The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 875 "The Booty"

Chapter 875 "The Booty"

The change of defense came much faster than expected. Wang Laomao and the others took the rescued women back to the station by boat and got the news to let them retreat with the large army.

During the entire battle to defend the Huaihe River, the [-]st Army of the Northeast Army once again paid a major sacrifice.

Now that the fifty-ninth army as a reinforcement has taken over the defense, and the enemy and us face each other across the river, the focus of this general battle centered on Xuzhou has shifted to the north, so the fifty-first army finally got a chance to rest.

The troops act in a unified manner, and Shang Zhen and his group belong to the 337th Brigade of the 337st Army, and the [-]th Brigade will be withdrawn, so what's wrong with their small group?
If Shang Zhen was there, based on Shang Zhen's status in the mind of the brigade commander Liu Chengyi, it could be said that one of our brothers is missing and we want to look for it. I think Liu Chengyi will agree to these "wild people" who are used to being out there. children's.

But this time the missing person is Shang Zhen, can others speak up in front of brigade commander Liu Chengyi?At least Wang Laomao and the others felt that none of them would have such face.

If it's just the above, it's fine, but it's their deadly enemy Wang Qingfeng who came back to pass the order to them.

Although Wang Laomao and the others were not against Wang Qingfeng, they had to be against the military orders of brigade commander Liu Chengyi.

Seeing that Wang Qingfeng came to deliver the military order, Hou Wangshan just said something to Wang Qingfeng, but Wang Qingfeng waved his hand and said: "Don't cry at me so frightfully, I'm scared to death!"

Just this one sentence made Hou Kanshan so angry!
Was he crying at Wang Qingfeng?He was smiling at Wang Qingfeng, okay?

But didn't Wang Qingfeng know that Hou Wangshan was smiling at him?Of course Wang Qingfeng knew about it, and the reason why they said that was just to mock Hou Wangshan.

Who told Hou Wangshan to be disfigured and disfigured when he was beating devils? What he meant was that Hou Wangshan's smile was uglier than crying!
Don't talk about Hou Kanshan, even if Wang Laomao and the others are angry, so what?This time, Wang Qingfeng came here to pass on the military order, or in other words, he came to gloat when he heard that Shang Zhen disappeared.

The problem is that people don't know how happy they are, but on the surface they are just passing on military orders in a serious manner, so why would they dare to beat Wang Qingfeng again?

They dare not, this is the army, you really treat it as a place where there are no rules!
"Oh, you guys are so awesome, this time you actually robbed, no, you actually got back so many big girls and little daughters-in-law!" Wang Qingfeng yelled at those girls suddenly discovering the new continent.

To say that Shang Zhen's group and Wang Qingfeng really formed a situation of mutual fear now.

Shang Zhen's people beat Wang Qingfeng, and those of them were locked up but nothing happened in the end, but they were released by Wang Qingfeng's brother-in-law, the brigade commander.

But that Wang Qingfeng is no longer human, but after all, he is also the brother-in-law of brigade commander Liu Chengyi.

Although Wang Qingfeng is nothing to lead the army to fight, but after all, he is in charge of the logistics of the 337 brigade, and Wang Qingfeng is also useful for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of all the officers and soldiers of the 337 brigade.

If you clean up Shang Zhen and the others, it will affect morale. Brigadier Liu Chengyi will not do this kind of thing, but if you let Liu Chengyi clean up his own brother-in-law, what will happen to your bastard brother-in-law, then he will definitely not do it.

"What do you mean brought back?" Wang Qingfeng's words made Qian Chuan'er answer in anger, "We rescued this from the Japanese devils by crossing the river!"

This Wang Qingfeng is also learning to be well-behaved. If he just sat down and said that these big girls and daughters-in-law were snatched back by Wang Laomao and the others, then maybe Wang Laomao and the others beat him up again in a hurry.

But now people say it was "made" back, isn't that just disgusting them?It's over, people haven't stopped talking yet.

"They were forced to come out one by one. They are not good at fighting, but they are good at pulling women. Come here! Take all these women to the brigade for me!" Wang Qingfeng waved and ordered.

"Hey (ái)!" Upon hearing that Wang Qingfeng wanted to take the rescued women away, Shang Zhen and his group of soldiers quit.

"Hey (ái) fart (ái)? Tell him to take away these oil bottles quickly!" But at this moment, Old Mao Wang shouted loudly.

After Wang Laomao shouted loudly, most of them fell silent, but Hu Zhuzi muttered unconvinced: "We rescued that."

"What's wrong with the one we rescued?" Old Mao Wang said angrily, "He's a living person, you really treat him as a trophy, that's, that's—"

For a while, Old Mao Wang was a little stuck, he really didn't know what to say.

"They are all Chinese, and those are our sisters." At this time, Chen Hanwen said a very enlightened sentence beside him.

"Yes, they are all our brothers and sisters. We have nothing to eat or drink, you f**king raising them!" Old Mao Wang finally continued the conversation under Chen Hanwen's prompt.

Seeing that Old Hat Wang was no longer in the way, Wang Qingfeng sneered and waved his hands. Naturally, some soldiers under him led those women to the direction of the brigade, and then Wang Qingfeng said: "Retreat if you have to. I forgive you for not daring to disobey Military orders!"

Then they turned around and left, leaving behind old hat Wang and the others who were really disrespectful but helpless soldiers.

After being silent for a while, Qiu Bo said in a low voice: "Just take it away, what else do you have in mind?"

When Qiu Bo said this, Qin Chuan suddenly smiled: "Old Uncle Wang, this is a man who is full and doesn't know that a man who is hungry is hungry."

When Qin Chuan said this, the soldiers also had smiles in their eyes, but they all looked to the side, because Gao Yuyan, Ju Hongxia, and Su Ya had been watching from the side all the time. It is not their turn to speak on such occasions.

"What are you talking about, Qin Chuan?" Ju Hongxia, who wanted to cheer up the atmosphere when Qin Chuan joked about herself and Wang Laomao, smiled cleverly, "Anyway, you are the saviors of those women, and I will talk to you tomorrow. Let you all marry daughters-in-law."

"That's great!" Qin Chuan smiled.

"Great ass! Find a daughter-in-law for each of you, bah, and another one for your family!

Tomorrow you're going to fuck me, dragging a bunch of girls who the fuck is still thinking about fighting? "Old Mao Wang began to curse, but this time even Ju Hongxia got involved.

Old Mao Wang can be regarded as a leader after all, so why doesn't he know the reason for this, even though it is insincere to say that Ju Hongxia, who can be his daughter at any age, is sent away.

Old Mao Wang cursed again, and Ju Hongxia didn't dare to say anything.

In other words, they may not just dare not say anything, they are just doing their own gentlemen a face on the occasion.

Everyone fell into silence again, and it was Hu Zhu who broke the silence next.

Hu Zhuzi didn't speak very loudly, but just that one sentence made everyone's hearts tense. Hu Zhuzi said, "Will he die?"

(End of this chapter)

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