Chapter 811 Just One Shot

Can the [-]-type rifle hit the target at a distance of six or seven hundred meters?The answer, of course, is yes, but it does have to be a good shooter.

The earth is round and has gravity. When a bullet is fired, its kinetic energy can still compete with the gravity of the earth at first, but after it flies for a certain distance, it will slow down under the action of gravity. Slowly go down, so the trajectory of the bullet becomes a parabola.

So when aiming at a target six or seven hundred meters away, the muzzle of the gun has to be a little higher than the high finger.

At the same time, various factors such as humidity, wind direction and wind force should be considered for fine-tuning.

At the beginning, no one taught Shang Zhen the theory of shooting. His marksmanship was only found out in practice, and he had the opportunity to ask the instructor for advice when he was receiving special training in Xi'an.

With theoretical suggestions and a lot of practice, Shang Zhen finally got his hands on the way of long-distance sniping.

Shooting is also a skill, in fact, it is the same as the reason for workers to advance.

At the beginning, they were called ordinary workers, and after doing a lot of work, they became skilled workers, and then they became technicians or senior technicians. In the end, they were called masters, and when they reached the level of masters, they became miraculous. .

Now Shang Zhen's level of rifle use is naturally not a master, but he must be regarded as a high-level shooter.

So with his current shooting level, there is a problem of hit probability when he hits the Japanese army six or seven hundred away. It is still impossible to talk about eight or nine out of ten shots, but it is still possible to hit four or five out of ten shots.

Today, Shang Zhen was lucky. He knocked down a Japanese soldier who was holding a rifle and posing a boss next to the ruins when he fired the first shot, even though he only fired one shot.

This shot naturally stabbed the hornet's nest, and the Japanese army only knew that it was from Shang Zhen's direction that the shot came. As for whether the person was two or three hundred meters away or four or five hundred meters away, the Japanese army didn't know anything, so the Japanese army naturally took the shot. Full fire.

Shang Zhen originally wanted to shoot the second shot, but he used the ordinary [-]-style rifle, and all the Japanese soldiers hid behind the ruined walls.

If you asked Shang Zhen to hit the body of a standing Japanese soldier six or seven hundred meters away, it would be Jiang Ba. If you asked him to hit the head of a person six or seven hundred meters away, it would be too difficult, so he might as well not hit him.

Shang Zhen is not a god.

In this situation, the brigade of Japanese troops guarded the small town of Bengbu, which had turned into ruins. What could he do on the outskirts by himself?At most, they just sniped coldly at the Japanese army that they could see from a long distance away, so that the Japanese army could not stop.

Since it was difficult to fight the Japanese army, Shang Zhen simply stopped fighting and waited, wanting to vent his inner anger. Killing the enemy is certainly a kind of joy, but it is also a kind of joy to toss them if you can't kill the enemy. Happiness must be built on the pain of the enemy.

But thinking of this, Shang Zhen realized another problem. Now it seems that the position of Xiaobengbu is so important, the Northeast Army will definitely counterattack. If he can keep harassing the Japanese army so that the Japanese army can't eat well Isn't Xiangna also considered a contribution to the main force of the Northeast Army?

While Shang Zhen was waiting, he suddenly heard the sound of a platoon of guns from the north.

Old Mao Wang and the others could guess that Shang Zhen went to challenge the Japanese army alone, but how could Shang Zhen not guess that the gunshot must be his own gang who heard the gunshot and came to help him out.

As a result, Shang Zhen, who was planning to shoot two more shots, decided not to.

Guan Tiedou and Hulu had already been sacrificed, and the life and death of Xiao Dupan was unknown, and it was estimated that there were no one left. Could it be that he wanted to abduct the lives of a few of his companions because he vented his anger at the Japanese army?He wouldn't do such a stupid thing!
After contemplating for a while, Shang Zhen grabbed his gun and ran to the south with a bow under the cover of the terrain.

Shang Zhen wouldn't go north to join his group of people. If he joined his group of people, he would either have to withdraw or take them to fight the devils. Well, it's more convenient for him to come alone.

Now Shang Zhen is already in the west of Little Bengbu, and when he ran to the south this time, he soon found that the terrain in front of him became familiar, just because this position was exactly where the group of them used to guard. The former flank position, or to be precise, it was called the flank of the 337 brigade's flank position at that time.

Shang Zhen hid in the dark and observed for a while, then moved forward again.

These positions were all used by the Northeast Army to guard the north bank and face the Japanese troops crossing the river from the south bank. Now that the Japanese army has occupied Xiaobengbu, it is natural that they will not defend here. defensive position.

Two minutes later, Shang Zhen hid in a pit and began to look around at the flank position on the left.

This pit has obvious traces of manual excavation. A shallow ditch several meters long was dug on the north side of the pit, and a broken shovel was thrown beside the pit.

At this situation, Shang Zhen couldn't help but burst out laughing, and he immediately thought of the origin of this trap.

This pit should be the bunker that Bai Zhan dug.

Shang Zhen has learned from his own people. Others are fighting, but that bastard Bai Zhan is desperately digging cover, and when the Japanese army rushes up when a boat hits the shore, it is Bai Zhan who uses his horse box to give the Japanese army One by one, the fate of the dog day is so good (Old Wang said at the time).

That was what happened a few days ago, as if Little Bengbu had been turned into ruins in the blink of an eye, and the place had already fallen.

Looking back, Shang Zhen is too lazy to think about how many Guanshan Mountains China has lost from September [-] to now, but he only remembers that there are endless corpses in front of each Guanshan Mountain. of.

Eight years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the earliest corpses must have turned into bones, while the living are still fighting against the invaders one after another.

Shang Zhen sighed inwardly, calmed down and observed the flank positions carefully for a while, seeing that there were no Japanese soldiers.

He looked at the surface of the Huaihe River again, and there were no boats there either.

The Huaihe blockade battle has been fought until now, the Northeast Army has suffered heavy casualties, and the Japanese army is not much better. Those ships who wanted to come to the south bank of the Huaihe River were almost sunk when they crossed the river.

Don't look at the turbulent Japanese invaders, but they also have the problem of insufficient troops when they encounter the Chinese army that will never retreat.

Shang Zhen heard that although the Japanese army has crossed the Huaihe River and occupied Xiaobengbu, they have only occupied some small villages. As for the further northward attack, they are already exhausted.

It is estimated that the Japanese army is waiting for reinforcements, and the Northeast Army is also waiting for reinforcements, but it is not known when the reinforcements mentioned by brigade commander Liu Chengyi will arrive.

Seeing that there were no enemies around, Shang Zhen put the [-]-type rifle on his back, instead drew out the box cannon, put it on his shoulder, and rushed towards the flank position.

As expected, when Shang Zhen rushed to the flank position and hid, there were still no Japanese troops there.

However, there were no Japanese soldiers there, but the remains of soldiers from the Northeast Army.

Shang Zhen knew that these soldiers who died in the flanks were from Zhou Xiu Gu Bing's company.

Due to repeated scrambles for Little Bengbu by the enemy and ourselves, and now Little Bengbu is occupied by the Japanese army, the Northeast Army has no time or conditions to collect the bodies of these soldiers who died in battle.

However, due to the fact that the temperature was not too high, the corpses did not smell like corpses yet.

As for the corpses of the Japanese army, the Japanese army, as the temporarily victorious party, must have carried away all the corpses.

The war has been going on for eight years, and dead people have become the norm. Shang Zhen ignored the corpses of those companions and slowly crawled eastward.

At this time, Shang Zhen was still wearing the Japanese military uniform, but because he had crawled in that trench for a long time before, even the iron clothes might be worn out, not to mention that he was only wearing cotton clothes.

The elbows of the clothes had been worn out, and he directly touched the ground with his elbows as he crawled forward.

To a veteran of many battles like Shang Zhen, a slight injury is nothing, let alone a scratch, but if he can change his body, why should he show his elbow?
However, changing one's body would have to wait until the enemy's situation has been observed. Shang Zhen knew that there must be Japanese troops in the main position.

And when Shang Zhen really climbed to the position where he could see the direction of the main position, he was surprised to find that his position was really good!

The flat ground in front of the main position turned out to have become a distribution center for the Japanese army's supplies. There were figures of the Japanese army busy there, but what about the distance?Just over two hundred meters!

Shang Zhen grinned suddenly, but then he restrained the urge to shoot at the Japanese army immediately.

Wanting to lose before thinking about winning is Shang Zhen's usual style of play.

This position is so good, I will never worry about not being able to hit the Japanese army, I have to think of a safe retreat path.

(End of this chapter)

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