The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 638 The old spore flies high?

Chapter 638 The old spore flies high?
"Uncle, thank you very much this time!" Shang Zhen said to the puppet old man when the village had been left behind.

The puppet old man snorted as an answer.

At this moment, Gao Yuyan took a surprised look at Shang Zhen.

Gao Yuyan is Gao Yuhang's younger sister.

There is no doubt that Gao Yuyan belongs to the upper class in China nowadays, or she is not considered to be in the class of those in power, but she also belongs to high-level intellectuals, just as there is a saying in later generations called "Masters of the Republic of China" , Gao Yuyan's parents belonged to the so-called masters of later masters.

After a failure in the defense of Nanjing, Gao Yuyan fell from the top to the bottom.

But even so, his qualities as an intellectual are still there. Shang Zhen first used a burst of fast guns that dazzled Gao Yuyan to kill some of the puppet soldiers. "That's being polite.

And Shang Zhen also said that it was only a one-time relationship with his brother who had already sacrificed his life for the country.

To be able to stand up when you are about to be bullied after just meeting your brother once, that is to be loyal!

Although Shang Zhen's appearance is not outstanding, but he can fight and understands etiquette, so how could Gao Yuyan not have a good impression of him?
It's just that Gao Swift found out that she was really wrong, and it was very wrong.

Just because Shang Zhen then said to the puppet old man: "Uncle, what do you think of my box cannon?"

What can the puppet old man say, but Shang Zhen's quick shot at the intersection earlier was so fast that he couldn't see the movements of Shang Zhen's hands at all, and then he saw them gang up one after another. If it falls down, the situation is almost the same even if it can't keep up with the machine gun that can fire continuously!
"No!" The old man could only say truthfully.

"Then uncle, guess again, am I accurate with my rifle?" Shang Zhen asked again like a child with a tongue twisting.

"Where to guess?" The old man couldn't figure out what Shang Zhen meant, so he could only answer.

But what Shang Zhen said next not only stunned the old man, but also stunned Gao Yuyan who was listening, only to hear Shang Zhen say: "Then, thank you uncle for sending us here .

You see the field road over there, you can drive the carriage over there, and we will get off the carriage. "

After Shang Zhen finished speaking, he swept the two men and a woman in the car with him and said, "Get out of the car!"

Shang Zhen's decision came really suddenly, Bai Zhan, Yu Zuolong and Gao Yuyan were both stunned.

And although the old man was also stunned for a moment, he hurriedly called out "Woo" and pulled the horse back.

Shang Zhen jumped out of the carriage first, and Shang Zhen got off, so what about those three people, naturally they also got out of the carriage.

The old man drove the carriage towards the field road that forked the road.

But Shang Zhen still said: "Uncle, hurry up, don't worry, it's just like our usual walk, but no matter how slow you are, you have to drive a few hundred meters!

Oh, by the way, you can't look back when you're driving! "

Only then did Gao Yuyan understand what Shang Zhen meant by asking the puppet old man to guess how he was shooting with his rifle.

Shang Zhen was clearly threatening that old man!
That means undoubtedly that we are separated from you now, and you are now driving a carriage to go far away, but you can't drive a carriage to find the puppet army.

It’s fine if I can’t see it, but if you let me see it, I’ll kill you with one shot!

As for why Shang Zhen let the puppet old man drive the carriage to go alone, it should be to let the old man attract pursuers for himself and the others!

The field is low-lying and the soil looks wet, and the carriage has wheel marks on it.

"We don't take a carriage, so where shall we go?" Yu Zuolong asked.

"Let's talk about it in the woods ahead." Shang Zhen replied.

At this time, no matter whether it was Yu Zuolong or Bai Zhan Gao Yuyan, they looked back and saw that the puppet army old man was driving a carriage and walking slowly on the field road.

Just as Shang Zhen threatened, the old man drove the carriage really slowly.

It's not the old man's fault, anyone else would be slow to catch up.

Even if they were that old man, they would still think, as long as Shang Zhen shoots the box cannon so accurately, would it be worse for others to use a rifle?Maybe Shang Zhen couldn't shoot himself five or six hundred meters away?But who dares to bet?
"Hurry up, hurry up and run to the woods!" Shang Zhen said and started running.

And his run was beyond the expectation of those three people, he actually took out the speed of sprinting [-] meters, and rushed out like a leopard!
Only then did Gao Yuyan think of them, but they were running for their lives.

It's just that at this time Shang Zhen ran like this, Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong naturally followed suit.

That's all for Yu Zuolong, but Bai Zhan still wants to compete with Shang Zhen in the [-]-meter speed race!
As a result of their running, Shang Zhen and Bai Zhan rushed to the front, Yu Zuolong was in the middle, and Gao Yuyan, a woman who had never done any physical exercise, was naturally left behind.

"Hey—" This could only be regarded as Gao Yuyan yelling half aloud, because the three people in front didn't wait for her at all!

That Shang Zhen won't ignore me, will he?As soon as this idea popped up, Gao Yuyan was taken aback.

But then, regardless of whether she thought Shang Zhen would care about her or not, she ran along with her.

If you run slowly, you have to run, Shang Zhen is her only life-saving straw now, what if you don't grab it?
It's just that Gao Swift's speed is really incomparable to the speed of the three people in front. A hundred meters ahead is a long and narrow forest. When she was more than half away from the forest, Shang Zhen had already got into the forest.

But you have to run too!
When did Gao Yuyan do this kind of exercise? Soon she was out of breath, and the sweat from her temples also came down. After running for a while, the sweat from her body also came down. At this time, the foundation of Chinese studies Gao Swift, who is very thick, realized what the ancients said is dripping with sweat.

But with her hard work, she finally got closer and closer to the forest, and when she was only about ten meters away from the forest, Shang Zhen suddenly appeared behind a tree, And what came out at the same time as Shang Zhen was a shoulder-to-shoulder rifle.

Gao Yuyan felt that the gun was pointed at herself, which really shocked her.

If Gao Yuyan ran a little slower, then she wouldn't have exhausted her physical strength so much, but now she was out of breath and her feet were sloppy. She was startled and her feet slipped, so she was a forward lie!
Her hands were also bald, and her knees were so painful. Although she was wearing a cotton robe now, Nabulgai was probably also bald.

But this is not important, the important thing is that she felt her nose sore, and it turned out that her face also hit the ground.

I don't know if there was blood or not, but tears must have come down, both from grievances and from the sore nose.

After a while, the gunshots didn't go off but no one cared about him. Gao Yuyan knew that she had to rely on herself after all, so who would she tell if she was full of grievances now?
At this time, she heard someone talking in front of her, it was Bai Zhan's voice: "She said she was called Gao Swift earlier, and everyone said Swift Gao Fei, why didn't I feel like it, just how she ran in these two steps? Where is the old Baozi!"

What is Laobaozi?When a hen hatches an egg and becomes a mother chicken, then she leads the chicks, that's called Laobaozi!

If others don't know, how can Gao Yuyan not know?She didn't marry any man at her fingertips, and she didn't get engaged to any man after she became an adult. How could she become an old child?
Gao Yuyan raised her head in embarrassment, and then he saw Bai Zhan's sullen face, and then she saw that Shang Zhen was indeed holding a gun, but the muzzle of the gun was not pointed at her, but was a little bit off. Pointing behind himself.

At this moment, Gao Yuyan still doesn't understand who Shang Zhen is aiming the gun at?
She immediately forgot what Bai Zhan said, and instead became worried about the puppet old man, Shang Zhen wouldn't really shoot the puppet old man, right?

(End of this chapter)

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