Chapter 642
"Tell me, if I hadn't brought along a big goose, what would the four of us eat?" Bai Zhan babbled at dawn.

Shang Zhen was watching him from the side, Bai Zhan and Yu Wenlong were squatting together, while Gao Yuyan was sitting, with a big dead goose surrounded by the four of them.

At this time, the four of them spent the night in the field, and they couldn't figure out where they were, who told them they weren't locals.

And Bai Zhan has been rambling on for a while, and the reason why he rambles is because he is wrong, it's just a so-called bluff.

The "quack" sound of the big goose that had survived suddenly last night directly attracted the bullets of the Japanese and puppet soldiers in the village.

Since the Japanese and puppet troops did not have many troops, and the Japanese did not have any flares, they were still overwhelmed by the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops.

In the end, it was Shang Zhen who climbed to another position and shot in the direction of the village to draw away the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops.

If the four of them had nothing to eat, it would be nothing if Bai Zhan went to the village to steal a goose, but the problem is that a thief like you, Bai Zhan, why didn't you kill the goose after you stole it? Why did the big goose slow down again after leaving the village, and why did it make another "quack" sound?
Knowing that Shang Zhen was still looking at him, Bai Zhanming could only pretend not to see him, but he still babbled: "Are you all hungry?
Have you ever eaten beggar chicken?That is to wrap the chicken in mud and burn it on fire. In your Northeast dialect, it is called, it is always delicious!

This time I will stand at attention for you Xiong Xiazi, and if you show off such a hand, I will make you a beggar goose!
Have you ever eaten?That old fragrance, just by smelling it, can hook your lesbians off! "

"Are you going to be your beggar goose here?" Shang Zhen finally asked coldly.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Bai Zhan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Shang Zhen speak, but he still pretended to be stupid.

"I don't know whose cemetery this is. Are you planning to let smoke rise from the cemetery?" Shang Zhen then scolded him.

"Hey." Bai Zhan made Shang Zhen feel embarrassed, but continued to speak stiffly, "That's right, if I'm here as a beggar goose, and we eat meat, the ancestors of this family will smell it, and that's him too. Our ancestors have accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue!"

"Does this look like someone else's ancestral grave?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"The newly cultivated soil, hehe." Bai Zhan continued to tease.

As bystanders, Yu Zuolong and Gao Yuyan turned their eyes.

Just four or twenty meters away from them, there are a few grave mounds, and the mounds are obviously new soil, and there are paper money on them!
Tombs are, of course, used to bury the dead.

But if it is an old grave, after being washed by wind, rain, sun, and running water, the grave will be silted up and become smaller and smaller, and wormwood will grow on it.

But for these graves, it seems that they can't last more than two days!
Shang Zhen stopped talking and stared at Bai Zhan, while the three people including Bai Zhan all looked at Shang Zhen.

And at this time they saw Shang Zhen moved his lips and said something, Shang Zhen's voice was almost silent, Yu Zuolong didn't understand, but Gao Yuyan, who was from the Northeast, and Bai Zhan, who was a little familiar with the Northeast But I understood it, because what Shang Zhen said was "Get out of here!"

In fact, Gao Yuyan, who has no common sense of fighting, didn't figure it out here. Shang Zhen, Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong are all like mirrors in their hearts!

Can this place catch fire and roast goose?That is impossible!

Although they don't know where they are now, they also know that this is the outskirts of Nanjing.

There is a village three to five miles away, and there are a few thatched cottages only three to four hundred meters away from these graves.

If they start a fire at this cemetery site, that column of green smoke will go straight to the sky. It would be a strange thing if the Japanese and puppet troops were not recruited!
"Yu Zuolong, take the big goose and let's make him familiar!" After Shang Zhen "cursed", Bai Zhan gave the order, and then he stood up, but he ignored Bai Zhan.

Yu Zuolong glared at Bai Zhan, picked up the big goose on the ground and followed Shang Zhen, and Gao Yuyan naturally stood up with all his strength and dragged his tired legs to follow.

"You're so awesome, you don't have to eat the big goose I brought back." Bai Zhan muttered in a very low voice, then he also stood up, and followed behind Shang Zhen embarrassingly Walk.

A few minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others stood in front of a thatched hut, the chimney of that hut was emitting green smoke, and a young man in his twenties sitting at the door of the thatched hut was looking up at Shang Shocking them, he held a large guillotine nearly one meter long in his hand, and in front of him was a piece of bluestone and a basin of rust-colored water.

The big guillotine is not sure how old it is, it looks like it is made of inferior iron, and it seems that the blade has just been polished, but it has a little metallic luster.

Standing behind Shang Zhen with a rifle in his hand, Bai Zhan rolled his eyes.

Now he has a little more admiration for Shang Zhen in his heart, thinking, why didn't I think of it?

Earlier he said that what he called a goose in that cemetery was just grinning, and he was not stupid. Although he said he stole a big goose, he didn't think about how to turn that big goose into a mature goose. good idea.

But Shang Zhen thought of it, and now he led them to find the common people directly.

It is the time for early cooking, and there is smoke rising from the village in the distance, and the thatched cottage in this chapter is also smoking.

Then they don't need to start a fire in the wild at all, they can use someone else's pot to cook this big goose, so that the Japanese and puppet troops won't suspect it!
At this time, the young man undoubtedly saw Shang Zhen's strange outfits. They were wearing casual clothes, but the three men were all armed with guns. A big goose.

The young man stood up slowly and did not speak, but there was already guard in his eyes.

As soon as he stood up, he showed his figure. Although he was not fat, he had a big frame, with broad shoulders and broad back.

"Guojun, use the pot to cook." Shang Zhen directly introduced himself.

The young man looked at Shang Zhen, his eyes became less wary, but he spoke immediately.

His voice was a bit rough, but his few words fit the current situation: "The national army doesn't fight the Japanese and steal the geese from the common people? It's not a good person either!"

"We haven't eaten all day, and we broke out from the city of Nanjing." Yu Zuolong explained at this time.

Yu Zuolong feels a little wronged, he is not Bai Zhan, he really has never harmed the common people.

It's just that his explanation is undoubtedly weak in the current situation.

"Then if we avenge you, are we considered good people?" Shang Zhen suddenly stared into the young man's eyes and asked.

When Shang Zhen said this, the whole atmosphere changed.

At this time, the three people behind Shang Zhen became curious, how did he know that the young man in front of him had enmity with the Japanese devils?

Bai Zhan rolled his eyes and blinked around, and only then did he notice that there was a piece of white cloth on the window sill of this house, and one of the thatched cottages had burned down again.

Oops, how did I just find out?How did I become a thief?Bai Zhan blamed himself.

But at this time, the young man's face changed when he heard Shang Zhen say that, but he only asked two words: "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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