Chapter 801 Relief, check it out

Gunshots could be heard faintly from the south. Shang Zhen and the others hid on the mound they occupied and looked south.

Under normal circumstances, they can see that there are houses there, and that is Xiao Bengbu.

It's just that it can't be done now. After days of fierce fighting, the walls have collapsed and the houses have collapsed, not to mention a piece of scorched earth and ruins. Where are there tall buildings?
"It's probably caused by Uncle Wang and the others. I don't know if they killed the little devil's mortar." Chu Tian guessed.

"I'll see if the little devil's cannon fires or not after a while." Chen Hanwen replied.

Chen Hanwen's answer was undoubtedly reasonable, so the soldiers stopped talking and listened to the movement in the south.

The gunshots from the south were still ringing, mixed with the sound of explosions, but the Japanese mortars really didn't ring out again, so Wang Laomao and the others probably succeeded.

The soldiers began to whisper again.

But at this moment, Shi Xiaowan asked Ma Tianfang: "Brother Ma, do you think the devils know that their sentries here have been wiped out by us?"

"They don't necessarily know it, they can only hear the gunshots and know that there is a battle here." Ma Tianfang guessed.

This is the fact, and Ma Tianfang's guess is also reasonable.

"Then you say let's pretend to be little devils and lean in?" Shi Xiaowan asked.

Although Shi Xiaowan's voice is not loud, but he is small, the half-child is not yet an adult, his voice is crisp and tight, and the crisp and tight voice is naturally easy to be heard by others.

Bai Zhan was taken aback by Shi Xiaowan's proposal!

This is really a crazy idea, just don't let this job fall on your own head!

Dressing up as a Japanese devil is not like playing in later generations of film and television dramas, you can pretend to be casual.

The reason is that the Japanese are really short, and the height of the Northeast people can be counted among the Chinese.

Because of this, Shang Zhen would choose the short people in his team to pretend to be Japanese devils, such as Xiao Dupan, Hou Wangshan, He Xiangcai, and Fan Chanchan. Like a piece of wormwood, it is inevitable that there will be a tall tree.

But now most of the people in Shang Zhen's team have been sent by Shang Zhen to kill the Japanese mortars. It's dumb.

Bai Zhan thought to himself that he could only be considered a middle-to-lower figure among the remaining people, so wouldn't it be his fault to pretend to be a Japanese devil?

Just this task?Narrow escape!

Bai Zhan buried his head a little lower. At this moment, he felt that he was the bird with his head stuck in the sand. Don't be noticed by others!

"Why are you pretending to be a Japanese devil? It's okay to come once in a while, but if you do too much, you will die!" Shang Zhen spoke at this time.

Shang Zhen's words made Shi Xiaowan look regretful, but it also made Bai Zhan secretly heave a sigh of relief.

After Shang Zhen disagreed with Shi Xiaowan's proposal, he raised his box cannon.

Shang Zhen's action was really strange.

From their current position, they can overlook a field road more than [-] meters ahead, and that field road is the only way between Xiaobu and the village where the brigade headquarters is located.

However, there were gunshots from the other side of the village, and the soldiers didn't know whether Shang Zhen saw the Japanese army with the binoculars, but they didn't see it anyway.

So what does Shang Zhen do with the box cannon?
But at this moment, Shang Zhen pulled the trigger suddenly, but the muzzle of the gun was pointed obliquely at the air.

"Pa", "Papa", "Papa", but Shang Zhen fired bursts, short bursts, and bursts.

With the rate of fire of a box cannon, even though Shang Zhen's gun had a [-]-shot gun, he emptied the magazine in a short time.

All the soldiers looked at Shang Zhen in surprise, they naturally did not understand what Shang Zhen was doing.

At this time, Shang Zhen raised his binoculars again and looked towards the direction of the village. After observing for a while, he held up the binoculars in one hand and the gun in the other and shot a few short bursts into the air.

"Okay, it's almost done. We all choose the most suitable place to shoot black guns. The little devil has already returned from the other side of the village." Shang Zhen, who started to observe with the binoculars, said suddenly.

Only then did the veterans understand what Shang Zhen was up to.

It turned out that Shang Zhen was trying to create the illusion that the reinforcements from the Northeast Army were coming, so the Japanese troops who were attacking the village would definitely withdraw if they were cut off from their rear, but they could just take advantage of the terrain here to get out of the field road The Japanese army who ran past carried out an ambush.

However, there is a premise here, that is, there will not be too many Japanese troops attacking the brigade headquarters.

Shang Zhen and the others didn't know how many Japanese troops attacked the brigade headquarters, but they heard the intensity of the gunfire from the flanks earlier, and the Japanese troops should not be too many.

It's just that none of them guessed that Shang Zhen had other intentions in doing so.

Shang Zhen really wanted to relieve the siege of the brigade, but since he had already led people to set up a death squad to join the Japanese army, he didn't want to repeat the old trick.

How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river?Now he doesn't care how many Japanese troops are attacking the brigade headquarters, but he wants to use his gunshots to lure the Japanese troops attacking the brigade headquarters to divide some troops again, and these people like himself can use the terrain to ambush the Japanese troops. This can be called breaking the Japanese army into zero!
Shang Zhen didn't know whether his judgment was right or not, but he looked at it for a while and then gave the order again, and this time he gave the order loudly and even excitedly: "The little devil should withdraw his troops. Everyone spread out, don't set the goal too high, if one person can kill three or two, that's a profit!"

Hearing what Shang Zhen said, despite the fact that there were not many people in their group, they also let out an extremely excited "buzz", and at the same time they dispersed to find a suitable location for them to hide and shoot at the Japanese army.

They are now on the mound, and the field road ahead is the only way for the Japanese army to retreat.

Not to mention the road, the fields on both sides of the road are also open, they can just shoot from a high position, and now is undoubtedly an opportunity to take advantage of it!
A few minutes later, the Japanese army actually appeared.

At this time, all the soldiers except Shang Zhen also confirmed that the Japanese army attacking the brigade headquarters had indeed retreated.

Don't look at the Japanese army forming a long column on that field road, but the Japanese army is still walking with a limp, that is the wounded of the Japanese army!

The hill where Shang Zhen and the others were located was about [-] meters away from the field road, but when the Japanese army was about [-] meters away from them, Shang Zhen's rifle fired first.

And with his gunshot, although a Japanese soldier was shot and fell down on the field road, other Japanese soldiers also fired bullets at the mound where Shang Zhen and the others were.

All of a sudden, the mound where Shang Zhen and the others hid was filled with the sound of "chirp" and "chirp" of bullets entering the ground, but so what, Shang Zhen and the others were not many people and did not gather together, no matter how dense the bullets were. But it didn't work.

"Did you see, the little devil didn't use the machine gun, they started to charge forward!" Suddenly Ma Tianfang shouted, "Be careful, don't let the little devil bite us again before he dies!"

Ma Tianfang's left arm has been amputated. If he only uses his right arm, he can barely control the rifle, but if he hits a target within a hundred meters, it's okay. As far as he is really helpless, he can only give himself a shot. Companion encouraged.

When he shouted, don't let the little devil bite us again before he dies, he is undoubtedly reminding his companions, don't wait for the devil to withdraw, but that is not something we can stand up against.

Just like what Shang Zhen just arranged, everyone can kill as many Japanese soldiers as possible, don't throw your own life away!

Now that Shang Zhen fired, the others also started shooting.

They were very patient in their shots, and after a shot, they would change to other shooting positions regardless of whether they hit or miss.

There is no doubt that the Japanese army's marksmanship is very accurate, but no matter how accurate the Japanese army's marksmanship is, it still needs to stop and shoot.

But at this moment, another gunshot sounded from the north of the Japanese army. It was the guard company guarding the brigade headquarters who also judged the situation on this side, and they also chased them out of the village.

As a result, the Japanese army, which had lost their fighting spirit, retreated even more urgently, and when they rushed to the closest position to the mound, the mutual shooting between the enemy and us finally reached the most intense level.

At this time, Shang Zhen had already dropped the ordinary [-]-type rifle he used earlier, and grabbed the sniper rifle instead.

The Japanese army was about [-] meters away from him, oh, let alone, at this distance, the little Japanese rifle with a single-hole telescope really works!

In just five minutes, the Japanese army finally broke through Shang Zhen's block and withdrew towards Xiaobengbu. At this time, there were twenty or thirty more people on the field road. It was the Japanese soldiers lying there.

(End of this chapter)

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