Chapter 654
Finally saw his own people, it was Xiao Dupan and Ma Tianfang.

Although everyone is happy at the rendezvous, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, just because there are both their own people and pursuers behind them.

The little dustpan just called out "Boss" in surprise, and then began to report the enemy's situation, "Qin Chuan and Chen Hanwen are behind, and there is a platoon of Japanese devils with less than ten puppet troops behind."

To say that what Little Dustpan said about the enemy did not make Shang Zhen afraid, but what Little Dustpan said after taking a deep breath was the most crucial, "They still have five or six riders!"

Shang Zhen couldn't help frowning.

Although it is said that the terrain here has ups and downs, it can't stop the cavalry.

"Little dustpan, Ma Tianfang, come with me, you guys stay behind and take cover, do you understand cross-shooting?" After speaking, Shang Zhen dropped the rifle in his hand but picked up the box cannon again and headed towards the left side of the hill. run ahead.

At this time, what's the use of talking about anything else?

Battles are often like this. Sometimes you have to go into battle in a hurry.

Shang Zhen and the others ran very fast, there was a big hole in the front left, Shang Zhen was going to take these two people there to stop the Japanese army.

Gao Yuyan really wanted to follow Shang Zhen, but she knew that she must not make trouble at this time, so she could only bear with it, and her little heart started beating "poundingly".

The big pit was more than a hundred meters away from the small hill. Before Shang Zhen and the three of them got there, they saw Qin Chuan and Ma Tianfang also rushing out of the woods in front of them.

Although there is still a distance of more than a hundred meters between each other, everyone is too familiar with each other after all. Shang Zhen just pointed at the hill that he just ran down, and the two of them ran to that hill without even stopping. .

As for the fact that they finally found Shang Zhen, they still couldn't see the happy expression.

When the three of Shang Zhen and the others ran into the pit and lay down on the edge of the pit and looked forward again, the figures of the Japanese and puppet soldiers appeared, and the ones running in the front were indeed a few puppet soldiers on horses.

Naturally, the cavalry ran fast, and Shang Zhen and the three of them just observed for a while, when they heard the "snap" of rifles on the other side of the hill.

It's just that Shang Zhen can guess without looking at it, that the gun will miss.

The reason is that Qin Chuan and Chen Hanwen haven't run to the hill yet, and the only one who can shoot on the hill is Yu Zuolong.

However, in any case, it is better to shoot than not to shoot, at least it is a deterrent to these cavalry.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen heard gunshots from among the cavalry who were chasing forward.

That gunshot sounded like a box cannon, right?When Shang Zhen looked carefully, he saw that one of the puppet soldiers who were running closer and closer had his hands off the rein, and a gun was pressed against his shoulder.

"Back back!" Shang Zhen said anxiously.

Now he could clearly see those cavalrymen using their guns. If they only had to glance at them, the three of them would be exposed.

Shang Zhen knew that if he wanted to get rid of the pursuit of the Japanese and puppet troops behind him, he had to kill these cavalrymen.

Under Shang Zhen's order, the three of them retracted their bodies behind the edge of the pit, and immediately heard the sound of the horse's hooves faintly running past them.

"It seems to be a bit over the top!" Shang Zhen sighed in a low voice.

The position they are in now is really a bit of a dilemma. If they attack those cavalry now, they can knock out a few cavalry, but the infantry of the Japanese puppet army is following behind.

Shang Zhen didn't want to shoot at those Japanese and puppet troops. Once they started shooting at each other, it would be impossible to eliminate them with their firepower. Then the three of them would be trapped in this big pit.

"It's not a big game, kill the devils first, and the puppet army probably won't dare to chase after them." At this time, the little dustpan said.

"That's the only way to go." Shang Zhen replied.

And while they were talking, the gunshots above the pit rang out in disorder. They can't show up to fight yet, but hearing the gunshots, it means that the Japanese and puppet troops who came later were also shooting. .

"It's a bit far away, but it should be enough to kill those devils." Shang Zhen glanced at the gun used by Xiao Dupan and Ma Tianfang.

The two of them each took a flower organ.

At this time, for the same reason, the three of them are happy to meet each other, but they still can't say much, let's talk about it after finishing the battle first.

At this time, they didn't care about how the cavalry who rushed past fought with their own people, so they all listened to the location of the gunshots of the Japanese and puppet troops behind them.

"The little devil should be the last one." Ma Tianfang analyzed

Both Shang Zhen and Xiao Dupan gave a "hmm", this judgment should be correct.

After a while, Xiao Dupan and Ma Tianfang both looked at Shang Zhen, waiting for Shang Zhen to give an order.

They could hear the hooves of the cavalry running past, but they couldn't hear the footsteps of the Japanese and puppet troops who came later, but now they can only estimate.

They can't show their heads to observe at all, and if they show their heads, they will start fighting!

"One, two, three, four—" Shang Zhen began to count, and he also couldn't judge the position of the Japanese and puppet troops.

Just when Little Dupan and Ma Tianfang thought that Shang Zhen was going to give the order to shoot, unexpectedly Shang Zhen counted again: "Five, six, seven, eight, nine, hit!"

At this sound, Shang Zhen straightened his body up, and pointed out the box cannon in his hand.

And Xiao Dupan and Ma Tian naturally wouldn't say that Shang Zhen was out of breath at this time, and when they heard Shang Zhen's order, the two of them instinctively stood up and put their flower organs on their shoulders at the same time.

At the moment when the three of them appeared almost at the same time, their brains went blank for a moment, and then the guns in the hands of the three of them all rang out "he he he he" and "crack".

The reason is that when they showed their heads, they realized that the Japanese soldiers were only forty or fifty meters away from them!

This distance is too short. Although Shang Zhen and the others were surprised, they also saw the astonished eyes of those Japanese soldiers looking at them with their rifles.

It's just that both the enemy and us in this kind of close combat have already loaded the bullets and opened the safety, and life and death are really just the moment of pulling the trigger.

Shang Zhen and the others who came prepared were really quick to pull the trigger, not to mention that the three of them were using automatic weapons.

So, under the shooting like a storm, those Japanese soldiers were directly beaten to lie down.

But how does this battle end here?

Shang Zhen and the three of them immediately turned their guns, and the bullets shot at the puppet soldiers who were rushing forward obliquely.

Needless to say, the combat quality of Chinese soldiers nowadays is really not high. Many of them are strong men who have been captured, and the puppet soldiers are soldiers who surrendered because they were afraid of death. How strong can their combat quality be? ?

Those puppet troops were only a hundred meters away from Shang Zhen and them. Shang Zhen, Xiao Dupan, and Ma Tianfang all shot short bursts this time, but they were specially looking for puppet troops who dared to turn their guns to shoot.

After another moment of effort, after six or seven of the puppet soldiers were knocked down, the rest of the puppet soldiers were lying on the ground. Who knows who shouted loudly, "Stop beating, we surrender!"

Then Shang Zhen and the others saw that the puppet soldiers were lying on the ground and raised their rifles above their heads!They actually surrendered!
"Keep an eye on them!" Shang Zhen ordered, and only then did he have the time to turn around and look at the puppet cavalry.

At this time, he saw that several cavalrymen had already run away on their horses, but there was no one on one of the horses, and one cavalryman had been knocked down by Shang Zhen and his men. As for who shot The fight is no longer important.

(End of this chapter)

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