Chapter 652

"My home doesn't have soybean sorghum everywhere." Two days later, in the woods, Gao Swift said quietly.

After Gao Yuyan said this, Shang Zhen who was sitting next to her, and Yu Zuolong and Bai Zhan who were sitting a little further away all looked at her.

Nowadays, the song about "September [-]" has long been sung throughout the country.

The "soybeans and sorghum all over the mountains and plains" in that song can't be said to be known to everyone, but anyone who has heard it will be impressed.

Gao Yuyan's brother, Gao Yuhang, the Air Force hero who died in battle was from the Northeast, so of course Gao Yuyan is also from the Northeast, although her accent has changed a little because she has lived in the South for a long time.

But now Gao Yuyan just said that there are no soybeans and sorghum in the mountains and plains, what does that mean?

"My home is in Shenyang City, but it has a big yard." Gao Yuyan said again at this time.

After Gao Yuyan said this, Bai Zhan muttered in a low voice, "Don't say that women don't breathe a lot."

"If you don't say anything, no one will sell you as dumb." Yu Zuolong responded in a low voice.

Bai Zhan curled his lips and didn't answer.

But Gao Yuyan didn't notice what those two people were whispering, but continued quietly: "There is a grape trellis in the yard. In winter, Seventh Brother tied a swing for me on the grape trellis. I just sat on it and played on the swing, and the cats and dogs at home circled around the swing.

Later, Seventh Brother also put cats and dogs on the swings, and also played them on the swings. Later, the cats and dogs also became addicted to swinging.

What a pity, September [-]th. "

Gao Yuyan looked towards the northern sky, where there is an untouchable hometown that may never return in this life, just like the childhood that everyone has passed away and can never return.

Shang Zhen also looked at the sky in the north. In the north, there is a hometown and a mother, who is probably seriously ill, alas.

Yes, there is also Leng Xiaozhi, I don’t know what happened to that girl, maybe I and Leng Xiaozhi are still alive now, maybe when, I and Leng Xiaozhi, or one of the two will fight like that Like the unknown soldiers who died among them, their bones were finally left in the wilderness, but there was not even a bag of earth where the corpse was buried.

Therefore, Shang Zhen never thought about the future, because if he thought about the future, he would not be able to be a soldier anymore.

At this time, Gao Yuyan continued to speak again, this time the words were somewhat literary: "You have fought countless battles, I have traveled through countless cities, my body is wandering in a foreign land, But my Northeast soul has nowhere to rest."

"Oh my god, it's really sour, and the soul has no place to rest." Bai Zhan curled his lips again, and this time his voice became higher, "Where is it not home?"

"Who can compare to you, you are such a thief, you don't have a home everywhere." Yu Zuolong said.

"How do you talk?" Bai Zhan was not happy.

"Okay, let's all calm down, the gourd is back." Shang Zhen said.

Of course Shang Zhen and the others couldn't stay at Hulu's second uncle's house for a long time, Hulu's second uncle got them some dry food and they ran out again.

But there is Hulu, a local. Although they say that they have no fixed place for the time being, Hulu can always lead them to find food in various villages.

Hulu's house is the only blacksmith's shop in a radius of tens of miles, and he is not allowed to use farm tools. Although Hulu is silent, he knows quite a few people. Just now, Hulu went to the village in front of him to inquire about news.

"There's a new discovery in this village, no, it's not a new discovery, it's an old discovery." Calabash said wheezingly when he ran into the woods, "I saw the words written by Baihui again!"

"Mmm..." Shang Zhen said "Let's go" with a heartbeat.

Five minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others hid behind a fence and stretched their heads to look ahead.

The fence surrounded a vegetable garden, but it was outside the village. It was winter, and although there was a little green in the garden, it could not block their sight.

They looked over the fence and saw the house of the family at the head of the village.

Naturally, there is nothing to see on the top of Fangshan Mountain, but there are two big characters "Nettle" written in white ash on the top of the Fangshan Mountain!
"Does this place produce hemp? It's as good as the posters of Panacea and Rendan!" Bai Zhan said angrily.

He was a bit puzzled. Shang Zhen came out of his second uncle's house in Hulu after hearing the "nettle" written by Baihui, but took them to several villages without stopping. As a result, five villages But three and a half wrote "nettles".

The reason why it is said to be three and a half is that it is because of the news from the gourd that a person dipped the tip of a broken broom in white ash and was brushing letters on the top of a house, but in the end an old lady from that house scolded him. gone!
Hulu was a bored person, so he came back after asking about it. Shang Zhen asked Hulu what the person who wrote the characters looked like, but Hulu didn't ask at all.

But when Shang Zhen only took the gourd to inquire again, they saw a puppet army asking questions "on their behalf" from a distance, so why did they dare to lean up, so they could only run away again .

Now they saw the word "nettle" again, at this moment, don't look at Bai Zhan grinning, but he also saw the difference.

"Could it be that your people are looking for your secret code?" This time Gao Yuyan finally expressed her conjecture.

There was a smile in Shang Zhen's eyes, but he didn't express his opinion. He failed those people's expectations with his usual "dumbness".

"It is said that gourds are boring gourds, but I think you are also a lump of wood!" Bai Zhan ticked off again.

Shang Zhen turned to look at Bai Zhan and said, "You have to be responsible for what you say."

"Responsible? What are you responsible for?" Bai Zhan didn't understand.

"I'm too lazy to know as much as you, but it doesn't mean that everyone is used to you." Shang Zhen said flatly.

"You, what do you mean?" Bai Zhan didn't understand at first, but then he reacted and said, "You threatened me!"

Shang Zhen didn't pay attention to him anymore, but this time he finally laughed, if it wasn't for the inappropriate time and place, he would definitely raise his head and laugh out loud.

At this time, Bai Zhan finally confirmed it. It seems that the white and gray words are the mark left by Wang Laomao and the others looking for Shang Zhen.

How could Shang Zhen be sure that those two words were written by Wang Laomao and the others?Bai Zhan began to think.

He thought to himself that Shang Zhen and the others never kept their backs on him. When they came out of Nanjing, everyone just said that they were going to Jiangwang Temple, and they didn't agree on anything!

"How do you know that they left this word?" Bai Zhan asked.

"If you want to go, go now, if you don't want to go later, don't bother me.

This day-to-day chattering is killing me, Momojiji is like a bitch! "Although Shang Zhen has already confirmed what "nettle" means, although he is very happy, he really doesn't want Bai Zhan to bother him any more.

Bai Zhan clicked his lips, but finally stopped talking this time.

Since Shang Zhen was sure that it was Wang Laomao and the others who were contacting him and the others, if he continued to babble like this after the meeting, Wang Laomao and the others would not have Shang Zhen's good temper.

"It didn't say where they are, where should we go to find them?" Yu Zuolong asked a little anxiously at this moment.

But before Shang Zhen could answer, they suddenly heard a gunshot from a distance!
Now the enemy is strong and we are weak, if they had heard the gunshot, they would have to avoid it, but this time Shang Zhen laughed again.

"Let's go, we should be able to meet up." Shang Zhen said.

(End of this chapter)

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