Chapter 842 The Flaws of the Old Army ([-])
There is a saying in Northeast China called "two good and one good", which means that the two sides treat each other with kindness and walk towards each other. Wouldn't the two be as good as one?

Although Shang Zhen and the others, the soldiers from the northeast and the soldiers from the northwest, looked a little fierce, but what they did was there.

They didn't catch the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs of the people in Dawang Village, they didn't force their way into the houses to occupy them, they slept outdoors in Dawang Village in winter.

So the old men in charge of the village finally appeared, presumably they didn't dare to make too much trouble with Shang Zhen and the others.

In this way, when it got dark, Shang Zhen and the others finally lived in the wing room of the old man's house. Although no family would have so many spare beds for dozens of people to sleep in, Shang Zhen and the others would It was just laying straw on the ground, but after all, it avoided sleeping outside and being hard against the wind and cold.

But even so, after the old man left the house, Shang Zhen still carefully arranged for himself and others to be on duty, how many people to put in which direction, and when to change the guard. He stipulated very carefully.

The battle seems to be the soldiers charging forward without hesitation under the cover of artillery fire. Both the enemy and the enemy suffer heavy casualties. In the end, there are remnant soldiers resting in the trenches under the bloody sunset, and he is surrounded by his dead partners.

This kind of scene cannot be said to be wrong, but in fact, war is also called a systematic project in the later generations, and it needs to be organized in all aspects.

The organization after the battlefield is trivial. This kind of situation is like a man and a woman who fall in love overnight, but even if it is a few nights, so what?

If a person can live to be fifty years old, if the happy time is added up, if it is enough for one year, then the man may have to fold his pants belt, and in the end he will still have to live on firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. This is the true meaning of life.

It was getting dark, and the soldiers who were not on duty had already laid down. Some of them had already fallen asleep and snored lightly, while some still refused to sleep.

"I said Fan Shovel, you made you Guangxi people so big, but this time your performance is not good!" The one who spoke in a low voice was Ma Erhuzi.

"What do you mean being so big?" Hearing what Ma Erhuzi said was not a good thing, Fan Chanchan, who was originally a member of the Gui Army, was not happy.

"Hehe." Ma Erhuzi smiled maliciously, "You are short, and you brag about your Gui army so loudly, isn't it just a small guy who brags like a big guy, and bragging is the same way."

Fan Chanchan is a soldier from Guangxi, He Xiangcai is a soldier from Hubei, and Qiao Xiong, who is the best with grenadiers, is a soldier from Guizhou.

Although they also joined Shang Zhen and his group, they usually seldom talk, and they will never be like the Northeast soldiers.

If it weren't for Qiao Xiong's proficiency in using grenades, then the three southern soldiers would have very little sense of presence among their group of northeasterners.

They usually don’t talk much, and they just smile naively when they hear anything interesting from the Northeast people. They will neither add to the cake nor add salt to the wound.

So Northeast veterans like Ma Erhuzi Qian Chuan'er and the others rarely quarrel with them. In the words of Wang Laomao, it is called "bullying honest people is a crime"!
"That's such an ugly word!" Fan Chanchan said dissatisfiedly and then fell silent.

It's just that Ma Erhuzi didn't intend to let him go.

"Look, what did you say? You said that although you guys in Guangxi are short, you are not bad at fighting. You also said that you are called Guangxi coyote soldiers.

Now I understand, you are wolves, but you and the common people are wolves, hehe. "What Ma Erhuzi said was to provoke disputes.

If Fan Chanchan changed to someone else's temperament, such as a person from the Northeast, he would definitely refute him loudly, and he might have to "pinch" him.

But Fan Chanchan was Fan Chanchan, so he let Ma Erhuzi talk, and only replied at the end: "There are good people and bad people in every army."

There is nothing wrong with what Fan Chanchan said!

Although Ma Erhuzi was provoking trouble, he was not the kind of person who messed around. He didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, it was Hu Zhuzi who said, "Who says there are good and bad people in any army, but there are no good people in the Japanese devils!"

Fan Chanchan's sentence just now "There are good guys and bad guys in every army" is nothing wrong with being blocked at both ends, but Hu Zhuzi's sentence-well, it's also okay!
"Okay, the boss is going to check the guards. Let us rest not to let us gossiping here, sleep!" Qiu Bo intervened.

So the soldiers stopped talking, even if they were not sleepy, they could only hold their words in their stomachs. After all, they were the army and not the students who lived in the dormitory.

There is a reason for the above scene. Before this Huaihe blockade, it was the Guangxi army, that is, the Guangxi soldiers.

As Fan Chanchan said, there are good and bad people in every army. Although the Gui army has strict military discipline, there are also military commanders who restrain their subordinates from disturbing the people, but there are also those who have bad military discipline and harm the common people. This is the case with the Guangxi army in Dawang Village.

According to what the old man said, those little soldiers were very bad, they robbed their common people's things, and beat and cursed them if they didn't give them back, the villagers naturally complained endlessly.

When the Japanese army aggressively attacked the north bank of the Huaihe River, the Guangxi army withdrew and left the [-]st Army of the Northeast Army who stood alone on the Huaihe River defense line.

Still the same sentence, as far as the current national army, regardless of whether it is the central army or the local miscellaneous army, they are all good and wilting, and they are all following a purely military line of resistance.

Military supplies need to be dispatched from above. If the above does not distribute them, those with lax military discipline will be plundered. Just like the Sichuan army came out of Sichuan due to poor military discipline and no one dared to take it. In the end, it was only the defense of Teng County in the Xuzhou battle. Play bloody and become famous in one battle.

There is an old saying in China that goes, "Flaws do not cover up virtues", but Yu Yu is also flawed. It is wrong to deny the achievements of the Anti-Japanese War because of the bad military discipline, but it is also wrong to deny the bad military discipline because of the achievements of the Anti-Japanese War!
The chief regards the troops below as his own personal armed forces. Of course, the officers and soldiers also talk about ideals, but they are just slogans. Being patriotic is also a patriotism, but sometimes the ideal in life is just to get promoted and get rich. relationship, sometimes it is inevitable to lose the support of the common people.

If there is an army that passes through an orchard where the fruits are ripe and will not pick a single ripe apple even if it falls on it, then it is only the people's army, or "people's soldiers."

War is the continuation of politics, and an army without political concepts is doomed to go short.

The soldiers in the house quickly fell asleep, and at this time in the narrow alley of the village, a dim yellow light was shaking in the alley. It was Shang Zhen who was checking the sentry, and behind him was Money strings and small stone bowls.

"Unexpectedly, the old man who scolded Er Huzi for being blind is the head of this village." Qian Chuan'er said in a low voice, with a smile in his voice.

"If you scold, just scold. Don't tell him the truth." Shang Zhen instructed Qian Chuan'er, but then he couldn't help sighing: "We people from the Northeast, we are always talking all the time, and we don't give a good impression to the common people."

Previously, Shang Zhen thought that the people in this village didn't want to see them because there were traitors here, but he didn't expect that his group actually borrowed the light of the Gui army who was stationed here before.

It seems that in the future, I really have to let people like myself speak less swearing. I don't think it is anything, but it is indeed disgusting to the common people.

Shang Zhen thought so in his heart, but he didn't know that within a few days he had to be rough on the common people.

(End of this chapter)

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