Chapter 729 The Betting Gunner ([-])

The Huaihe River is also a well-known river in China. The Qinhuai River is a geographical coordinate.

The Huaihe River is not too small. Usually there is water vapor along the river, but today there is no smoke and dust. A house in Xiaobengbu was hit by artillery fire, and a thick black smoke shot straight into the sky. Knowing that when the house is completely burned down and the black smoke cannot be removed, will today's Huaihe blockade be over?

Sure enough, the Chinese army took advantage of the natural danger of the Huaihe River to deploy defenses on the Baili Line of Defense, blocking the Japanese army attacking from south to north, and this army was the 51st Army of the Northeast Army transferred from Shandong.

Bengbu is the only way for the Jinpu Railway, the north-south artery. Although the railway bridge above it has been blown up by the Chinese army, once the Japanese army occupies Little Bengbu and repairs the railway bridge, it can quickly transport troops to pose a threat to Xuzhou in the north. up.

Therefore, the primary goal of the Japanese attack this time was of course Little Bengbu opposite Bengbu. The first round of attack was blocked, and the second round of attack came soon.

No way, who made it convenient for the Japanese army to cross the river?

Just after the shelling, when the 337th Brigade on the North Bank was preparing to meet the Japanese infantry crossing the river, the Japanese planes appeared again.

If you look at it from a higher altitude, several planes spread their wings and swooped down like birds, and when they pulled up, a string of "papa" eggs appeared.

And when the "baba" eggs fell to the ground one after another, clouds of smoke and dust exploded. Since the observer's angle was high enough, the smoke and dust that exploded "exploded" like a child playing in the field. "horse manure bag"

(Note: The horse dung bag here refers to a kind of wild fungus, people with life experience can know)
It's just that this is only seen from a high altitude, but the explosion sound is deafening when it reaches the ground.

One soldier couldn't stand still when he got up from the ground after the explosion because he was closer to the explosion point.

He walked crookedly, like a child who was just learning to walk, and like a drunk who had drunk too much alcohol, but he only took two steps before he fell to the ground crookedly.

Blood oozes from the corners of his mouth, nostrils and even his eyes, and then he never got up again.

At this time, this scene of the soldier fell into the eyes of a person nearly a hundred meters away.

The man was wearing a camouflage suit made of broken sacks. Although the camouflage was very torn, he actually had a hat made of the corner of the sack on it.

What about the hat?That is to cut off one corner of the sack, which is square, and then stuff one corner into the other corner, which becomes a triangular hat with a hollow pocket, which he puts on his head

He held a [-]-type rifle in his hand, and the rifle was also wrapped in tattered linen, so it couldn't see its true color.

His face was already covered with dust.

Because of his over-disguise, he has already blended into the whole background at this time, and the only thing that can't blend in is his cold and sharp eyes.

If it was a few years ago, the soldier who was shocked to death by the Japanese aerial bomb would still make him feel turbulent, but for him now, it will no longer be so.

It happened in an instant, but it cannot be changed. The past is meaningless to him now. As for the future, who knows, the only thing he can grasp now is the present.

At this time, he glanced at the river in front of him, and the shadow of the boat appeared again, and the second Japanese attack began again.

My current shooting position doesn't seem very good!With my current marksmanship, it's still a bit far away!thought the man.

At this time, he noticed the series of huge craters that were blown up by the Japanese aerial bombs.

The bomb crater is quite good as a bunker, and the location is suitable.

It was about [-] meters away from the center line of the river, and about [-] meters away from the bank that was really not suitable for ambush.

This position can not only guarantee the accuracy of shooting, but also have a certain retreat space.

However, the adjacent craters are a bit far away, so it's not safe to stay in one crater all the time!

The man's eyes blinked again, and it took only a moment for him to see something, so he suddenly got up from his original position and ran towards one of the bomb craters with his gun in hand.

In the middle of the journey, he paused for a moment, stretched out his left hand and yanked a wooden handle that was half buried in the soil. It was a shovel!Then others continued to speed up.

At this moment, his movements were as fast as a civet cat, but because he was wearing the camouflage clothes made of sacks, when he ran, the camouflage clothes would be picked up by the wind and look like a cloak.

He held his rifle in his right hand, and dragged the shovel in his left.

The soil blown up by the bomb was a little soft, and his running posture was a little weird, but from the perspective of the people behind him, he looked more like a big bird jumping on the ground.

That person didn't know that his series of actions happened to fall under the observation of several officers behind him, or that even if he knew that someone saw him, he didn't care because it was his own.

"A veteran is a veteran!" One officer couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

After finishing speaking, he turned his face and glanced at another officer beside him, who was the chief officer of their unit.

The chief officer didn't say anything about his subordinate's compliment to the soldier in front. He didn't have the time to control what a soldier did, even if the soldier could fight again!
He's about to command the battle.

The commander of the unit was Liu Chengyi, commander of the 337th Brigade of the Northeast Army, and the soldier who had just hid in the bomb crater was Shang Zhen.

"The devils sent a lot of wooden boats this time, and ordered the mortar company to blow up the boats directly." Liu Chengyi ordered.

"Brigadier, our shells are running low." The officer next to him reminded.

"The Huaihe River must be defended, it must be fought in the morning and in the evening, and it will not work even if it cannot be stopped, so let's fight!

If the shells are gone, use the gun, if the platoon is gone, go to the battalion, if the battalion is gone, go to the regiment, if they are all gone, then I will go!
There is glory in death, but there is no shame in life! "Liu Chengyi ordered again.

After a while, gunshots of "boom" and "boom" sounded from the Chinese position, and the machine guns of the Japanese army on the wooden boat rang out like a storm, and a more intense offensive and defensive battle was destined to begin.

At this time, Shang Zhen was not in a hurry to observe the enemy's situation. The Japanese army was still a little bit away from him, and now he had put down the [-]-type rifle and was digging desperately with a shovel.

The hole created by the aerial bomb is big enough. Even if he lay on the edge of the hole and slid straight down, his feet would not be able to reach the bottom. Of course he would not dig down, he was digging in. He wanted to A ditch was dug between the two craters.

The Japanese attack had already begun, and it was definitely unrealistic for him to dig a trench alone. He only needed to dig a shallow trench so that he could change his shooting position when he felt that he had been spotted by the Japanese army.

Previously, Shang Zhen only had a meeting with brigade commander Liu Chengyi, and the Japanese attack began.

At this point, what else can be said, Liu Chengyi, as the chief officer of the army, wants to personally go to the front to command, how can he have the time to pay attention to him?And Shang Zhen was also very straightforward, he just said, "I'll go too, give me a [-] rifle with a hundred bullets."

At this point, is it still important that Shang Zhen's men beat up the brigade commander's brother-in-law?
That doesn't matter at all. There are Japanese invaders outside, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party want to stop the civil war and unite with the outside world!And Shang Zhen's people just got into a fight, so is that still a problem?Farts don't even count!
(End of this chapter)

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