Chapter 887

It is not a loss to say that Shang Zhen was caught as a young man.

They finally crossed the Huai River last night.

As far as Shang Zhen knew, due to the victory of the [-]st Army's Huaihe blockade, at least China and Japan faced each other across the river, and it would be safe to cross the river.

So after passing the Heshang Zhen, they were completely relaxed. The life of a strong man these days has tortured them to the core.

It is said that if you want a horse to run, you have to give it grass. This is the logic of the Chinese.

But the Japanese use the Chinese as a strong man, that is a must, try not to give grass, eat the worst things to do the heaviest work, and pull them down when they die!
Not to mention Wang Xiaodan, Shang Zhen, Da Laoben and Li Qingfeng's physical fitness is not bad, and they are even much stronger than ordinary people.

But they were too tired to be under the whips, bayonets and guns of the Japanese army.

They don't want to do it, but you dare not do it?Even if Shang Zhen follows the crowd, he can never be the chicken that kills the chicken for the monkey to see.

Because of this, the hunger, exhaustion, and sleepiness all surged up as soon as I relaxed after crossing the river.

The four of them really found the previous village, and then they found a random straw stack and got into it and fell asleep, but they only slept for two or three hours before dawn, but they were brought to carry firewood The villagers were awakened by the discovery.

If you haven't slept well, you don't need to sleep, the hunger will come up again.

Shang Zhen and the others have been strong men for several days, not to mention the shabby clothes, but they have nothing of their own. Their only property is the boat they stole from the south bank of the river.

Shang Zhen was going to take the three new recruits to find his own team, so what was the use of a boat, so he simply traded the wooden boat for food with the villagers.

No matter how small a wooden boat is, it’s still a boat, and Shang Zhen doesn’t trade much, he just wants to feed himself and the four of them, and the villagers only regard them as strong men who escaped from the south bank, and this small transaction is completed. up.

After Shang Zhen and the others had a full meal, they felt sleepy again, so the four of them began to sleep again in the side room provided by the kind villagers.

But as a result, the national army came to arrest the strong men.

As the old man said, generally speaking, when the national army arrests strong men, it uses the village chiefs and chiefs to allocate the number of soldiers to the bottom. If the poor have no money to cheat, they must pay For the strong men, there are too many twists and turns in the middle, so I won’t mention it.

However, the national army that came back this time did not pass through the lowest administrative system such as the village chief and armor chief, but as long as they saw that the people in the village could go to the battlefield with guns, they would arrest them hard!
There was a lot of commotion outside, but Shang Zhen and the others slept soundly.

If Shang Zhen, a veteran, is very sensitive to gunshots, but he thinks that he has crossed the Huaihe River and there is no danger, then he should sleep. As long as there is no combat mission on the battlefield, you should not be able to sleep if there are guns firing nearby. Still have to sleep?
As for Qingfeng Li and the old stupid, they slept more soundly.

You know, the two of them were originally a young Taoist priest and a young monk, and they were only seventeen or eighteen, and they didn't care if the sky fell when they got tired.

As for Wang Xiaodan, there is no need to mention it.

He joined the army as soon as his brain got hot, but he saw Shang Zhen, a real soldier, but he hadn't seen the uniform of the Chinese army. He experienced battle first and then became a strong man. Every day, the Japanese devils under their noses You can tell if there is a big snot on the square beard!
To be honest, this is so fucking exciting, this is one stimulus after another.

People have the courage to change. It is not just determination. With determination, old habits can still remain. If Wang Xiaodan was originally timid, he was still very vigilant, but this time fear, enjoyment, excitement, and stimulation were all disturbed. After being together, after the slack came, it was also a sound sleep.

In the end, the four of them were blocked by the national army soldiers who broke into the house!

After reacting, Shang Zhen really wanted to show his identity as the Northeast Army, but he didn't say anything when he saw the behavior of the soldiers who arrested them as young men.

The national army unit that came to arrest the strong men was neither from the Northeast Army nor the Northwest Army. Shang Zhen knew from the soldier's accent that he was from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Then he suspected that the opponent belonged to the Central Army.

Although everyone is now united to fight against Japan, Shang Zhen knows that the Northeast Army and the Central Army still have grievances.

At the beginning, the Northeast Army and a certain unit of the Northwest Army jointly launched the Xi'an Incident, and the old man was detained for military remonstrance.

How can there be no bloodshed?At that time, the Northeast Army also killed some officials accompanying the old man, and some of the old man's personal guards were also killed by the Northeast Army.

Now we are talking about joint resistance against Japan. On the bright side, the Northeast Army and the Central Army will naturally not fight, but in private, if he says that he is an investigator sent by the Northeast Army, how would he know these low-level officers and soldiers of the Central Army? How will you treat yourself?

From Shang Zhen's experience, he naturally knows that people are often like this sometimes.

It might be okay if I don't mention that I am from the Northeast Army.

If you mention that you are from the Northeast Army, in case people don’t give you face, they say you are from the Northeast Army, right? You are awesome from the Northeast Army?When fighting, you rush to the front for me!
It's really going to be that time, it's too late for me to cry!
So Shang Zhen made up his mind, that is, I will not say a word for a while and wait and see, or just play it by ear.

On the contrary, Li Qingfeng was so stupid that they didn't understand her thoughts, so he said that Shang Zhen was also a soldier!
As a result, the Central Army soldier who arrested them at that time said directly, he is a soldier, a deserter, right?I will directly punish you, a deserter, on the spot!
On the contrary, Li Qingfeng saw that Shang Zhen didn't want to admit his identity as a soldier, so he gave Big Boss a wink, and Big Boss didn't say anything.

I don't know if the old man is really stupid or not, but he and Qingfeng Li grew up together, not to mention that they are connected, but Qingfeng Li still knows what it means when he gives him a wink.

So Shang Zhen and the others were captured by the national army again.

In Shangzhen's mind, it is impossible for the national army to arrest the strong men as strictly as the Japanese army thinks, right?The big deal is to sneak away with someone.

But at this moment, he realized that he had really underestimated the national army, the national army, that is, the army of his own country, and the national army was no softer than the Japanese army in grabbing young men!
I don't know what they gave these strong men to eat, can't they be worse than the Japanese army?Now I can only ask for luck!

Shang Zhen was thinking about his own thoughts and followed the team of strong men awkwardly forward, the ten people walked forward in a row to restrain each other, how could it be possible to speed up if one was moved while the other nine were dragged down?

But no matter how slow it was, it was still going, after all, the village was left behind, and some younger members of the team of strong men burst into tears.

And just as this team of strong men was marching, from time to time, soldiers escorted different numbers of strong men to join it.

As a result, the team of strong men became longer and longer, but none of the people in the team felt that our team was strong, and instead sighed and wailed together, giving a A miserable feeling.

As he was marching, Shang Zhen suddenly saw a soldier running over to report loudly to an officer who was very close to him: "Report to the company commander, this time we caught, no, we encountered two defected with guns!"

"What?" Shang Zhen heard the officer curious, and he was naturally curious too. At this moment, he saw a few soldiers and two people in civilian attire coming over.

"Fucking with guns, didn't you run into a bandit? They couldn't run away, so why are you running with guns?" The officer questioned and quickened his pace.

"No, company commander, they said that they were captured by the Japanese devils on the south bank of the river. They escaped after robbing a small motorboat, and they still have three or eight big caps in their hands!" The soldier hurriedly reported again.

Just this sentence, not to mention how the officer reacted, but Shang Zhen had already shouted secretly, alas, it's really not that enemies don't get together!

(End of this chapter)

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