Chapter 849 Continuous Shooting ([-])

It seems that there are some masters among the Japanese devils. They heard the start of their ambush, and no matter who wins or loses, they thought that they would run away, so they sent out the cavalry first.

The cavalry was not sent out to join the battle, but to find traces of themselves and others first.

Moreover, Shang Zhen reckoned that it was impossible for the Japanese army to send cavalry to search only in this direction. There would definitely be more reinforcements from the Japanese army where he had ambushed the Japanese army.

But looking at it now, he fought this battle hastily.

Now that the confrontation front between the enemy and us has been formed, even if I want to get weapons, why should I rush to fight? I can definitely feel the environment around the enemy's situation more clearly before fighting!
The people like me have been fighting like rogues, this time, shouldn't I take my little people and find a base and stay there?
If you always manage a piece of land, you will naturally know everything, and there will be no such situation where you are not familiar with the place.

Shang Zhen looked ahead with his rifle in his hand, but in his heart he was thinking about whether he would hit it or not.

Shang Zhen, a few Japanese cavalrymen who came to search, was not in a hurry.

The four Japanese soldiers seemed to have formed a square on the ground, and each of them was a corner of the square.

With his marksmanship, at best, he could kill the first two, and regardless of whether the last two joined the battle or stopped moving, his whereabouts would be exposed.

And even though he is in the woods now, the woods look okay from a distance, but the long ones are sparse at close range, and there is no place for him to hide at all. It was the doomed end for him to be discovered by the Japanese army.

Since you can't change the result, what's the use of worrying if you are destined to shoot first?

However, since the Japanese army came on horseback, how long could Shang Zhen wait? After a while, the two Japanese cavalrymen in front were approaching the woods.

Of course, Shang Zhen hoped that the Japanese army would find him as soon as possible, so now his hiding place is a shallow pit.

Of course he wanted to find a more secluded place, but there really wasn't any.

The terrain is the stage of war, and Shang Zhen has not yet had the ability to transform the "stage" in a very short period of time.

Are we fighting like what Leng Xiaozhi said, what is that called? Oh, yes, it’s called an arranged marriage. Who cares if the man and the woman knew each other before? Anyway, the marriage is fixed. Then, two people, a man and a woman, good life, bad life, anyway, this life has to go on like this.

While thinking wildly, Shang Zhen lay down in the shallow pit and still observed behind the tree.

The Japanese soldier on the far left was less than a hundred meters away from him, and Shang Zhen even heard the faint sound of horseshoes.

Only then did Shang Zhen pick up the rifle and push the bolt to aim it.

He only needs to pay attention to the Japanese soldier on the front left, because he is lying on his stomach and his viewing angle is limited and he can no longer see the Japanese soldier on the right.

But the Japanese cavalry in the front left didn't notice him, and still let the horse run forward.

In fact, he should have discovered Shang Zhen earlier, but while sitting on the horse, his eyes were attracted by some scenes in the gap between the trees directly in front of him.

As for the reason, Shang Zhen guessed that it should be that the Japanese soldier saw his soldiers fleeing desperately into the distance.

"***" didn't know what the Japanese soldier was shouting, anyway, he turned his head to the left immediately.

Shang Zhen guessed that this should be the Japanese soldier greeting his companion.

Who knows if the Japanese soldier saw himself ambushing in the woods, and then Shang Zhen pulled the trigger.

With the sound of a "snap", the Japanese soldier had a hole in his head and fell from the horse.

If possible, Shang Zhen must hit the head of the Japanese army.

No way, who said that the penetrating power of the Japanese [-]-type rifle is too strong!

Based on the current distance between Shang Zhen and this Japanese cavalryman, Shang Zhen can be sure that if the bullet he fired did not hit the opponent's bones, it would definitely pass through his body, and if the bullet could no longer hit In the opponent's heart, this Japanese soldier may not necessarily die!

The little dustpan survived after being shot several times by the Japanese army, but Shang Zhen heard from the little nurse who always wore a mask that the bullets of the Japanese devils pierced the body of the little dustpan, although the bullet passed through the body, it was not fatal Injury, small dustpan, is due to excessive blood loss and inflammation of the wound before it becomes a serious injury.

After Shang Zhen got the shot, this time he no longer lay on his stomach, he jumped up from the hiding place, and then he pointed the rifle to his right front, he could not have forgotten, There is still a Japanese cavalry in front of him on the right.

It's just that the relative distance between him and the Japanese soldier is a bit farther, so he can only hit the nearest one first.

And when Shang Zhen jumped up from the hiding place and raised his gun to look for the target, he immediately captured the target. Less than [-] meters away, the second Japanese cavalry had reined in and was looking in his direction immediately. .

At this moment, Shang Zhen felt that his gaze had collided with that of the Japanese soldier.

But just as the Japanese soldier made a move, Shang Zhen's second shot rang out again.

And Shang Zhen's shot still undoubtedly hit the opponent's head. The second Japanese soldier died!

Shang Zhen hurriedly turned around and changed his body into a kneeling shooting position. He pushed the bolt up and back, pulled it back and then pushed it again, and then pointed the rifle out again.

At this time, the third Japanese soldier appeared in his field of vision.

It's just that the third Japanese soldier was already turning his horse's head. When Shang Zhen aimed his rifle at the opponent, what he saw was the huge buttocks of the opponent's war horse!

"What am I doing squatting down?" Shang Zhen said angrily, he immediately stood up and turned to shoot, and when his third shot was fired, the third Japanese cavalry finally let go of the reins and fell off the horse .

Shang Zhen looked for the fourth Japanese soldier again.

At this time, he saw a war horse that had turned around and was galloping northward.

"Huh? Where's that little devil?" Shang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, but then he pulled the bolt of the gun and shot at the horse.

After long-term combat training and Shang Zhen's own hard training, Shang Zhen has become more and more handy with the rifle.

At the fourth gunshot, Shang Zhen saw that the horse suddenly jumped up, and then it turned its hooves and clapped its hands and ran faster.

But this time Shang Zhen noticed that the Japanese soldier was still on horseback.

It turned out that the fourth Japanese soldier was also a thief. When he saw three of his comrades drinking bullets one after another, they put their bodies on the horse's back when they pulled the horse back to flee!
The distance between the enemy and us is too far, and Shang Zhen's line of sight is blocked by the huge buttocks of the war horse, so how can he see the man on the horse again.

Shang Zhen pulled the breech bolt again and took another shot at the horse.

However, this time the shot finally missed, and the wounded and frightened horse became smaller and smaller in Shang Zhen's field of vision.

"Oh, one escaped after all." Shang Zhen couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

There was nothing he could do this time. The [-]-type rifle had a total of five bullets, and he had already emptied it. If he pressed the bullets again, the horse would probably run away without a trace!
(End of this chapter)

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