Chapter 868

What's the matter with the one I like, but others are putting on airs, and the one I don't like, but they take the initiative to ask to join?
No matter how you say it, they are also called volunteers. Shang Zhen agreed with "Okay" on his lips, but he was slandering in his heart.

He led that Wang Xiao away from the pursuit of the Japanese army and moved closer to the gunshots that sounded from time to time.

And this Wang Xiao is exactly Wang Xiaodan.

His first name was Wang Xiao, but his family was orphaned and widowed. He was despised by his peers since he was a child, and his courage became smaller and smaller, so the nickname Wang Xiaodan was confirmed.

This time the Japanese army attacked the village, he was unexpectedly stimulated, and finally decided to give himself another way of life, so he ran out of the village alone to find the hero in his mind.

To say that Wang Xiaodan has a heart.

He also ran out early when the Japanese army attacked the village.Hiding in the dark, he saw the people in the village hiding outside the village.

And he saw that the Japanese army did not kill many people and set the village on fire but left people in the dark. He was thinking about the hero in his heart, so he would not be tricked by the Japanese army, so he still hid.

And the result was really like this, he reminded Shang Zhen and the others at the critical moment.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaodan knew that he was determined to beat devils in exchange for another way of life, and he really encountered something that he never dared to imagine in his dreams.

That Shang Zhen threw the black thing in front of his face, which must have blown up a group of Japanese soldiers, and then stabbed two Japanese soldiers with a bayonet in front of his eyes. At that time, he was numb and scared. Nervousness and excitement were all mixed together, and he couldn't figure out what he was feeling.

Fortunately, he is Wang Xiaodan, and the instinct to run away cowardly is still there, so he follows Shang Zhen while running and glances at Shang Zhen from time to time.

Seeing that Shang Zhen's face, which was younger than himself, looked so calm and resolute, he really admired him, and he didn't know when he would be able to have such abilities!
If it is said that being a soldier and fighting a war is also a craft, then Wang Xiaodan can only be regarded as a layman now.

What the layman pays attention to is only the appearance, but he doesn't know that Shang Zhen is already secretly complaining at this time.

The Japanese army continued to chase after him, but Shang Zhen knew that there were not many bullets left for his box cannon.

In order to save this Wang Xiao just now, he did not hesitate to use up the bullets and fired continuously, and the magazine full of bullets on his body was almost used up.

Of course he knew that there were still more than [-] rounds of bullets that had not been pressed into the magazine. It was really hard to say whether these more than [-] rounds of bullets could last until the moment they got rid of the Japanese army.

And this is not the worst, the worst thing is that he noticed that the gunshots from the little Taoist priest Qingfeng and the big old stupid Japanese army were still going on, but there was no gunshot from Qingfeng big old stupid for a while.

Didn't those two people were shot by the Japanese army?

With doubts and worries, Shang Zhen still walked through the chaotic rocks, but fortunately, he and Wang Xiaodan finally disappeared from the sight of the Japanese soldiers who were chasing them by relying on their agility.

After running forward for tens of meters, Shang Zhen still couldn't hear the gunshots from Qingfeng in front of him, but the gunshots from the Japanese army's pursuit were getting closer.

Shang Zhen frowned. He stopped and ran towards a boulder two or three people tall.

Wang Xiaodan stopped, and he saw that Shang Zhen was climbing up to the boulder like a nimble monkey.

Yes, Shang Zhen's movements are indeed like a monkey.

Shibi Shangzhen, who was as tall as a person, was able to hook his feet with both hands and jump up in just two or three strokes.

While Wang Xiaodan was in shock, Shang Zhen had already climbed onto the boulder.

Oh my god, this person's ability is much better than my own ability to climb the wall!
Wang Xiaodan is timid, but Wang Xiaodan thought to himself that if he dared to say that his ability to climb walls was second in their village, no one would dare to say that he was the first.

He is timid, especially after being beaten up by the three tigers of the Qian family, he didn't have the courage to fight with the three brothers, but he was afraid of being beaten again, so he had only one way left, which was to run away. .

Ordinary people fight and say that so and so is blocked in the yard and beaten up, but according to Wang Xiaodan's thinking, wouldn't he be beaten if he didn't let others be blocked in the yard?
And how can we keep people from being blocked in the yard?Of course it is climbing the wall, climbing the wall, climbing the wall!

So since he was determined to practice escape, he stopped going in and out of his yard every day, instead he walked over the wall.

In the earliest days, the wall at home was less than one person high. He slowly practiced jumping towards the courtyard wall and jumped over it by pressing his hands and tricking his legs. Later, he became more and more familiar with the skill of jumping over the wall. Then the earthen wall was raised by more than one meter.

He practiced repeatedly, and finally he practiced until he was able to sprint over the wall for two steps, put his hands together and exert all his strength, and he could walk across the wall!
If you don't talk about this person, the most terrifying thing is that he only does one thing in his life. Although Wang Xiaodan can't be regarded as a lifetime, his years of practice have finally paid off, so now there is no him in their village. A wall that cannot be climbed!
But having said that, since Wang Xiaodan practiced this ability to climb over the wall, he has rarely climbed over the walls of other people's houses.

Just imagine, this is the south, and it’s so cold in winter, but if it’s hot in summer, no matter who has a high-walled compound, will the woman take a bath in a wooden barrel or something in that yard, don’t worry If he dared to climb other people's walls again in the dark, wouldn't he be courting death?

However, the news that Wang Xiaodan was able to climb the high wall still spread in the village.Although he himself firmly refused to admit it, there is a popular saying in the village called "fire prevention, theft prevention and Wang Xiaodan"!
It was precisely because Wang Xiaodan thought that he could jump up and down, but when he saw Shang Zhen's ability to climb boulders, he realized that he was just a little out of reach.

But at this time, Shang Zhen didn't have the time to care what Wang Xiaodan was thinking. He lay on the top of the rock and glanced at Qingfeng's side first. , and then he looked at the Japanese army.

Now he is much closer to the Japanese army, not even a hundred meters away.

It's just that the Japanese army never thought that Shang Zhen was peeping from the flank.

If according to Shang Zhen's usual fighting style, if he didn't sneak attack the Japanese army now, how could he be worthy of those little bastards who traveled across the ocean to China to do only livestock work, but now he doesn't want to do anything.

One is that he doesn't have many bullets left, and the other is that the little Taoist priest Qingfeng and the big old stupid don't know life or death.

If the little Taoist priest Qingfeng and the big old stupid were really killed, then what kind of Japanese army should I still shoot at now, and it would be reasonable for me to escape with this guy named Wang Xiao.

Saying that a person only cares about being brave and not fearing life and death can be called simple-minded and well-developed limbs. Saying that a person has too many eyes is destined not to be a brave man. The so-called wise man is not brave.

It is actually not easy to find a wise and brave man among the many soldiers, but considering the cruelty of the battle, the so-called wise and brave man will also die in battle, so how many wise and brave men can be left in the battle? What about people?
Although Shang Zhen can't beat devils like Wang Laomao and can play tricks, how can he not know how to advance and retreat?

And just when Shang Zhen was hesitating, he suddenly heard a "pop" gunshot from Qingfeng's end. As for where the bullet could hit in this gunshot, Shang Zhen guessed that Qingfeng and The big fellow himself doesn't know, so it's even more impossible for him to know.

As soon as he heard the gunshots, Shang Zhen felt inexplicably joyful in his heart, and for a moment he forgot about secretly retreating, and immediately raised his box cannon to the Japanese army in front!
(End of this chapter)

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