Chapter 622 Despised!

"This is a soldier of the 88th Division of the National Army who is about to die generously. From the collar badge, it can be seen that he is a senior soldier.

He wears a German M35 steel helmet, with piercing eyes covered by the brim of the hat, firm lips and a stern face, showing the determination and spirit of a strong man who will never return.

His left shoulder patch shows his unit number "88D".On the right shoulder is a medium-sized rifle, on the left shoulder is a slanted canvas bullet belt, on the right shoulder is the canvas shoulder strap of a wooden kettle, and two imitation German-made M-24 long-handled grenades are tied on the chest.”

The above-mentioned words are described by later generations based on the surviving photos of the soldiers of the German Armor Division.

The age when the country was poor and weak left a psychological shadow on the descendants. The descendants are full of affection for the German mechanic, so it is conceivable what kind of high hopes the people of those days had for the German mechanic Got it.

Is the German mechanic heroic?Of course heroic!
"It goes back to [-] years. Since then, in order to oppose internal and external enemies and strive for national independence and people's freedom and happiness, the people's heroes who died in the previous struggles will be immortal!"

Although the national government wanted to establish [-] German-style divisions, in fact, there were only four troops that really met the requirements of the German-style divisions.

They fought the Battle of Songhu and then the Battle of Nanjing. In the end, only one division, the 36th Division, withdrew from Nanjing City, and then fought the Battle of Fujin Mountain in the Battle of Wuhan.

In the defense of Mount Fuji, the only remaining 36th division of the German division fought from more than 800 people to [-], which was the last glory of the German division.

As for the subsequent counterattack in western Yunnan, although the predecessor of the [-]st Army was a German division, it would be more accurate to say that they were an American division.

Although it is said that the middle and lower ranks of the German Armor Division are very capable and brutal, but the performance of an army is ultimately affected by various aspects of the country.

The final glory ended, but it can only be said that the battle should not have been fought like that.

The battle was not supposed to be fought like that, but what kind of fight did it refer to? Of course, it was a charge against the artillery fire of the Japanese army!

But on the morning of December 12th, the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, Old Mao Wang was also muttering: "This battle should not have been fought like this!"

As Old Maomao Wang muttered, all of them looked at him, no one would leave without a head, no bird would fly without a head, Shang Zhen and his group, Shang Zhen was not around, but everyone was Waiting for Old Mao Wang to make up his mind!

What is Mr. Wang talking about?What he was talking about were those Cantonese soldiers who were yelling "Dou Na Ma" in their mouths and rushing forward!

At this time and at that time, the Cantonese army, which wanted to break out of the encirclement of the Japanese army from the city of Nanjing, now also adopted the method of charging.

The charge of the German mechanic was a wrong choice, but the charge of the Cantonese army was unavoidable, they couldn't do it if they didn't charge!

If the Japanese army they hit head-on was stopped, then the Japanese army would only gather more and more. As for the reinforcements from China, there must be no.

For the current plan, the Cantonese army can only rush forward regardless of life and death.

Just last night, Wang Laomao and the others were complacent, because after they left the city with that Cantonese army, there were still Cantonese troops outside the city!
According to Wang Laomao's estimation, the strength of the Cantonese Army is several thousand if not ten thousand.

It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and the Cantonese army is charging ahead, but they, the stragglers of the Northeast Army, just took advantage of the light to follow them out.

It's just that Old Mao Wang was wrong.

There are many soldiers in Guangdong, but the strength of the Japanese army is also gathering more and more.

Last night, the Cantonese army had a good fight with the Japanese army they encountered. At that time, the flares on the sky had not been extinguished that day, and they had already illuminated the world as if it were daytime!
The Cantonese army also adopted the method of leaping and charging. There are many bunkers in the outskirts of Nanjing City that have been abandoned by the defenders.

The Cantonese army used those bunkers to find a foothold first, and then moved to the next position. When they encountered the Japanese army in the middle, it was when the two sides shot at each other, and even fought hand-to-hand.

Wang Laomao and the others who were behind the Cantonese army didn't know how many casualties the Cantonese army had suffered, but they finally rushed out from the encirclement of the Japanese army.

But just after nine o'clock in the morning, the Cantonese army collided with the Japanese army again.

However, the breakthrough method used by the Cantonese army is still a charge, and it can only be a charge!

Old Mao Wang and the others saw that the Cantonese Army launched wave after wave of charges to the Japanese positions ahead in the form of small groups of charges, but the words they shouted were all "Du Na Ma" and "Don't be a bad boy." " and other dialects with Cantonese characteristics.

It's just that if the Japanese army was so easily broken through by the Cantonese army, why did the Cantonese army launch wave after wave of charges.

Right now, Wang Laomao saw the constant gunshots ahead, but the soldiers of the Cantonese army fell under the firepower of the Japanese army, wave after wave, but still did not rush out. Not only him, but a small group of them I was in a hurry.

Of course they were anxious because they saw that the Cantonese army couldn't rush out.

If the Cantonese army can't rush out, if they are surrounded and killed by the Japanese army, then the outcome of these people can be imagined.

The strength of the Cantonese army is less than [-], there are [-] troops, and even if they can't break through the encirclement of the Japanese army, fighting with such a large army, if a small group of them die inside, it will not be like crushing a group of ants!
Seeing that the Cantonese army could not rush out, Wang Laomao and the others felt like retreating.

Of course, that doesn't have to be called retreat, they just want to run out in a detour.

After all, they were a small group, and the main attack direction of the Cantonese army was to go south, but they could use their small number of people to get out from the side. Thinking about it, it is impossible for the Japanese army to weave such a tight net now.

Then these dozens of them should hide as soon as they should, how could the Japanese army go to war for such a small number of them?
They also just want to borrow the light of the Cantonese Army, but they have no idea of ​​sharing life and death with the Cantonese Army.

Everyone had already discussed it just now. At this moment, seeing everyone looking at him, Old Mao Wang finally gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, the two women are at the back!"

After he finished speaking, he took him to the left, and the two women, that is, Ju Hongxia and the female student followed at the back of their team.

The Cantonese Army has thousands of people. Although they are at the back, how can there be no Cantonese Army people around.

Of course, the people in the Guangdong Army knew that there was such a group of friendly troops mainly from the Northeast who followed behind.

But in this kind of big team battle, there are not many people with more than thirty people, and there are many people with thirty people without them. They are too lazy to let them run ahead as cannon fodder when they charge.

At this time, when they left, no one stopped them, but after all, some Cantonese soldiers looked at these relatively tall Northeast Army soldiers with disdain.

But the most irritating thing is when Wang Laomao walked by an officer of the Cantonese Army. Of course, that officer was not a high-ranking official, just a company commander. He said in a calm tone: "It's a good journey——I won't send it off——"

Just this sentence made Wang Laomao cough a few times in embarrassment.

Wang Laomao and his group don't look very good. People in the Northeast love face, which makes people despise that face, but it's always a bit unbearable.

But face is a small matter, but life is a big matter, Wang Laomao pretended not to hear the contempt from others, but he could only walk forward with an old face.

It wasn't until he was too far away that the Cantonese army could no longer hear him, that he laughed at himself and said, "What face do you want? This face is the most useless thing. It's not as good as shoe insoles!"

(End of this chapter)

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