The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 852 The Strongest Soldier

Chapter 852 The Strongest Soldier ([-])

"Who told you to light the fire?" A man rushed into his own stove house, and he saw his wife adding firewood to the hole in the stove.

"Then why can't the fire be lit? I didn't eat in the morning. Why doesn't the child eat something warm when he's hungry?" His woman is still not convinced!

"You're deaf, didn't you hear the gun in front of you?" The man said angrily, but then he said "Oh my god", as for the reason, of course it was because he pulled the firewood out of the stove pit Hastily burned his hands.

"Has the gunshots stopped for a while?" The woman was still unconvinced.

"I can't explain it to you!" The man really couldn't do anything with his woman. The firewood was dry straw. If he pulled it out like this, it would naturally be half inside and half outside at the stove pit. The straw is about to be connected to the wilderness, but the fire in the stove is still not extinguished.

The man couldn't care anymore, he ran to his own broken water tank in three steps at a time, picked up the gourd ladle floating on the water, scooped up a ladle of water, and then threw it on the fire inside and outside the stove pit.

In the sound of "噗", "噗", the fire was extinguished, and white smoke rose from the place where the fire was extinguished.

Seeing that the fire was extinguished, the man didn't care about his woman anymore. He ran out of the house in a hurry, looked back, and saw that there was only a little faint green smoke coming out of the chimney of his own house. Be safe.

At this moment, his mother-in-law also rushed out of the door, and she became at a loss when she saw that he was really anxious.

If other people's homes don't start fires, they only set fires in their own homes. If the Japanese come over, they will rush to whoever's home first if they don't see smoke?
This silly woman, does she become stupid after having too many children?The man thought in his heart that when he turned around, he finally went out of the courtyard.

At this time, the people outside the yard were not only his family, but the men in the village were still watching outside, so the man went out again and got into the crowd.

But at this moment, he was no longer the look he was in a hurry to break up with his wife just now. He saw a person stretching his neck to listen to others, but smiled and said: "I said Wang Xiaodan, I just went back to the house, you Why did it come down from the wall?"

When he asked this question, some of the people laughed, and the person he called Wang Xiaodan shrugged his trousers in embarrassment.

Naturally, Wang Xiaodan was the most timid. When everyone came out to listen to the gunshots, Wang Xiaodan didn't even open the gate of his own courtyard, but lay on the wall of his own house and listened to others talking.

He probably thought that if the battle suddenly hit the village and a bullet flew over, he would shrink his head and jump back into the yard.

And the cause of all this is only because of the gunshots.

It's noon now, but people with sharp ears heard the faint "pop?" and "pop" sound from the north. At first they thought it was someone in the village in the north who was having a wedding.

But later Zhang Er, the most knowledgeable person in the village, realized that it was a gunshot, so the villagers who were panicked because the Japanese army occupied the south of the Huaihe River finally ran out and looked at the north from a distance while listening to the movement. Discussing.

But what can they talk about?The ancestors grew up here for generations, and now they are dragging their families. Where can you let them leave their homes and careers?

Later, the gunshots got closer and closer to their village. If the gunshots heard at the beginning were small whips, and then the gunshots heard again would be like two kicks, the villagers naturally became tense, each People also hid women and children in the cellar one after another.

You know, the Japanese devils have a bad reputation, and they are no ordinary animals!

And then, the gunfire unexpectedly stopped.

It was also because the gunfire stopped that the villagers felt a little more lucky. It wasn't that the war was over, regardless of whether it was our Chinese army or the Japanese army, they all withdrew.

It was also because the gunshots stopped for a while, that the man's mother-in-law lit the fire to cook, but was stopped by the man who rushed back to the house in time.

"Would someone be brave enough to come and have a look?" Another villager said.

It's just that what he said is in vain, who is stupid, there is no time to hide from this matter? Who would take the initiative to move forward?

"I don't know what happened to Niubizi and Bald Piao on Crouching Tiger Mountain. Don't they know kung fu?" another villager said.

"I can't finish worrying about my family, you still have thoughts about others." Some villagers said disapprovingly.

"No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, not to mention that the Japanese use guns now!" Some villagers also expressed their dissatisfaction with troublesome people.

Crouching Tiger Mountain is actually just the opposite mountain. This is a plain, and Crouching Tiger Mountain is just a high hill on the plain. There are trees there, and there is not only a Taoist temple on the mountain, but also a monk temple.

As for what Niubizi and bald ladle refer to, all Chinese people know it.

The monk has a bald head, and the outside of the gourd is also bald. Taoist priests, who is called the patriarch of Taoist priests, is leading a cow, so the nickname becomes Niubi.

From the sound of the gunshots, the villagers should be in the area of ​​Crouching Tiger Mountain. Now, I think not only the area around Crouching Tiger Mountain or the cemetery diagonally opposite Crouching Tiger Mountain has become a battlefield.

The old people who disappeared in the village were all buried there, not only the fathers and grandfathers of the men, but even the grandfathers were buried there.

It's just that what's the use of talking about other things now, if the living don't care, who can control the dead?
"Oh, we Chinese have suffered a lot this time. They say that the little Japanese devil is very good at fighting despite his short stature." Another villager said.

"Zhang Er, haven't you seen us Chinese and Japanese fighting? Tell me." Some villagers remembered.

"What do I call that? I didn't just pass by the battlefield." Zhang Er, who was squatting on the ground holding a pipe, replied.

"Then you have seen more dead people than us?" the villager said again.

"Then our Chinese soldiers, alas, from one end to the other, I don't know how many there are. Anyway, more people died than the chicken plague in our village!" Zhang Er recalled what he saw at that time. Said with lingering fear.

The chicken plague happened last year, and all the chickens in the village were brought down that time.

And when they thought of those unedible little chickens being thrown all over the place and now they all turned into dead people, the villagers couldn't help but shuddered in unison!
For a while, the villagers were in no mood to discuss any more, but then they started listening again.

In fact, the villagers guessed it right, the battle was really fought at the cemetery diagonally opposite Crouching Tiger Mountain.

It's just that they guessed wrong on one point. In the open area leading to the cemetery, several Japanese soldiers fell in disorder. They had all kinds of dead faces, but the ones who didn't move and dared to show their faces The Japanese army has all let go!
If you look at it from a high altitude, the situation looks like a plague. Last year, the plague in that village was specifically plagued by chickens, but this time it was people, the Japanese!

This became a battlefield, with hundreds of Japanese soldiers at one end of the battlefield, and a graveyard on the hillside at the other end of the battlefield.

The cemetery is a place where the dead are buried, but the open ground in front of the cemetery has become a cemetery for so-called imperial soldiers, and the cemetery has become a place for murderers. Isn't this weird?

"***" A Japanese soldier suddenly shouted from a mound tens of meters away from the corpses. He instinctively stood up and pointed forward, but was pushed down by his companions. .

Of course, the Japanese soldiers knew that there was a sharpshooter from the Chinese army in the cemetery opposite, and the companions who fell in front of them now are examples.

But now they really didn't dare to go forward, because those who rushed up were knocked down by bullets.

It can't be said that it was a headshot, but the bullets hit nine out of ten, and one of them didn't die before, so the commander sent two people to drag it back.

But the result of the rescue was that the one who didn't die was still screaming there, but the two soldiers who went up to rescue died!

what is this?Is this fishing?Japan is an island country, and naturally many people in island countries know how to fish, so is their wounded soldier the bait?

In order to save the wounded soldier back, the Japanese army did a lot of homework, and it was covered by firepower, but they still couldn't block the jade fragments of the two soldiers.

The Japanese army was really frightened. If they went up, they would die, so why did they go up?

So while the Japanese commander sent people back to bring in sniper rifles and mortars, he could only helplessly listen to the screams of his subordinates getting weaker and weaker until finally there was no sound.

But now, there is another wounded person. No one can figure out why he was shot and survived, but maybe he was unconscious before but now he woke up again.

It's just that this is not the key point, the key point is how to save it now?

All the Japanese soldiers looked at their commander - a small leader who led the team out to pursue this time.

The squad leader gritted his teeth, and he hesitated too. If he didn't save him, it would damage his reputation in the Imperial Japanese Army, but if he went out to save him, he would die. Wouldn't it damage his reputation?The mighty soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army were pretty good at marksmanship, but they couldn't do anything about the Chinese hiding in the cemetery!

For a while, the squad leader was unable to make a decision.

At this time, in the cemetery on the hillside, there is a Chinese soldier in plain clothes who is also hesitating. Of course, it is Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen really wanted to go to the ideal spot on the front left, but it would not be surprising if it was just a tomb. You can see the bones in the coffin board.

Is it okay to beat devils by yourself and go to other people's ancestral graves?The criminal Shang Zhen thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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