Chapter 692

When Wang Laomao rushed down the turret, he saw that the corpses of Japanese soldiers were lying in disorder on the street, but the sound of shouting and killing was resounding in an alley.

Old Mao Wang took the box cannon and went into the alley, but at this moment, someone rushed ahead of him like a gust of wind, and that was Shang Zhen.

Wang Laomao looked again, and saw that more than a dozen soldiers with him had rushed over. It was the soldiers who had just finished tying the bamboo rafts and rushed over to join the battle when they heard the gunshots.

It's just that the battle came suddenly and quickly, and the place where the bamboo raft was set up was some distance away from the town, so Shang Zhen and the others only caught up with the end.

The alleys were so narrow and long that it was impossible to deploy troops at all. At this time, several soldiers rushed in ahead of Old Mao Wang. Old Mao Wang frowned and stopped digging in. He also gave Yu Zuolong a hand.

"Why?" Yu Zuolong was puzzled.

"The place inside is small, and it's useless if too many people come in." Old Mao Wang said.

When Yu Zuolong said "Oh", Old Mao Wang still didn't forget to reprimand him, "You're a veteran, why don't you have a head?"

Yu Zuolong couldn't refute what Wang Laomao said, because what Wang Laomao said was reasonable, so he could only stand on tiptoe at the entrance of the alley and look inside.

But at this moment, a shout came from inside, it was Shang Zhen's voice: "Get down!"

Old Mao Wang and Yu Zuolong fell down on the ground.

God knows what's going on inside.

Blocking a few Japanese soldiers, will the Japanese army make a self-explosive bomb like the Chinese soldiers when they are in a desperate situation? Wang Laomao believes that he can do this kind of thing with the Japanese devils who are so-called samurai spirits.

However, to Wang Laomao's surprise, when he and Yu Zuolong got down on the ground, the explosion of the grenade did not sound, but the sound of "he he he" from the flower mechanism sounded.

When Wang Laomao and Yu Zuolong got up from the ground and hid at the edge of the alley, the soldiers inside withdrew back one after another.

"What's the situation?" Old Mao Wang asked while grabbing Chu Tian who came out from inside.

"There were two Japanese devils inside, who were shot and killed by our people. I don't know the other situation." When Chutian came back, it turned out that the alley was too narrow and Chutian was slow to rush over, so he didn't squeeze to the front.

Wang Laomao could only wait at the entrance of the alley, and saw that someone came out with the newly seized [-]-type rifle bullet boxes, and the last ones came out were gourds, Shang Zhen, and small dustpans.

"What's the situation?" Old Mao Wang asked again.

Hulu's complexion was very bad, his face was flushed and he didn't answer his question, and Shang Zhen didn't say anything.

"What's the matter, you can't make a fart with such a fucking three-barrel?" Old Mao Wang was not happy.

"There were two devils in total. The gourd was going to fight the devil with a bayonet. The boss yelled, and the gourd fell down. I beat the two devils to death with a fancy trick." Then the little dustpan replied.

"Fuck, aren't our people all right? If we're all right, we won the fight. Why do you look like a dead father?" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

"No, no." Calabash spoke, "The devil thought a child was in the way and killed him with a bayonet. I couldn't save him."

So it turned out that it was so easy for Men Hulu not to speak, but when he spoke like this, Old Mao Wang was also speechless.

"Why are there children there?" Old Mao Wang asked after a while.

"Who knows, I probably bumped into a devil while playing outside my house." Little Dustpan replied.

At this time, a woman's screaming and crying suddenly came from the depths of the alley.

"What kind of bayonet fight are you fighting with them? Can you fight against others? You don't even know how you died!" At this moment, the little dustpan said suddenly.

There is no doubt that the little dustpan is training gourd.

The gourd's face turned even redder because he couldn't save the child, and the dull gourd turned into a red gourd again.

"Okay, Hulu is a recruit, it is right to be brave in battle, but you need to use your brain." Shang Zhen said at this time.

Shang Zhen was also in a bad mood, just because he also saw the child who was bayoneted to death by the Japanese army just now.

"The battle is over, there must be some ghosts who have fled back, hurry up and mobilize the people in the town to hide if they can, the little devils won't let it go," Shang Zhen said.

Originally the bamboo raft was already tied up, and Shang Zhen planned that they would cross the river, but who would have thought that if the festival army came, they would not be able to leave now if they wanted to, they would never see the Japanese army slaughtering this town again right?

It's just that the common people in this town went out to hide because Shang Zhen wanted to persuade them to hide?
The sound of the soldiers driving the common people out of the town resounded everywhere in the town. Some timid common people went out, but there were always those who did not know the cruelty of the Japanese army and refused to leave.

How can the soldiers under Shang Zhen have such a good temper, besides, there are differences in personality between the northeasterners and southerners.

Southerners think that northerners are rude and uncultivated, and northerners think that southerners are grumpy and nonchalant, and now it's soldiers from the north who are confronting ordinary people in the south. It is also unreasonable for the soldiers to meet the common people in the south!
Soon, the soldiers became anxious because the common people refused to leave. From the perspective of the northerners, the northerners trembled when they were anxious, and from the perspective of the southerners, the northerners thought they were so rude and said It's because I don't have the same knowledge as you, but I'm still scared in my heart after all.

So most of the people were driven out of the town by the soldiers with guns, but some older people refused to leave after all.

And what's terrible is that they don't understand what the soldiers in the Northeast say!
Come to think of it, those older people have never left this town in their entire lives, why do they have to understand your Northeast dialect?

"What's wrong with old Uncle Wang? How old are the older ones, why don't you want to leave?" Chen Hanwen, who trot all the way over, reported panting.

"Come to me for everything, go to boy Shang!" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

He just left a house just now, and now Chen Hanwen came to him and told him about this shit, how could he not be in a hurry.

"Shang Zhen is on guard outside the town." Chen Hanwen replied.

"What the hell, when will you be pushed like this?" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

"Don't worry, think about other tricks." Ju Hongxia, who was standing with Old Mao Wang at this time, said.

Old Mao Wang, who was going to yell at him, finally held back his anger when he saw his little daughter-in-law speak.

Or else the solution is all thought up by people, Wang Laomao turned the mill on the spot, and he really has a trick: "Didn't you get killed by a child? Carry that dead child from house to house. Come on, say it was killed by the Japanese devils, if you scare me, you will get fucked!"

"Ah?" As soon as Old Mao Wang made this move, not only Chen Hanwen and Ju Hongxia, but also the soldiers next to him became stunned.

What are these tricks?This is a bad move!
You, Mr. Wang, don’t like southerners any more, so we are also Chinese. That family’s child was killed by the Japanese, and then you let people carry their dead child to parade in the street?Is this something our Northeast soldiers can do?

Therefore, once Wang Laomao made this move, Chen Hanwen didn't move anymore, he had nothing to say, it was obvious that Wang Laomao's move was a bullshit move!
"What the hell are you staring at me?" Old Mao Wang scolded again, "Are you all idiots? I said you killed the child if you killed it?
Those little devils are all scumbags, you smashed their faces up, took off their clothes and pretended to be us Chinese children, who the hell can tell? "

"Oh, it's still old Uncle Wang talking about it." Chen Hanwen boasted, he turned around and was about to do it, but he just turned around and ran a few steps, then turned around and asked, "That's not okay, the little devil is not wearing clothes under his clothes. Pants."

"What the hell!" Old Mao Wang was really anxious this time, "Do you still need me to teach you? Take off your underpants and put them on for him!"

(End of this chapter)

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