The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 618 The Last German Armor

Chapter 618 The Last German Armor ([-])

Flares are still shining in the sky, the pile of firewood is still emitting green smoke, and when the wind blows, even the pile of firewood will turn red and bright, just like the charcoal fire that has been lit in the dark.

To be honest, this firewood pile is no longer a complete firewood pile. The upper part has already been burnt and burnt, and the lower part has started to smoke due to humidity.

From the perspective of the Japanese army, it was no longer possible to hide people in such a pile of firewood, so the Japanese army gathered the broken officers and soldiers of their own side into the carriage and left, leaving dozens of corpses of Chinese officers and soldiers in place.

It's just that the Japanese army didn't know it, but they left four more Chinese soldiers alive.

The Japanese flares were fired less frequently than before.

But the four Chinese soldiers who survived by chance did not leave immediately, they were still waiting.

As analyzed by Shang Zhen, the Japanese army did not stop firing flares now, so there was no need for them to rush away now, they could wait until the Japanese army stopped firing flares and slowly move out from the fields.

Shang Zhen didn't believe it. Even if the Japanese army eager to occupy Nanjing established a blockade outside the city, they would of course be able to find the large troops breaking out, but they might not be able to block four small fishes that slipped through the net like them.

If you make him anxious, he will really do what he said before, go to a village and release a pig directly, and then they will use that pork as rations, although they say they don’t know how to spread (xuàn) meat while walking, But it is always okay for one person to carry more than ten catties of meat on his back.

Now Shang Zhen was lying on the bed with Fang Zhiping, and Fang Zhiping was the only surviving member of Company Commander Lu and his group.

Just after the Japanese troops who cleaned the battlefield left, Shang Zhen and the others couldn't leave now, so naturally there must be some communication.

It's just that Fang Zhiping made no secret of his reaction to Bai Zhan's conversation, so he didn't talk nicely to Bai Zhan, and when Bai Zhan wanted to say something irrelevant, Shang Zhen also scolded Bai Zhan.

Shang Zhen said that Bai Zhan's words were very simple, just say, "Now we are out of Nanjing City, if you are not used to staying with us, you can leave!"

With just this sentence, Bai Zhan finally stopped.

The so-called things gather together and people are divided into groups. Bai Zhan was originally a thief. As far as his temperament and appearance are concerned, he is not the same as Fang Zhiping, who is serious and serious. He is a soldier and a thief. are mutually exclusive.

Because of this, Fang Hanping took the initiative to crawl over to chat with Shang Zhen.

"Are you from the 88th Division?" Shang Zhen looked at Fang Zhiping in surprise.

"You are from Northeast China by your accent, do you know the 88th Division?" Fang Zhiping asked casually.

"As a German mechanic, I've heard of some." Shang Zhen responded.

In Nanjing City, when Shang Zhen met with Commander Wen and Company Commander Lu, Company Commander Lu had reported the number of the troops, but Shang Zhen didn't pay attention to it at that time, so he didn't take it seriously.

"Then why didn't you wear that German-style steel helmet?" Yu Zuolong asked curiously from the side, but then he naturally introduced, "I'm the adjuster."

In terms of meaning, although both the Adjustment Division and the 88th Division are closely related to the German Division and belong to the Yuanyang Army, they are still different after all.

After a certain person led the government of the Republic of China to complete the unification of China in name, it would naturally start to purge the army, so there was a matter of inviting military advisers from Germany to reorganize and train the army of the Republic of China.

At that time, he wanted to build many German-style divisions, but due to the different progress, only three divisions plus a tax police corps could really reach the standard of a German-style division.

Why is there a tax police corps here? In fact, it is not a bad idea to understand the tax police corps as the personal guard of someone’s uncle. This will not talk about other topics related to the Republic of China.

And the 88th Division is one of these four units. Although there is still a huge gap between the weapons and equipment of the 88th Division and the real German army, it is definitely the best among the best in the current Chinese army. the elite.

If the Central Army can be regarded as someone's Royal Forest Army, then German armorers can be regarded as someone's guards with swords!
Shang Zhen and the others stayed in Nanjing for nearly half a month. Of course, he knew something about the German mechanic.

There are two brigades under one division, and two regiments under one brigade.

The troops directly under the regiment include a mortar company (6 mortars), an infantry artillery company (four 75mm infantry guns), a communication company, and a special agent company.

And a regiment has three infantry battalions under it.

The direct unit of a battalion also includes a machine gun company (six heavy machine guns, two of which have anti-aircraft machine gun mounts), and a mortar platoon (two 82mm mortars).

And there are three infantry companies under one battalion, three platoons under one company, and three squads under one platoon. Each squad has a ZB26, and the rifles are all official rifles.

What is ZB26, Shang Zhen really asked for advice at that time, in other words, it is a Czech light machine gun!

Everyone in the German Armor Regiment wears German steel helmets, and the most notable feature of German steel helmets is that they look extraordinarily safe and thick, with a wide brim on the back, which looks so tall!

Compared with the German-style helmet, the shallow British Tony-style helmet, which looks like a dish or dish, looks so flimsy and tasteless!
Even the kettles of other German mechanic's are German style!
Moreover, German weapon masters are still paid in full on a monthly basis, which is very different from other armies.

Not to mention some local miscellaneous troops nowadays, that is, the paper establishment of the Central Army's lineage is also very different from the actual number, and officers at all levels are blatantly empty.

For example, if there are [-] or [-] people on a roster, the actual number may be more than [-]. As for the extra part, it is a name, but the name is Those who can ask for payment from above will fall into the officer's pocket.

If some people still don’t understand this, then you can understand that the wife of a high official is also paid by the government, but when did she ever go to work?People only need to get the money every month.

It can also be understood as a certain star in later generations claiming to have [-] million fans!

But how many real fans can he have?God knows, but what is certain is that most of them are zombie fans!
What I mentioned above is the Central Army or the miscellaneous army, but there is no such situation for German weapon masters to eat empty wages, and the actual number of people may even be a little bit more than the roster.

This is undoubtedly a clear stream in the army nowadays!

Because of the above, the German Machinist was mentioned in the newspapers before the Anti-Japanese War, and the German Machinist seemed to have become the image spokesperson of the Central Army!

At this time, Yu Zuolong, an adjuster who seems to be a level lower than the German mechanic, once he heard that Fang Zhiping belonged to the German mechanic, he naturally thought of the German mechanic who looked so powerful and domineering. German steel helmet, that's why he asked people why they didn't wear a steel helmet.

But at this time, Fang Zhiping's answer made Yu Zuolong, Shangshock and the others stunned.

They saw that Fang Zhiping curled his lips and said: "Fart German steel helmet, bad German mechanic, unlucky luck is on this German style!"

(End of this chapter)

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