Chapter 821
"Hiss..." Shang Zhen gasped, it hurts!

Can it not hurt?
It was important to escape. When he plunged into the ruins, there was a knee-high broken wall in front of him. When he stepped on it, he didn't know what he was stepping on, so he stepped forward.

At this moment, Shang Zhen broke out in a cold sweat!
There is a movie in later generations called "Eagle Claw Iron Cloth Shirt", which refers to one person practicing Eagle Claw Kungfu and one person practicing Iron Cloth Shirt.

As everyone knows from the name, the five fingers who practice the Eagle Claw Kung Fu are particularly powerful, and the one who practices the iron cloth shirt is particularly powerful when practicing horizontal Kung Fu, making them invulnerable.

This situation is like judging whether my spear is sharp or your shield is strong, who knows which is stronger.

But the man who practiced the iron cloth shirt has a door, and he can only die if he catches his door.

Then the person who practiced Eagle Claw Kung Fu grabbed it decisively, and it was not bad at all (lǎi) hanging. So far, Eagle Claw Kung Fu has completely defeated Iron Bushan!
Finally, Shang Zhen, who was lying in the ruins, wanted to move, but the pain was severe, and the pain he had just moved forced him to lie down again.

But at this moment, the chaotic gunfire of the Japanese army behind him rang out again, and Shang Zhen even saw the sparks splashed on the stone in front of him when the bullet shot through the gap in the broken wall!

This can't work, if I stay here, I'm waiting to die!

Shang Zhen, who was dripping with cold sweat on his head, knew that he might have to wait a while if he wanted to move, so he turned around and picked up the box cannon.

The flashlight thrown out by the Japanese army earlier has been extinguished, and the Japanese guns flickering in the darkness in front of them are like ghost eyes in the night. The distance between the enemy and us is at most [-] meters, and the short guns are Can it be used, not to mention that the Japanese army uses long guns?
When Shang Zhen retracted his head, another bullet hit the broken wall where he was hiding.

It would be impossible not to fight back. Shang Zhen knew that if he didn't fight back, it would only take a few seconds for the Japanese army to throw a grenade into his hiding place.

In desperation, Shang Zhen retracted his head, stretched his arms, pointed the box cannon towards the position in his memory, and pulled the trigger.

That is a fan-shaped scatter shot.

What Shang Zhen worried about was not the Japanese army shooting in situ, but the Japanese army rushing towards him in the darkness.

After the gunshot, Shang Zhen felt that his pain was relieved, so he quickly drew his gun and hid in the depths of the ruins.

But when he stumbled and ran for a while in the ruins and was about to rush out, he heard the scream of "hissing" in the air.

Thrower!Shang Zhen instinctively lay down on the front, but in order to avoid the pain of the wound, he subconsciously raised his buttocks.

And at this time, a grenade exploded not far in front of him. How could the charge of the grenade fired by the grenadier and the grenade thrown by the hand be the same?
If the explosion of the grenade is like the sound of two kicks, and the grenade fired by the grenade is a marizi, then it is "the bone (beep) among the ten rings and one bone (beep)"!
In the darkness, debris of bricks flew into the sky and then fell like rain. Shang Zhen got up and wanted to run again, but at this moment he heard the sound of "hissing" and "hissing" again!

Oh, I was ambushed by a little devil, right? Why did this little devil shoot all the grenadiers blindly!
At this time, Shang Zhen stopped running forward, but he turned around and ran back with a bow, and at this time, the place that was originally in front of him and now behind him was "boom" again. Boom" two explosions.

Shang Zhen's decision was correct, he successfully predicted the Japanese army's prediction, and he escaped with his life.

The Japanese army predicted that he would flee far away, so they blocked his way with grenades.

But Shang Zhen also predicted the Japanese army's prediction, instead of running forward, he turned around and ran back.

But so what, Shang Zhen understood that he only lived a little longer, and the Japanese army would attack later.

At this point, Shang Zhen regretted it. He knew that the battle would be like this. He should have used grenades to blow up those little ghosts who came back to transport ammunition.

I pretended to be a big kid, but in the end I put myself in it. Before, I obviously grabbed two boxes of grenades and threw them all over the road arrogantly, but now it's a good thing, but I don't have a single grenade in my hand!
Yes, I still have a gun in my hand, a 20-ring box gun, enough bullets, and my marksmanship is also good, but so what?

It was dark all around, and they could only shoot with the gunfire of the Japanese army.

Of course the Japanese army's shooting would reveal their position, but wouldn't their own shooting reveal their position?
I know that I can throw a grenade at the Japanese army in the dark. If I have a grenade in my hand, don't the Japanese army know how to use a grenade?Now it's street fighting!

So now if you want to escape, you can't shoot. The best way is to fight hand-to-hand with the Japanese army and mix with the Japanese army.

But in hand-to-hand combat, you must have a bayonet first!
It turned out that there was a bayonet in his hand, no!Two bayonets!

But I was worried about the reflection of the bayonet and threw away one first, and the one on my waist was put behind the rifle, and then I threw it away along with the rifle.

Now there is only the scabbard for the bayonet left on his waist, how can a person be so shy?

If this person makes great efforts, the heavenly king and I will not be saved!
Shang Zhen sighed inwardly, and handed the box cannon held in his right hand to his left, and then touched the ground with his right hand.

It seemed that there was no life left, but how could Shang Zhen be caught without a fight?His right hand touched a brick on the ground, and he was about to throw it away.

But his arms were hanging up, and then he stopped again.

He wanted to throw bricks in the dark, because he wanted to create noise elsewhere, so that the Japanese army could make a wrong judgment.

But then he realized that if he just threw the bricks out like this, it would be impossible to smash the Japanese army to death all at once.

Then the Japanese army can judge in which direction they are hiding based on the injured part, and then the Japanese army's grenade will be thrown over.

So the correct approach should be, this time he threw the half of the brick in his hand high into the air.

His strength is only that great, and if he throws it high, it is impossible to throw it far.

That's fine, it's fine if you can throw a [-]-meter or [-]-meter one.

The grenade launchers of the Japanese army are still ringing "tom" and "tom". I think it is true, the Japanese army guards their own ammunition depots, can they be short of grenades?
But the grenade has now started to shoot farther and farther.

But Shang Zhen didn't care, but still concentrated on throwing bricks to the upper right.

When he was throwing the fourth brick, he finally heard the shouts of Japanese soldiers. It seemed that the Japanese soldiers who had touched were hit by the bricks.

After all, the little devil has touched it, Shang Zhen sighed in his heart, and he began to listen carefully.

The Japanese army decided that he hid or died in the ruins, and there were people coming from the right side, so people should come from the left side, too. It would be best if he could snatch a rifle with a bayonet, even though he thought it was inappropriate. big reality.

Shang Zhen was listening attentively. Before he heard the sound of Japanese soldiers approaching, he heard the sound of "嗵". He raised his head subconsciously, and this time he saw a shining "star" being sent into the high altitude.

Fuck!Shang Zhen, who seldom swears, was also shocked. Can the little devil's grenadier also fire flares?

Shang Zhen instinctively lay down, and then he heard gunshots at that moment as if it were daytime. The gunshots rang out in all directions, but Shang Zhen, with his experience as a veteran, It was determined that the bullet was not aimed at him.

oops?Why did the little devil fight so lively if he didn't find himself?
Shang Zhen looked out secretly under the cover of the ruins. At this time, he happened to see a Japanese soldier who was rushing towards the location and fell down.

The Japanese soldier was already very close to him, less than [-] meters away, when he saw the shot Japanese soldier struggling on the ground and then stopped moving.

This shot hit the opponent very thoroughly, it was exhausted.

At this time, Shang Zhen's eyes lit up, no, didn't he have his own reinforcements coming?

(End of this chapter)

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