The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 803 Unwilling to admit the reality

Chapter 803 Unwilling to admit the reality

"What's wrong with this, if people blocked three of them, why did they lose another one!

I'm blind, so how blind are you all? When you came back, none of you saw that fucking Guman? "When Shang Zhen rushed to a forest outside Xiaobengbu with a few people, Old Mao Wang was losing his temper.

Old Mao Wang was so angry that he didn't notice Shang Zhen's arrival at all, until someone reminded him that "the boss is here".

"Old Uncle Wang, don't be in a hurry, it's useless to be in a hurry." That's all Shang Zhen could say.

When Wang Laomao saw that Shang Zhen had finally arrived, he let out a heavy "hum".

Let alone in a group, this group can be an army or a small group or even a so-called circle. The weight of each person's speech is not only in whether what he said is correct, but in his weight in this team.

This is Shang Zhen telling Wang Laomao not to worry, it is useless. If someone else said this sentence, Wang Laomao's next words would definitely be "Can I not be in a hurry?", he would not care Is what others say correct?

But Wang Laomao has already regarded Shang Zhen as the chief officer in their team, so he can only use "hmph" to express his dissatisfaction with others or himself, instead of saying anything about Shang Zhen.

Seeing that Shang Zhen came, the soldiers finally had a backbone, and that articulate man told Shang Zhen the general story of the whole incident.

It turned out that the Japanese mortar position was at the northern end of the town. Old Mao Wang and the others succeeded in their surprise attack, but when they were retreating, they encountered the Japanese army retreating from the direction of the brigade.

In fact, those Japanese troops also suffered heavy losses in the process of attacking the brigade headquarters, otherwise they would not have been able to retreat as soon as they heard Shang Zhen firing the box cannon on the periphery.

However, there must be a hundred Japanese troops to withdraw. Because the terrain to the north of the town is too flat, Old Mao Wang and the others really couldn't fight the Japanese troops.

Wang Laomao and the others, who had escaped the pursuit of the Japanese army in the town, were blocked back by the Japanese army's deployment of troops!
Fortunately, the Japanese soldiers in Xiaobengbu did not expect that Wang Laomao and the others would go back and return. Suddenly Wang Laomao and his men rushed to the ruins of the town!

The complexity of the battle was really unexpected. After entering the ruins, Wang Laomao and the others were attacked by the Japanese army from both sides.

In order to cover Wang Laomao and lead most of the people to rush out from another direction, Xiao Dupan, Guan Tiedou and Hulu took the initiative to open fire to lure the Japanese troops to other places.

From an emotional point of view, everyone hopes to never leave each soldier, and everyone will live and die together, but from a rational point of view, it is the right answer to sacrifice a few people to save the majority of people by sacrificing the small self.

Of course Old Mao Wang understood this truth, so he could only rush out with others.

It's just who would have thought to wait for them to rush out only to find out that Guman had disappeared again!
Originally, the little dustpan Guan Tiedou and the gourd king old hat got angry, but when he saw Gu Man, he didn't follow him. How could he not be in a hurry?
But just as Shang Zhen persuaded him, it's useless to be anxious now, they are now in this forest, and the Japanese army is behind a few houses four to five hundred meters ahead.

It's just that the enemy and us confronted each other in view of the fact that there was an open field between the two sides, and either side would suffer heavy casualties if it charged forward.

Everyone, including Wang Laomao, looked at Shang Zhen, and now they need Shang Zhen to come up with a solution.

And Shang Zhen didn't look at them, just looked at the surrounding terrain, and at the same time his mind changed sharply.

With the terrain in front of them, they could no longer get close to Little Bengbu Town, unless they attacked by force, but what force did they use?
With the firepower of the Japanese army, the marksmanship of the Japanese army meant that a company or a battalion of troops could not storm the town without the cover of artillery fire, and in order to save a few people, it would have to pay a price that an army could not afford.

Rao is Shang Zhen's ingenuity and his ever-changing plan. Faced with this situation, he can't conquer the sky.

Shang Zhen, who also became a little irritable, looked at his soldiers and saw those pairs of eyes full of expectation.

Not to mention the fact that the little dustpan was in danger, none of Shang Zhen and his group could ignore it, and they would not hesitate to lay down their lives for him.

Shang Zhen had no doubt that as long as he gave an order, these soldiers would rush out of the woods and launch a doomed and hopeless attack on the small town of Bengbu.

Don't be in a hurry, the problem can't be solved in a hurry, when Shang Zhen felt that his emotions were also becoming irritable, there was another voice in his heart that also began to alert him.

And when this voice or thought came together, Shang Zhen suddenly realized a problem.

what is the problem?That is, everyone is unwilling to face the reality that those four people who have not come out of the town will sacrifice!And the same is true for myself!
For a long time, although they have been chased and beaten by the Japanese army, they always seek the initiative in the passive. Shock is omnipotent!
In fact, they are by no means omnipotent, just like now.

Those four people have been blocked by the Japanese army in the town and are besieging them, or they have already died, but they don't recognize it, they don't recognize this reality, and they still hope or fantasize about rescuing those four people!
But how is this possible?

Shang Zhen didn't know whether Wang Laomao ordered those people to attract the Japanese army, or whether those people took the initiative to attract the Japanese army. It is estimated that those people went there on their own initiative.

But no matter whether they were ordered to go or went by themselves, when they went, it meant that they became "abandoned children", and the possibility of being destined to come back alive was infinitely close to zero. At that moment, their fate was actually doomed.

If you really want to live and die together, what are the remaining majority of people going to do?
But now that the situation has been formed, but still thinking about bringing back the foregone conclusion, how is it possible?

What is cruelty?That is whether you admit it or not, the fact has happened.

It's like you fell in love with a beautiful and indescribable woman, but in fact, she is already married, and not only was she married, but she also gave birth to a fat boy for that family.

How can you make up for this?No matter how good you are at snatching that family back from that family, that she is no longer the original her!

In the final analysis, it is no longer a question of whether or not the four people can be saved, but a question of acknowledging the reality and doing their best.

What a painful realization!

However, Shang Zhen couldn't tell his group of people that it would be like adding salt to the wound, the tire was already slowly leaking air, but then another nail was stuck in it!
"Uncle Wang, you take some people to the east of the town, Qiu Bo takes some people to stay here, and I will take some people to the west of the town, don't attack the town, beware of the little devil's cold gun." Finally, Shang Zhen gave the order.

The veterans of course know what Shang Zhen's order means.

But it is still unclear, who?Tiger Zhuzi!
"Ah? Why don't you go save Little Dustpan and the others?" Hu Zhuzi asked anxiously.

Shang Zhen cast a sideways glance at Hu Zhuzi and said nothing.

"Then why don't you save Little Dustpan and the others? You're talking!" Seeing that Shang Zhen didn't respond, Hu Zhuzi raised his voice again.

How tiger is Tiger Zhuzi?His voice is already high, and when he speaks normally, it sounds like someone is shouting. Now he raised his voice again. How high do you think his voice is?
It's just that Hu Zhuzi didn't expect Shang Zhen to put his face down when he said this!
"Save? You shouldn't have come out of the town! Then why don't you just save him?" Shang Zhen said angrily.

As soon as Shang Zhen said these words, the already ugly faces of the soldiers became even more ugly.

Yes, what's the use of saving people now?Then it's really better for everyone not to rush out of the town, and fight the little devil directly in the town to the death.

The reality is so cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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