Chapter 823 Exciting News

"Stop, which part do you belong to?" A voice shouted in the darkness.

But after shouting, the original footsteps on the opposite side disappeared.

But at this time, the person who called out moved, and he hid in a pigsty made of stones as nimbly as a monkey.

There was a sound of "Dang", and there was a metal bump on the stone, and then there was a "Boom", it was a grenade.

"Don't tell me you don't have any grenades, kid? Thanks to my heart." At this time, the soldier who escaped from the pigsty muttered in a low voice, not caring that he got a certain smell on his body while avoiding the grenade. , he is Hou Wangshan.

At this time, the footsteps on the opposite side sounded again, even though the footsteps were still light, there was also a kind of anxiety that could not be concealed.

It is impossible for the Japanese army to be in a hurry. The Northeast Army has already attacked. They suffered heavy losses without grenades. After all, the remaining soldiers couldn't help but began to retreat.

Then those Japanese soldiers heard the Chinese soldiers shouting and asking during the retreat, so how could it be possible not to fly a grenade over?
It's just that it's not just the Japanese army that has grenades. When the footsteps of the Japanese army sounded, two grenades flew over in the darkness. Amid the bang and explosion, several Japanese soldiers fell down, while others fell. It was a way to escape.

When everything around was silent again, two people moved, they were Hou Wangshan and Ma Erhuzi.

Both of them held the [-] caps and walked very close to the place where the grenade exploded before. They listened for a while and did not hear anyone groaning.

At this time, Hou Wangshan lightly touched Ma Erhuzi with his elbow, which was a signal agreed by the two of them in advance, and they retreated back quietly.

"It's so evil, could it be that the little devil was killed by the two of us?" Ma Erhuzi whispered in Hou Wangshan's ear when the two were far enough away from the explosion point.

"That's unstoppable, don't care about him, don't just crawl up to the two of us half-dead and give us a while." Hou Kanshan replied.

Ma Erhuzi said "um" and stopped talking, and the two of them began to pay attention to the movement in front of them again.

Shang Zhen led people to study the ammunition depot of the Japanese army, while Hou Wangshan and Ma Erhuzi were the group responsible for blocking the Japanese army.

However, the sound of explosions and gunshots in the north is almost within easy reach of the two of them.

At this time, they must be careful. The Japanese army is retreating and the Northeast Army is chasing and killing them. If they are plotted against by the retreating Japanese army, then they will lose a lot of money, but if they fight with their own people by mistake because of Ye Hei, it will not work. .

Hou Wangshan and Ma Erhuzi didn't wait for a while, when they heard the sound of chaotic footsteps again.

"Which part? Gaha's?" Hou Kanshan asked loudly again.

It's just that as soon as he finished asking people, he ran back like a monkey and jumped into the pre-selected stone pigsty.

There is a reason why he did so.

They stopped in the middle of the road and yelled and asked loudly to distinguish between the enemy and us. If the Japanese army came from the opposite side, they would shoot at them or throw grenades.

So Hou Wangshan, who was as smart as a monkey, hid in the stone pigsty after he finished his questioning, to prevent the Japanese army from throwing grenades over and blowing himself up.

But in fact, he just used this trick to escape the grenade thrown by the Japanese army.

But this time when Hou Wangshan shouted, the sound of footsteps on the opposite side stopped, and then someone asked loudly, "Are you from Gaha? Which part?"

As soon as they heard the other party's accent, Hou Wangshan and Ma Erhuzi were all happy. Who else could have such a mouthful of scumbags except the Northeast Army?

It seems that this time the Northeast Army has regained Xiaobengbu, and the overall situation has been decided. Of course, whether it can be held in the future is another matter.

"We are the forward squad sent by our brigade!" Hou Kanshan replied loudly.

The so-called "Forehead Squad" was a name Hou Wangshan came up with for his group on the spur of the moment.

In fact, it doesn't matter what the name is, as long as you know it's your own.

This is like the Cantonese army who broke out to the south during the Nanjing Defense War and used "Dou Namu" as the password without setting a password. The dialect is the best identification.

"Don't shoot, we are coming!" Sure enough, the soldiers of the Northeast Army on the opposite side rushed over without any doubt.

"There are our people behind, we will lead the way for you to avoid accidental injury!" Hou Kanshan said hurriedly.

So he and Ma Erhuzi took the Northeast Army who was chasing the Japanese army and rushed to the south, while Hou Wangshan shouted while running: "Little devil is defeated, don't accidentally hurt your own people!"

Yes, the Japanese army finally couldn't hold back and was in retreat. The sound of gunfire and explosions sounded intermittently in the town, and the sound was constantly moving south.

More than an hour later, except for the southeast of the town, the gunshots and explosions in other places have subsided.

And at this time, there was a fire rising there, and against the background of the fire, Shang Zhen was hiding in the ruins with an officer of the Northeast Army, and every corner of the ruins was full of soldiers of the Northeast Army.

"You said the front is the ammunition depot for the little devil?" the officer asked Shang Zhen.

"Yes." Shang Zhen replied.

"Then why didn't someone blow it up?" the officer asked.

"We have no more grenades." Shang Zhen replied.

"What is he holding in his hand?" The officer just saw Qiao Xiong who was hiding aside with a grenade in his hand.

"The bombs are also used up." Shang Zhen replied again.

The officer frowned, and by the light of the fire he glanced around, seeing that there were soldiers who were not under his command, and some of them were obviously still wearing grenades.

With just one glance, he understood something, and he said coldly, "Throw it away after playing, and shame on the Northeast men!" Then he ordered: "Tian Dali, take someone to blow up the little devil's ammunition depot for me!" !"

A junior officer said "yes" and began to organize soldiers to strap cluster grenades.

Under the firelight, Shang Zhen's face was a little red, and he didn't know whether it was because of the embarrassment of the officer or himself.

But in the end Shang Zhen still whispered: "No matter how small the ammunition depot is, it is also an ammunition depot. If it rings, people will die."

"Huh?" The officer glared fiercely at Shang Zhen upon hearing that.

But Shang Zhen, who had been looking down at the ground all the time, raised his head. He was not afraid of this officer who was the commander of the regiment, but he directly looked at him.

If it rings, people will die. What will ring?And if it rings, who will die?

Of course, the ammunition depot in front would ring, and of course people would die if it rang, and besides the Japanese soldiers who were guarding the ammunition depot and refused to retreat, the soldiers of the Northeast Army who went to the explosive depot would definitely die too!
If the Japanese devils die, they will die, but at this time, the soldiers of the Northeast Army will die because of the bomb depot. Would it be a bit——

The head of the regiment was a little surprised at Shang Zhen's unafraid stare at him, and finally when the junior officer named Tian Dali was about to lead people forward, the head of the regiment finally waved his hand and said: " Don't blow it up, surround it first, wait until dawn to see the situation."

The largest officer present spoke, and the trip to the bomb depot was cancelled.

Shang Zhen glanced at the regiment leader and saw that the other party was indifferent but did not give any other orders, so he quietly backed away, and with a wave of his hand, Shi Xiaowan came over.

"After dawn, let us search (xúe) carefully in the town to see if we can find a small dustpan." Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

Shi Xiaowan let out an "oh" and went to pass on the order.

Except for the ammunition depot, Little Bengbu had completely fallen into the hands of the Northeast Army at this time. Because the night was still dark, the Northeast Army did not send people to clean up the battlefield, but just occupied the town and took a defensive posture.

Another hour later, it was dawn, and at this moment, there was a sudden "boom".

It was just the explosion of a grenade, but the next explosion of the grenade seemed to be just a prelude to medicine, and then there was a huge explosion of "boom", and a cloud of smoke and dust flew into the air just southeast of the town. The blasted rubble and tiles flew around like a flock of frightened sparrows!

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who were surrounding the ammunition depot looked at each other in blank dismay, including the regimental commander who planned to send people to the bomb depot at the beginning in the dark.

It was dawn, but they didn't need to blow up the ammunition depot, the ammunition depot rang by itself!
Of course, the ammunition depot will not ring by itself, and God will not send thunder and lightning to strike lightning in this winter. It seems that the Japanese army guarding the ammunition depot knows that there is no hope of survival, and the Northeast Army just surrounds and does not attack, so they simply detonated the ammunition depot

After the explosion, shocked by the explosive power of the ammunition depot, the surrounding Northeast Army officers and soldiers were speechless for a moment, and even some ordinary soldiers looked at Shang Zhen with gratitude in their eyes.

But these are not important, what is important is what happened next.

Just when the lingering sound of the explosion had subsided and everyone was speechless, suddenly there was a "pop" gunshot not far from them!
Are there still Japanese soldiers alive?This is a question common to all.

And at this time, officers and soldiers rushed towards the location of the gunshot.

Shang Zhen saw that there were many people going, so he didn't follow too closely, but after a while, he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly in front of him, the voice was loud and shrill, it was Qian Chuan'er Voice: "Come on, the little dustpan is still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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