Chapter 877 Soldiers Walking ([-])

"The car is rattling, the horse is Xiaoxiao, and the pedestrians have bows and arrows at their waists.

Parents, mothers and wives see each other off, but the Xianyang Bridge is not seen in the dust.Ugh. "The withdrawing team was like a winding long snake from south to north, and one of them was sighing.

The lamenter is Chutian.

Chu Tian was one of the rare intellectuals among Shang Zhen's group, and his exclamation was so level that the soldiers walking with him, even soldiers from other troops all looked at him.

The [-]st Army of the Northeast Army finally retreated and began to rest.

In the end, it means that the [-]st Army has been guarding the Huaihe River. First, it is determined not to let the Japanese army cross the Huaihe River.Second, if the Japanese army hit the Huaihe River, I will fight back desperately and beat you back.

And even if the two armies are confronting each other now, the Japanese planes that were not at that time would still come and bomb, so retreating now is called "finally".

It's just that a small group of Wang Laomao and others who were walking in the long line at this time really didn't like this "finally", and the reason was naturally that there was no news about Shang Zhen.

From the point of view of the big troops, it was finally withdrawing, and it was really too early for them to withdraw, but what could they do if they didn't withdraw, so what happened to Shang Zhen could only depend on his own fate.

And now Ju Hongxia, who is also in this team, is instructing Gao Yuyan: "It's okay, you see Shang Zhen has such a good mind and great ability, it must be okay, maybe he will come back when you wake up Woolen cloth."

"That's what I said, but my heart is always torn." Gao Yuyan sighed.

Gao Yuyan didn't understand the truth, but she was always worried about Shang Zhen in her heart.

For a while, it was like Ju Hongxia enlightening herself, thinking that Shang Zhen's great ability should be fine, and for a while, thinking about the use of being a great talent, bullets don't have eyes, maybe Shang Zhen is already that much now.

The team was moving forward like this, and the speed of the movement was naturally not very fast.

The 337th Brigade withdrew from the front line before dawn in the morning, and it was already past ten o'clock in the morning. The continuous march made the officers and soldiers, who were already exhausted, walk more and more slowly.

Seeing that the team couldn't move anymore, there was an order from above to rest in place, but at this moment, everyone suddenly heard the sound of "buzzing" from a distance.

"Pay attention to concealment! The little devil's plane!" An officer shouted.

But at this time, he didn't need to call the whole team to become chaotic.

The terrain here is flat and open, even if there are some woods, how can the woods not even have leaves to hide?

"What the hell are these bastards hiding? No matter how fast you hide, there's still a little devil's plane!" Someone suddenly cursed loudly amidst the panic.

"You idiot, if you don't run away, you will just stay here and wait to die!" A soldier who ran past the man casually "rewarded" him.

Everyone is from the Northeast Army, let alone some of them went from Shandong to the Northeast. Even if they speak with a Shandong accent, they are still from the Northeast.

People from the Northeast are so familiar with each other, so it is understandable that the soldiers who ran over scolded the man out of good intentions.

In the view of the fleeing soldier, if everyone charged together, he would be greedy for life and afraid of death if he didn't follow suit, but now he was facing a Japanese plane.

The only solution for now, the best way, of course, is to go to a place with the fewest gatherings of people.

As for the planes in the sky, if they fly high and look far away, no matter whether they are shooting with machine guns or throwing bombs, they must be rushing to the crowd.

So, the competitor he wants to survive now is not the plane in the sky, but himself on the ground, the Northeast Army brothers.

"Wait for you to die!" The man scolded the soldier who ran past like the wind.One sentence, and then shouted again, "Our people, set up rifles and machine guns for me, if the little devil's plane dares to come over, we will kill him!"

Shoot a plane with a gun?This is new!
But at this time, that person has already picked up the binoculars and is looking at the approaching plane in the distance.

But after seeing it, he became more reasonable and shouted again: "Don't be afraid of it, it's just a reconnaissance plane. I don't think there are any bombs on it, and there are machine guns on it!"

Under the hoarse shout of the man, the soldiers under him really pointed their rifles at the sky. As for the stand of the machine gun raised by the machine gunner, his deputy shooter held it up with both hands.

"Damn, if you run for your life, you run for your life. If I want to masturbate, you hit me?" A soldier scolded the person who was hiding from the plane.

"Are you recruiting?" Another soldier hiding from the plane asked as he passed by.

"It doesn't matter if there are chicken feathers, we used to fight like this before!" A soldier with a gun pointing at the sky replied loudly.

"Really?" Another soldier who was running past was dubious.
"Don't f*** listen to him scaring me!" Some of his fellow runners didn't believe it at all.

"If you always run like this, it's too stupid. A plane is afraid of him?" Another soldier passing by would rather take a gamble, and he even pointed his rifle into the sky.

Or to say that people are different, the soldiers have the courage, but others may not have it, so some soldiers said: "Fuck, bears can save their lives, and those who pretend to be calves will be killed!"

Some officers ran away to the distance under the protection of the guards, but some officers saw that someone was about to masturbate, so they called their men to stop and join the battle.

All of a sudden, the whole road was really messed up.

At this time, the Japanese plane really flew close and began to dive.

It was a chaotic scene, there was no need for anyone to give orders, and no one knew who fired the first shot into the sky, so the gunshots below became continuous.

At the same time, the Japanese plane above also fired shots. Just as the veteran who advocated shooting the plane said, the Japanese plane only had a machine gun on it.

In the void, the plane roared and the bullets staggered. Although several soldiers on the ground were shot and fell to the ground, the plane only pulled its nose up after halfway down.

"Look, that bastard is also afraid of bullets, hit him!" At this time, the veteran who advocated masturbation was still staring at the plane with binoculars, as if he had seen bullets entering the interior of the plane.

He was right, this was a Japanese reconnaissance plane, and there were only two Japanese soldiers on it.

And the two Japanese soldiers above were only flying the plane to perform reconnaissance missions.

Seeing the Chinese army marching below, they flew over arrogantly. They really just wanted to bully the "Chinese army" in their eyes because they were in the sky.

It's just that who would have thought that they really encountered unbelieving Chinese soldiers. With the sound of gunfire below, a bullet really hit the plane.

Today's aircraft are equipped with armor on key parts. Some of the fuselages are originally made of wood, and some of the better ones are just covered with a layer of aluminum on the wood.

It is also reasonable to be hit by bullets when the plane dives down and enters the firing range of the rifle machine.

The two Japanese soldiers felt that a bullet had really entered the plane, and they didn't dare to pretend to be nature, so they fled in the plane.

The plane was not shot down in the end, but this undoubtedly confirmed one point, planes are also afraid of rifles!
As the Japanese plane flew away, the ground was already full of cheers.

But amidst the cheers, someone sat down cross-legged and began to light a cigarette.

He was exactly the one who shot the plane with a rifle - Old Mao Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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