Chapter 602

Stone tiles soared into the sky, but Shang Zhen, who was lying on the back of the roof, fell down immediately.

Everyone in the back let out an "oops" in unison, because just as Shang Zhen fell, the roof was hit by the broken stones and bricks produced by the explosion.

But at this moment, the people behind could only lie down, because bricks that were also the size of a fist flew down.

Bai Zhan yelled "Oh my god", but he didn't know if he was lucky or not.

To say it was unlucky, it was because a broken brick the size of a walnut hit his hand. It was said to be lucky, because when he was lying on the ground, he held his head with both hands, and human instinct finally saved the back of his head. A big bag was smashed out.

At this time, the officer and a group of soldiers all looked up and looked forward, but at this time Shang Zhen had already got up.

It should be said that Shang Zhen was the luckiest, just because he rolled down from that house, and after landing, the house blocked the debris from the explosion for him.

The officer got up and moved forward, but only now did Shang Zhen realize that although the three of him were only temporarily "partnering" with this group of gendarmes, there was still an officer behind him after all.

So without waiting for the officer to open his mouth, Shang Zhen took the lead and said: "There is a big circular fortification at the other end of the house, and there is also a cathedral. There should be our people there!"

When Shang Zhen and the others rushed here earlier, there were constant gunshots and explosions throughout the city of Nanjing. Naturally, the defenders retreated and the Japanese army had already entered the city.

When they were coming in this direction, they also heard intensive gunfire around this place.

It's just that under Shang Zhen's instigation, those gendarmes had no ambition to break out of the siege, so they didn't come here, they just wanted to go around.

But after they walked for a while, the gunshots stopped, so they ran here under the guidance of Bai Zhan, who would have thought that they would still collide with those ten or so Japanese soldiers.

And after Shang Zhen and those military police killed the ten or so Japanese soldiers, he also felt strange why the Japanese soldiers went to that bungalow. Of course, this can also be said that he grabbed a commanding height to see what is going on in front of him. .

When he was on the roof, he only glanced at the opposite side, but the Japanese army fired, and then Shang Zhen rolled down on his own initiative.

God knows what kind of artillery the Japanese army used, and Shang Zhen didn't have time to see it. Anyway, the explosion was shocking. If Shang Zhen didn't dodge in time, although he might not be seriously injured, it is inevitable that he would be injured by the blasted debris of.

If it is said that soldier fighting is also a craft, then practice makes perfect and comprehends by analogy.

Veterans like Shang Zhen sometimes don't even need to think about it at all. When a thought appears in the mind, the body has already instinctively made it, or in other words, before the brain has reacted, the body is already tending to it. Benefits are avoided.

So after Shang Zhen landed, there was nothing wrong with him being covered by the bungalow.

Now when Shang Zhen said that there was a circular fortification at the other end of the bungalow, everyone naturally looked at the officer again.

At this time, although Shang Zhen wanted to save people, it was impossible for him to call the shots anymore, and it was not his turn to call the shots, as his own group was not there at all.

He only brought two people with him, one who joined later, and the other who was essentially a thief.

However, the officer whose surname Shang Zhen doesn’t know now is also decisive, he gritted his teeth and said: “At this time, anyone who dares to beat devils is doing well. !"

The officer's decision made Shang Zhen feel good about him at the time, and he realized that he was right. Hundreds of thousands of troops were retreating, but he was able to lead his soldiers to fight the Japanese army. Excessive resistance, such officers are rare!

In the city of Nanjing, there were flames and guns firing, and at the Yijiang Gate leading to the Yangtze River, there were Chinese soldiers lying in a pool of blood, and panicked officers and civilians ran from the bodies of those dead officers and soldiers. However, no one cares how they died anymore.

The so-called incompetence of the general exhausted the three armies. Who can tell whether those soldiers who wanted to rush out of Nanjing City and those soldiers who were ordered to shoot to prevent them from retreating were right or wrong?

At this time, some city gates in other parts of Nanjing City were still blocked. Who among the fleeing officers, soldiers and common people had the time to break open the city gates?So there was a rope running down the crenel of the city wall. It was a soldier who tied his rifle with a rope and stuck it at the crenel, and people climbed down along the rope.

Ants still steal their lives, let alone humans?

Seeing that the soldier climbed down, someone behind him grabbed the rope and climbed down. There was one at the bottom, but soon there was a second, third, and fourth on the rope.

Just when the first soldier who climbed down touched the ground with his feet and his hands hadn't let go of the rope, he suddenly felt that his hands were empty, and then he sat down on the ground!
broken!There were too many people climbing down the rope, and the rope broke!As soon as such thoughts flashed through the soldier's mind, he heard screams from above.

At this point, it was too late for him to make any more moves. Yes, the rope broke, and someone from above directly fell on him!

For a city wall that is thirty to forty meters high, when someone falls from above and hits the people below, who will survive and who knows?

Tragedy is happening everywhere, but at this moment, an old man's exclamation came from a bungalow in Nanjing City: "There are bandits, help!"

"Shut up, we are the army!" Some soldiers shouted.

"Ask where they have the rope?" another officer said loudly.

What followed was the sound of the gun butt smashing open the window and the old man screaming again.

By this time, the sky was already getting dark, and the smashed window became blurry from a distance. At this time, someone ignored the noise around him, but he was looking at the ringed fortification on the opposite side. Surrounded by the church, this person is Shang Zhen.

The officer told the soldiers to enter the bungalows because the trip to the bungalows was relatively long. The officer also absorbed Shang Zhen’s ideas of fighting the enemy, and he didn’t want to fight the Japanese army endlessly. He just wanted to observe the situation. If someone breaks through the siege, he will run away when he catches someone!

Then, the location where the soldiers in the fortification broke out is very particular. Just imagine, since the Japanese army can think of encircling the circular fortification, all the passages are naturally guarded by the Japanese army, but now they have broken into the house. This is equivalent to an extra escape channel.

The Japanese army besieged and was blocked on three sides, and now only this side is left. Isn't it just a side of the net, those officers and soldiers who were besieged should come here if they want to break out of the siege.

(End of this chapter)

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