Chapter 814 Ruthless Shang Zhen
Another chapter of the ruthless Shang Zhen

Some Japanese soldiers were chasing to the west with their guns in hand. One of the Japanese soldiers stood still and glanced at the Huaihe River in the south, hesitating for a while, thinking of looking there.

However, a Japanese officer on the top of the hill yelled at him. The soldier looked back and saw that the officer pointed his hand to the west, and hurriedly chased west.

In this battle, a Chinese soldier guarded the flank position and shot "cold arrows" at the Japanese army on the open ground to the east, so it was impossible for this Chinese soldier to run eastward.

And running to the north is also an open area. Although it cannot be exaggerated to say that a rabbit can be seen running on that open area, but if someone bends down and runs past, they can still see it.

If the Chinese soldier ran further south, the south would be the Huaihe River.

Although I have never heard that the Huaihe River will freeze in winter, but the cold water of the river can definitely make people who enter the water cramp and stare, and finally sink into the water waves.

There is no doubt about this. During the Japanese army's storming of the north bank of the Huaihe River this time, the ship was sunk and leaked. Many of their soldiers fell into the water and drowned!

So the only escape route for the Chinese soldier can only be the terrain and the undulating west.

So, how could the Japanese officer be wrong in his judgment?

At this time, the Japanese officer who rushed up the low hill, the so-called flank position, was looking at the corpse of a soldier of the Northeast Army with great annoyance.

The soil under the corpse had been hollowed out, exposing a shooting position, so the corpse looked more like the cover of a shooting bunker.

Who would have thought that the Chinese soldier would hide under the cover of his dead companion?

And this is why the other party knocked down more than a dozen of their soldiers with rifles one after another, and they have never found out where the other party is hiding.

No, won't the other party be discovered by hiding under the corpse?
The Japanese officer couldn't help being confused for a moment, but then he understood.

"Baga!" The Japanese officer became angry again, and he slashed at the corpse of the Chinese soldier who was used as a cover with the Japanese knife in his hand!
It turns out that under normal circumstances, if a person is lying in a hole with two transparent ends, he cannot make himself blend with the background.The bright sky will reveal his figure.

But here, there are two more corpses stacked behind the hollowed out corpse, so that the "bunker" is not transparent at both ends, so the Japanese army on the open ground in the distance can't find it. Hid people.

"This Chinese soldier is a ruthless character!" The Japanese officer suddenly realized.

The opponent was able to quietly kill the two sentries on his side, and then dug a bunker here. Obviously, it has not been a short while to ambush here, and he is the best among soldiers in terms of skill and scheming.

And this time, they shot and killed [-] or [-] officers and soldiers. If the opponent survived, what would the opponent do?

Therefore, he must be killed!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, he began to call his orderly. He had to report the situation, and he was just a small captain. Then he called a few soldiers and chased west.

If, through a small-scale battle, the Japanese squad leader got to know Shang Zhen, a Chinese soldier whose name he didn't know, there was still something he didn't know about Shang Zhen.

Yes, as he thought, Shang Zhen is a ruthless character, but he still doesn't understand how ruthless Shang Zhen is. Shang Zhen is not only ruthless to the Japanese army, but also "ruthless" to his comrades who have already died in battle, and he is also ruthless to himself!
At this time, Shang Zhen was already at the water's edge on the north bank of the Huaihe River, and he had already stripped himself naked in the bleak cold wind.

Yes, naked, without a thread.

A set of Japanese army cotton clothes was thrown in the river and flowed away with the river water, and it became sinking due to the water inhalation, and it was slowly sinking into the river.

This set of clothes was worn by Shang Zhen when he was pretending to be a Japanese soldier.

And now he held a big oilcloth bag in his hand.

The shape of the bag was very strange, and the bulging part was the cotton coat he needed to wear. The cotton coat he took off from a soldier of the Northeast Army, and what was wrapped in the cotton coat were his box of guns, captured grenades and bullets. Even a stone weighing several kilograms.

But outside the bulging part is a long and thin piece wrapped in oilcloth. It is a [-]-type rifle.

Shang Zhen has been guarding the flank position but has not been idle.

He has a series of plans to kill the enemy, so he won't flee to the west.

Fleeing to the west, he felt that he might not be able to escape the shooting of the Japanese army.

So he decided to flee from the south, he wanted to escape to the east under the eyes of the Japanese army!
In the afternoon, he slipped down from the flank position and had secretly observed the terrain on the north bank of the Huaihe River here.

There is a certain distance that he can climb over with the cover of the river bank, but there is a certain distance that will be exposed to the sight of the Japanese army in Little Bengbu.

And after that period he could take advantage of the terrain of the river bank again.

According to Shang Zhen's observation, the unobstructed water surface is not long, about forty meters.

Shang Zhen knew that with his water skills, he could dive underwater.

But now it would be easy to handle in summer, but this winter——

But at that time, Shang Zhen finally chose to dive through the water after thinking for a while.

Isn't it just forty meters?I have to swim with my life, and I hope I won't be cramped in the cold before I go ashore!
Shang Zhen knew that his idea was crazy, but he had no other choice. He even felt that only by suffering such a crime could he be worthy of the Northeast Army brothers who were made a bunker by himself and then tortured by the Japanese army!
I'm sorry, brothers, I didn't let you stop after you died. If you hate me and want to kill me, then wait until I finish killing the Japanese devils!
Shang Zhen thought to himself, and then he walked into the icy Huaihe River with his waist bent.

First the tingling pain and then the numbness, this was all imaginary, Shang Zhen didn't care, he took a few quick steps in the water and threw himself into the water with a leap forward.

The reason why he added a stone to the oilcloth bag was that he didn't want the cotton coat to float in the water and be seen by the Japanese army.

And that big tarpaulin was found by him on the corpse of a soldier of the Northeast Army in a flanking position. It doesn't matter what he has such a big tarpaulin for, and it is this tarpaulin that gave birth to Shang Zhen. The decision to swim from the water to the east.

Only with this oilcloth can he wrap his weapon. Fighting devils will continue. He will never let his weapon enter the water!
Before entering the water, Shang Zhen gritted his teeth, how he wished that he could block all his perceptions.

But how is that possible?Shang Zhen could only hold his breath and paddle desperately underwater.

He subconsciously felt that only by exercising would he not freeze and his legs would not cramp. As for other parts of his body that could not move, he could only resign himself to fate.

It was a torment almost like hell, who cares whether he thought about it for ten thousand years or one thought for thousands of years.

Finally, when Shang Zhen couldn't hold his breath anymore, he broke through the water with a "crash", then stumbled and dragged his package and ran to the shore.

I succeeded!
Shang Zhen looked at the river bank in front of him, which was already able to cover him, although his upper teeth were beaten to the ground and his lower teeth made a "gdenden" sound from the cold, he finally felt a little more joy in his heart.

But at this moment, he heard the shouts of the Japanese army from behind him on the left.

not good!It's not that the little devil abducted him back without finding himself there!

Shang Zhen took three steps and made two steps, he ran up to the river bank in the water with all his might, then picked a protruding part of the river bank and hid it.

There were indeed Japanese soldiers coming, and the Japanese squad leader was suspicious when he saw that the Chinese soldier who attacked and killed them had disappeared, so he sent someone over to take a look.

After a while, two Japanese soldiers looked at the river bank with their guns in hand.

It's just that they didn't find anything, and they didn't think that the Chinese soldier would take the initiative to throw water in such cold weather.

The Japanese soldiers turned and left, but at this time Shang Zhen, who was leaning against the protruding river bank, had already straightened his right leg, and he was pulling the toe of his right foot with both hands.

After all, he was cramping from the cold of the water.

The cramps came so suddenly and so painfully that he almost cried out just now!

(End of this chapter)

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