The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 839 "Mute Language"

Chapter 839 "Mute Language"

Shang Zhen didn't know that his own sighs about life and death already had a feeling of compassion.

The so-called compassion does not mean that all living beings are suffering, but it also refers to the common people who will always account for the vast majority of the world.

However, what happened next made Shang Zhen a little depressed, because the common people seemed to be unfriendly to their Chinese army.

At noon, Shang Zhen and his team had already appeared in a village. According to the investigation of the pioneers, the Japanese army had not yet visited this village.

Seeing that the village has tall walls and turrets, Shang Zhen decided to temporarily use this place as a foothold.

This time they came to buy guns. Of course, guns need to destroy the Japanese army, but they were definitely not harassing or plotting against the Japanese army to take advantage of it and run away as before.

They need to wipe out all the Japanese troops and then clean up the battlefield so that they can seize the weapons!
Therefore, Shang Zhen had to wait for an opportunity, to wait for an opportunity to wipe out the Japanese army or defeat the Japanese army so that they could seize weapons. In this way, they needed to obtain information on the activities of the Japanese army.

Now that they have entered the village, the villagers have naturally seen their team, but most of them just looked at them a few times but ignored them, and some even turned back and went back to the house, "Bang "The courtyard door or the room door was closed with a bang.

"What do you mean, don't you think we are little devils in disguise?" Seeing that the villagers were not friendly to them, Ma Erhuzi was puzzled.

"Uncle, what's the name of your village?" Ma Erhuzi asked a middle-aged man who was passing by in a hurry.

It's just that the middle-aged man glanced at Ma Erhuzi but didn't reply, instead, he walked away from Ma Erhuzi's side.

"Hey——" Ma Erhuzi called again, but they ignored him. Instead, he turned around and disappeared into an alley.

"So he's deaf!" Ma Erhuzi said angrily.

He didn't believe that the middle-aged man was deaf, and he just couldn't understand why he ignored him.

"At first glance, you are a villain. You are too fierce with a face full of flesh." Qian Chuan'er laughed when he saw Ma Erhu was eating a turtle, but then he walked towards another old man who was carrying a broken wooden barrel. Pour swill in the sewage ditch beside the street.

"Uncle, may I trouble you, what is the name of this village?" Qian Chuan asked the old man in an amiable manner, not only with a smile on his face.

The old man straightened up to look at Qian Chuan'er after pouring out the swill, and then followed the soldiers behind Qian Chuan'er, but they didn't respond.

But now that he is old, he still has good eyesight. When Qian Chuaner was about to ask again, he saw the old man holding a slop bucket in his right hand and pointing at the entrance of the village with his left hand.

"What do you mean? It turned out to be a mute. What the hell is wrong with it? Why are all the shortcomings that I encountered today?" Ma Erhuzi muttered with a full face of displeasure.

Ma Erhuzi spoke a little fast, and it was too late when Shang Zhen, who was following him and looking at the map, wanted to stop him.

But at this moment, the soldiers saw that the old man's face showed displeasure and even disgust. He pointed at Ma Erhuzi with his left hand that was not carrying a bucket, and Ma Erhuzi was stunned for a moment. Dao, you old calf pointing at me Gaha?
It's just that before Ma Erhuzi expressed his opinion, the old man turned his hand back but pointed to his own eyes, then those old eyes closed for a while, then opened again, and then he turned and left.

"What does this old man mean?" Ma Erhuzi didn't understand the meaning of the old man's gesture, but at this moment Qian Chuan'er and Shang Zhen turned around and went to the entrance of the village.

They just entered the village, and since the old man pointed at the entrance of the village, Qian Chuan'er and Shang Zhen wanted to go over to see what was going on, and Ma Erhuzi followed suit.

But when they reached the entrance of the village, only then did they notice that what the old man was pointing at was an overturned stone tablet with three big characters "Dawang Village" engraved on it.

"Is it called Dawang Village?" Ma Erhuzi did recognize these three characters.

To say that Ma Erhuzi can't recognize more characters than a dustpan, and the characters must be as big as watermelons, but he can still recognize the word "big king".

The reason is simple.

When the soldiers were messing around together, Chen Hanwen told him that if you just stand with your legs stretched out and your arms outstretched, that would be a "big".

But Qian Chuaner made trouble and said that there is a little bit under the word "big", that is the word "tai".

The soldiers laughed out loud because of this, yes, that’s not a big deal, isn’t it a “big” character when standing in that posture as Qian Chuaner said, and there is a “啷东” underneath it. "Isn't that the word "too"?"
As for the word "Wang", it's easy to recognize. Nowadays, Chinese people don't buy New Year pictures during Chinese New Year.

There is a tiger in the New Year picture, isn't that the ready-made "king" character on the tiger's forehead?
This time when Shang Zhen and the others came out, they didn't know where the company commander Zhan got a map of the south bank of the Huaihe River.

In order to win the battle and retreat, Shang Zhen of course needs to know the name of the village so as to know the specific location of his people, and then scout the enemy's situation to determine the battle plan and retreat plan.

Now that Ma Erhuzi had spoken, Qian Chuaner responded, this place is indeed called Dawang Village.

But when Shang Zhen took out the map, Ma Erhuzi said again: "I don't know if the old man is really dumb or fake dumb, so just tell us no, and he has to make gestures with us."

"Huh?" Shang Zhen asked with a twitch when he heard what Ma Erhuzi said: "Qian Chuaner, did the old man close his eyes after pointing out to us just now?"

"Yes, isn't he referring to his own height?" Qian Chuan'er replied.

He also felt strange just now, who knows if the old man is dumb, but after pointing to the stone tablet, he pointed to his eyes and closed them for a while, this gesture and expression is a bit strange.

Seeing Shang Zhen asking him, Qian Chuan'er looked at Shang Zhen involuntarily, and after a moment of eye contact, both of them suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Ma Erhu was puzzled.

It was fine if Ma Erhu didn't ask, but when Ma Erhu asked, Shang Zhen and Qian Chuaner burst out laughing.

While Shang Zhen smiled and waved his hand at Qian Chuaner, Qian Chuaner suppressed his smile and didn't explain.

Shang Zhen and Qian Chuaner reacted quickly, and now they have figured out what the old man's gestures and expressions mean.

People stretched out their hands and pointed to the entrance of the village, which told them that there was a stone sign with the name of the village here.

And people pointed back at their own eyes and closed them, what does that mean?That was scolding Ma Erhuzi, of course it could also be said to be scolding Shang Zhen and all of them.

That means, if I am blind, you are also blind!It is impossible for them to be dumb at all, and they just don't want to talk to soldiers like them.

(End of this chapter)

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