Chapter 644 The Death of a Dog
It was late at night, and the wind was blowing through the village. I don't know whose window paper was not glued properly, making the sound of "beat" and "beat".

This is the outskirts of Nanjing City, although there have been occasional murders, such as vendettas, where A bullied B, and B finally killed A in an honest manner.

For example, love killing and so on, C and D compete for a certain widow, in the end, Ding killed C and was arrested and imprisoned, and the widow finally found F again.

But that is a minority after all, the vast majority of the time, are some of the theft.

However, money is something outside of the body after all, and the owner suffered so much after beating his chest and feet with grief, and he had to live on.

In order to guard against thieves, more and more people keep dogs in each village.

To put it bluntly, the best watchdog is not the most vicious dog that can bite people. For ordinary people, it is enough to scare away the thief, so the best dog is the kind of rambunctious dog.

Usually, he would fight blindly when he heard the movement, and the passerby only had to bend down, and the dog was frightened and "whoosh" ran into the house.

If you don't run far after running, you turn around and continue fighting.

When people pretended to be holding bricks in their hands and really entered the yard, it just tucked its tail and went straight into the kennel.

The mouth is not idle in the kennel, it is still fighting.

But at this time, if the person stood at the door of the kennel, it would simply shrink back into the kennel but still bark.

No matter how powerful the dog is, as long as people grab it or put a rope around its neck, it will be honest.

So at this time, what can the people who enter the hospital do with this rascal?
Go into the kennel to catch the dog?If a person gets into it as soon as he bends down, it is not a kennel, it is not a cowshed, but also a pigsty.

The kennel is not big, but do you dare to squat at the door of the kennel and poke your arm in to catch the dog?Although a rambunctious dog is rambunctious, rabbits still bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention that no matter how rambunctious a dog is, it is still a dog after all.

Since the people had no choice but to retreat outside the courtyard, the rambunctious dog saw that the person walked away, so it came out of the kennel again, but it was still barking "fight"!

There are many dogs in a village, and sometimes it is very lively at night. I don't know which dog will bark wildly when it sees a passerby or a mouse slipping by in the night.

One dog barks and many dogs follow, so the barking of the dog will come and go, and the barking will make people's brains hurt, and it will take a long time for the barking to stop.

But tonight, there was no dog barking anymore. It turned out that since the news came out a few days ago that Nanjing City had been occupied by the Japanese army, the dogs in this village had also suffered catastrophe, and every household started killing dogs.

The reason is that, I don’t know who said it, the Japanese are tyrannical, if they pass by our village and rush in after hearing the barking of dogs, they will not only kill dogs but also kill people!

To say that this rumor is still reasonable, but subsequent facts proved that the rumor is far from enough to describe the ferocity of the Japanese. The people in the village killed all the dogs, but they did not stop the Japanese devils from killing.

However, the Japanese killed the people in their village but not the people in their village, but they killed the Li Dazhui's family outside the village, leaving only the kid in his family!

At this time, someone stood up and spoke out. That person was also surnamed Li, and everyone in the village called him Li Dahu.

Hearing the name Li Dahu, he knew it was a nickname. Then Li Dahu was the richest person in their village. He lived in a high-rise compound, and more than half of the land planted by the people in the village belonged to Li Dahu.

Then Li Dahu said, in the future, don’t worry about what the Japanese call Japanese devils. If you want to call them, they have to be called "Imperial Army", do you know?You all borrowed my son's light, and my son is working for the imperial army.

My son made accommodations with the Imperial Japanese Army in advance, so we let our village go!
For this reason, Mr. Li added another [-]% to the rent of each family next year. Some people said that it was called "surprise fee" or "protection fee".

No one knows when this Li Dahu's family got in touch with the Japanese.

However, everyone in the village believed what Li Dahu said. The reason was that not only did the fierce dog in Li Dahu's house not be killed, but also a small group of Japanese and puppet troops lived in Li Dahu's high-rise compound tonight.

Well, tonight's story begins with that big fierce dog.

The big ferocious dog was lying in the kennel with its eyes closed.

No one knows a dog's mind, it only has three things in its eyes, no, there are only four things, the master, the enemy, the bone and the bitch in heat.

And amidst the sound of the wind, it suddenly pricked up its ears, it stood up and walked out of the kennel, then sniffed the ground.

At this time, the most important thing in its dog's life has changed from the original four things to one more, and the thing on the ground is so tempting to it, so that it no longer has the most fundamental thing of looking after the house. alert.

In fact, it is by no means that dogs from rich families eat better than people from ordinary families.

In fact, except for specially trained dogs, it is generally difficult for dogs in this world to resist the temptation of delicious food, such as a kind of thing that is elegantly called "smelly".

Of course, what this big fierce dog smelled at this time was not stink, that thing was like a magnet with a huge gravitational force, and it turned into a piece of iron, which directly attracted its long mouth.

When the delicacy entered the mouth, the big vicious dog was like the ginseng fruit eaten by the second senior brother in the legend. .

It lowered its head and sniffed the ground, and he flicked his head, trying to shake off the rope that had connected its belly to the outside world.

It's just that although the dog's teeth are sharp, the tough rope is definitely not so easy to bite off.

And after a while, the big ferocious dog suddenly fell to the ground and started to twitch, but its twitching was also only for a moment, and then it fell into the darkness in the cold of early winter.

And just after the big wolfdog stopped convulsing for a while, the thin rope connected to its mouth moved, and it was stretched straight.

If someone could see it in the dark, the stretched rope was being connected to the top of the wall, and at the bottom of the wall outside the wall, a person was stretching the thin rope in his hand.

He pushed hard twice and felt the strength of the rope, so he said softly: "It's done!"

But this person was Bai Zhan.

"Are you accurate?" a voice asked, and it was Shang Zhen.

"Of course it's accurate to say that a chicken-crowing dog thief is naturally useful to a chicken-crowing dog thief!" Bai Zhan replied, his voice was not lacking in complacency.

"Then let's go! We're going to kill everyone tonight!" Shang Zhen said in a deep voice.

So in the dark night, there was a small sound.

After all, Bai Zhan came out with Shang Zhen, Yu Zuolong and Hulu.

Based on his fear of killing and being killed, he really didn't want to come out with Shang Zhen and the others.

But when the gourd who came back from the outside introduced the situation of Li Dahu's family, Bai Zhan took the initiative to invite Ying. The reason was that he was itchy. .

He wanted to show Shang Zhen that, as he said, a chicken-crowing dog thief also has the ability of a chicken-crying dog thief, and when he meets Wang Laomao and the others later, he will be able to boast.

Of course he knew that in terms of marching and fighting, he couldn't compare with Wang Laomao and his group of veterans.

But it doesn't matter, he didn't intend to compare with Wang Laomao and the others in this matter, and he just needs to do something to control Wang Laomao and the others. Of course, if he can slap them in the face, then Even better!

For example, he seems to have heard Old Mao Wang saying, oh, that bastard Bai Zhanji actually knows how to tie a rope to the drug, and when he yanks the rope, he will know whether he has set the dog over. He is such a thief
 I originally planned to write another one, but tonight there was a drinking party and I drank too much.

(End of this chapter)

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