Chapter 634 Quick Gun ([-])

How many enemies can one person kill in a battle between two armies?What a mystery!

No one knows what happened in ancient times, and we can only find clues from ancient books.

For example, during the Warring States period, Qin Baiqi killed 45 soldiers at one time, nicknamed Rentu.

Another example is Huo Qubing in the Han Dynasty, the one who "why do the Huns survive before they are destroyed", the history books say that they killed more than 10 Huns in their lifetime.

For another example, when the Five Husbands were in chaos in China, the Hu people regarded the Han people as pigs and dogs, and called the Han people "two-legged sheep". They not only slaughtered the Han people wantonly, but even roasted and ate them extremely cruelly.

At this time, a great hero who saved the Han people appeared on the stage, his name was Ran Min, and he issued the most famous killing order in Chinese history.

"The barbarians have rebelled against the Central Plains for decades, and now I will punish them, and if we can join in the fight, we can send troops here!
The tyrant has humiliated the Han family for decades, killed our people, and seized our ancestral temple.

I hereby crusade against you, whoever offends me will die!
Those who kill my big man, the people, die!
To kill all the barbarians in the world and restore the foundation of the Han family, all the Han people in the world are obliged to kill Hu dogs.

Ran Min is not talented, he is ordered by the way of heaven, and I hereby tell the world!"

This Hu order to kill Hu people sounded extraordinarily domineering, but it was unknown how many Hu people Ran Min killed in the end, the writing only said that the Hu people's bones were like mountains and blood flowed like rivers.

And because the killing was so extreme, the Hu people killed the Han people too much, and the Han people killed the Hu people too much, so that it was not recorded in the general history books of later generations.
Alright, but all of the above, it seems that none of the enemies were killed by one person, it should be done by the general leading the soldiers under his command.

After all, let's just say that General Huo Qubing killed more than 10 Huns in his lifetime.

Just imagine, how capable is that person?That is, if one person kills 10 pigs, he may not be able to kill them all in one lifetime!

As for the era of hot weapons, how many enemies can a soldier kill in a battle is really hard to say.

A few years later, in a war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, a certain sharpshooter of the Volunteer Army killed or wounded 442 enemies with 214 rounds of bullets.

It is said that the sharpshooter used only an ordinary Russian-made Mosin Nagant rifle, which did not even have sights on it.

However, it is said that one of his talents is because he is farsighted, that is, the eyes have their own sights.

At this level, it is already a height that ordinary soldiers can never reach, but how many enemies can ordinary soldiers kill?Anyone who can kill ten or eight at a time must be considered a master.

Well, let’s get down to business, now Shang Zhen has done it.

Although Bai Zhan knew that Shang Zhen was very good at beating devils, he never thought that Shang Zhen would be so powerful.

Shang Zhen fired the gun so quickly, from the perspective of Bai Zhan, a bystander, the box cannon was shaking rapidly in Shang Zhen's hand, which was caused by the recoil of the gun when shooting.

But the problem is, as we all know, once the gun is fired, the box gun will vibrate. Normally, the muzzle of your gun will jump away, because the shooting target is close at hand, even if you don’t need to aim specifically. It is necessary to move the muzzle to point at a new target.

But Shang Zhen didn't shoot like this. Bai Zhan felt that when Shang Zhen fired the gun, the gun shook, and wherever the muzzle of the gun shook, the next shot would ring off. This situation was as if he had predicted The position of the muzzle beating is judged to be average!
Of course, the muzzle beating has its own characteristics.

As we all know, the box cannon is not liked by the foreigner just because the muzzle jumps upwards when shooting, but after the Chinese came into contact with the box cannon, they quickly concluded that the flat gun is also a scattered fire, held at 45 degrees. Corner shots, and various shooting methods where the gun is retracted to the lower abdomen, with the barrel down and the handle up.

This kind of shooting method is to play various tricks with the box cannon, so as to reach the predetermined position through the direction and amplitude of the bouncing of the muzzle.

So in Bai Zhan's view, while shooting, Shang Zhen kept changing the way he held the gun, with his palm facing right for a while, facing up for a while, and facing left for a while. The gun was like a toy in his hand. Changing in his palm!

Bai Zhan is still far from being a real soldier, but he can instinctively think that other soldiers can't shoot like Shang Zhen.

And Shang Zhen's shooting technique is really amazing, just like the amazing woman everyone saw before!

It's just that everyone at the scene didn't notice at this time, but the woman who surprised everyone was also watching Shang Zhen's amazing marksmanship.

She seems to have seen what the ancients said, that the oil seller "drains the oil and pours it out of the money hole, but the money is not wet", and the Pao Dingjie Niu "enters the world with nothing, and recovers with ease." There is room"!
"Bai Zhan, what are you doing in a daze? Throw the gun in the car!" Shang Zhen's shout sounded.

As far as Yu Shangzhen is concerned, there are certain things that must be done, must be done, otherwise he will live in trouble for the rest of his life!

How did he know that at this moment, in the eyes of Bai Zhan and the young woman, he had already become a god of war.

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Shang Zhen woke up Bai Zhan and the young woman.

It was only at this time that Bai Zhan realized that when he was distracted, under the shock of Shang Zhen's marksmanship, the rest of the puppet soldiers really knelt down, holding their guns to the top of their heads with both hands.

And under Shang Zhen's yell, Yu Zuolong ran directly to a carriage beside the intersection.

Obviously the puppet army that drove the carriage belonged to the Japanese puppet army. The puppet army driver was already old. He didn't even have a rifle in his hand, but he was kneeling on the ground, and what he was holding in his hand was the nearly ten-foot-long puppet army. riding whip.

Bai Zhan ran forward and was about to put away the puppet army's gun and throw it into the car.

This is nothing to do, they can't leave their guns to these puppet troops.

However, Bai Zhan then had another doubt.

What is Shang Zhen thinking? Why are you still handing over the guns of the puppet army at this time?The three of them, oh, by the way, and that little beauty, they can just grab the carriage and run away!

Maybe it's because Shang Zhen hasn't gotten out of the fighting state yet, and he doesn't think so thoroughly.

But wouldn't it be quick to just hand over some guns?When Bai Zhan was touching the first rifle, he shouted loudly: "Hurry up, just hold the gun and throw it into the car for me!"

It would be too slow for him to hand in his guns one by one, but he thought of an easier way.

In this way, it is tantamount to letting the enemy hand in their guns, isn't that fast?
"It's counting that you guys didn't dare to use guns with me!" Seeing those guns thrown into the car, Shang Zhen cursed those puppet soldiers fiercely.

It stands to reason that it is not Shang Zhen's style to curse people, but Shang Zhen knows that these puppet soldiers are soft, bullying and fearful masters!

"Are you chatting? Get in the car and go!" Shang Zhen only had time to take care of that young and beautiful woman at this time.

At this time, the woman was leaning over with an anxious and frightened look on her face, yes, she was gawking?

"My brother's picture!" The woman was crying in her voice.

It turned out that the photo that was dug up by the puppet soldiers turned out to be her brother.

However, where can I find that photo at this time?
Shang Zhen killed the puppet army leader with a single shot earlier, and the photo naturally fell to the ground again.

It would be fine if it just fell to the ground, and there is no wind today, so the photo will not be blown away by the wind.

But the problem is, these dead puppet soldiers were all shot to death by Shang Zhen with a burst of quick guns. If they die, they will bleed!
How many catties of blood do you need to kill a sheep, let alone a person with more than a hundred catties?
At this moment, under Shang Zhen's feet, the blood really turned into a pool of blood. The blood hadn't seeped into the ground yet, it was red and stinky everywhere, and the blood was sticky to the feet!Where can I find that two-inch black and white photo?

(End of this chapter)

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