so he groped for the place where the voice came from, and only then did he realize that it was a female voice who shouted "Help".

There are about [-] people left in Wang Laomao, Shangzhen's group, and seven rout soldiers were rescued, and the only woman here is that female salt policeman named Ju Hongxia.

"Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else?" Ju Hongxia was calling in a low voice, not to mention how she was in the dark, just hearing that voice made her tremble a little!
A woman is a woman, but by this time Old Mao Wang had already forgotten, and before going to bed, Ju Hongxia said that she was a coward.

It is said that people in the Northeast have a rough personality, but there are not many people who beat women. As far as later generations are concerned, there are a large number of men who are afraid of their wives.

And this involves another character of Northeast men, who are old-fashioned and warm-hearted, and like to help the weak.

If the injured person was a male soldier, Old Mao Wang would also go to rescue him, but he would definitely keep his mouth shut, but if he met a woman like Ju Hongxia, then forget it.

What's more, just before going to bed, Old Mao Wang also thought, what is the difference between me and a woman, and I still call her an old lady.

To be honest, Wang Laomao didn't know if this Ju Hongxia was an old lady.

In the titles of Northeast people, old ladies refer to older middle-aged women, but Ju Hongxia is only twenty-three or twenty-four years old, so she naturally looks young.

But young is young, and it is unbelievable that women in their twenties and fourteens say that there is no man, old hat!

Old Mao Wang fumbled forward and finally asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm here." Ju Hongxia replied, and it turned out that the two of them were about to collide.

And in the darkness, Ju Hongxia didn't realize that it was Old Mao Wang.

Wang Laomao stretched out his hand to reach the person, not to mention, he just happened to touch Ju Hongxia's hand as soon as he stretched out his hand, Wang Laomao subconsciously grabbed that hand and pushed it upwards.

Although she couldn't see clearly in the dark, Ju Hongxia really stood up with the strength of Wang Laomao's hand, but she didn't stand firmly when she stood up, and her left hand subconsciously went to support something as a support.

As for Ju Hongxia's movement, there was a clattering sound from her left side, and then a wooden sign fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

You must know that this is a shrine.

What is the ancestral hall? That is the place where the memorial tablets of the ancestors are enshrined. Xu Hongxia didn't know at this moment, but she pulled the memorial tablets of several ancestors in this village to the ground!

At this time, Wang Laomao didn't know how Ju Hongxia was hurt. He heard the "crash" sound, and felt Ju Hongxia's body fall to the ground.

He could only instinctively pull his right hand, and hugged his left hand up. After all, he hugged Ju Hongxia when he fell to the ground!

"Where did you hurt?" Old Mao Wang asked.

"The back of my head hurts badly!" Ju Hongxia replied.

At this time, Old Mao Wang didn't have time to think about it, so he could only say: "I'll take you out!"

Tell patients that you can't avoid diseases and avoid medical treatment.

That is to say a patient.When you are sick, you have to see a doctor. Regardless of your privacy, the doctor should see it.

This is just like what later generations said, many excellent obstetricians and gynecologists are men.

On the battlefield, the enemy's bullets and bombs don't recognize you as a man or a woman. Female nurses don't care because a man hurts your private parts, or a man tells you whether men and women can't get along with each other in order to save a woman. That's too hypocritical!

Wang Laomao ran out with Ju Hongxia on his back.

But as soon as he got out of the ancestral hall, Old Mao Wang heard a "hiss" in the air.

Old Mao Wang is a veteran.

He is a veteran, of course he knows what that "hiss" means. It is the sound produced in the air when the grenades or mortar shells fired by the Japanese grenade launcher fly over.

Wang Laomao instinctively lay down on the ground, and Ju Hongxia was held up by him, so when he lay down like this, Ju Hongxia naturally let out an "oops" and was dragged down by him.

To say that Wang Laomao, a veteran, reacted really fast.

It's just that he didn't forget to stretch his arms and straighten his head when he got down on the ground, so he directly protected Ju Hongxia under his body.

At this time, there was a "boom" just behind Wang Laomao and the others, and the grenade from the Japanese army exploded right on the roof of the ancestral hall!

Heroes saving the beauty are naturally the highlight moments of heroes, but they also have to pay a price.

As soon as Wang Laomao pressed Ju Hongxia under him, he felt a blow to the back of his head.

Although the blow was not heavy, it made him groan, and Ju Hongxia, who was under his protection at this time, also felt that something was wrong and asked, "Are you swollen?"

After experiencing a momentary blank brain, Wang Laomao really woke up, and felt a severe pain in the back of his head.

He instinctively reached out to touch it, and he gasped in pain and grinned.

But if you want to say that Old Mao Wang is definitely a veteran with extremely rich experience in life and combat.

Although he was grinning in pain, he also instinctively realized that he should be fine, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be hit by fragments of the bomb!

what would that beThat's bricks and tiles blown up by grenades!

It's just that the matter is not over yet. Seeing that there is nothing serious about him, Old Mao Wang is secretly happy, but at this moment he hears Ju Hongxia, who is under his body, asking again: "Are you swollen?"

Wang Laomao felt that the voice had a trill of concern, and the voice of the southern woman was not as bright and loud as the northeastern woman, so it sounded so hot!

"Isn't it swollen? The back of your head is swollen too!" Old Mao Wang blurted out.

At this moment, his mind changed, if he hadn't been lying on Ju Hongxia's body now, he would definitely be able to sit on the kang and slap his thighs when encountering surprising things like old women in the Northeast countryside!

Ju Hongxia, you old woman, no!You little bitch, you were not seriously injured, you must have been hit on the back of the head by bricks and tiles falling from the roof!
(End of this chapter)

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