The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 902 "God Stick" Shang Zhen

Chapter 902 "God Stick" Shang Zhen

Does Shang Zhen really have a good trick to turn Wang Xiaodan into Wang Bold?
There is no shortage of eloquent and eloquent people in this world.

However, it is only an exaggeration to say that a person who can speak well can say that the dead are alive and the living are dead.

When Gen'er is in the mood for everything, it's useless to just rely on words, it needs to see the truth.

The situation is like a military order issued in the army. If the person who issued the order fails to complete the task, it will be a decisive decision.

And Shang Zhen now said that he could make Wang Xiaodan not afraid of death immediately, so how could Blind Hao believe it?
But things are so miraculous.

At that time, Shang Zhen slipped away Wang Xiaodan who was sitting on the ground in fright.

Of course, it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that it's a slip, anyway, Wang Xiaodan's calf has been so frightened that his calves are weak, and he spread like a pile of mud, and it was all thanks to the strength of Shang Zhen that he was able to get Wang Xiaodan away. .

And just over half an hour later, it was time for Xia Xiazi and his veterans to witness the miracle.

They saw that Wang Xiaodan, who was originally like a mangy dog, was already beaten with chicken blood!
They saw that Wang Xiaodan held a broken gun with a bayonet in both hands and stabbed the gutted Japanese soldier violently, and there was an inhuman sound of "ah" and "ah" in his mouth. !

The bayonet used by Wang Xiaodan was quite bright at first, but as soon as he stabbed at the Japanese soldier, the bayonet quickly turned blood red.

And besides the blood red, there is also some yellowish color, as for the yellowish color, it doesn't matter what it is.

In addition, after a certain knife went down, the knife rubbed green again, which probably pierced the gall of the Japanese soldier!

"Did you give this kid blood?" Ma Erpao stared at Wang Xiaodan with wide eyes.

"Well, it must have been a bloody beating, and he was beating too much, didn't you see that his eyes were red?" another veteran said.

The two of them chattered like this, and all the veterans looked at Wang Xiaodan carefully, it was not for nothing, that boy's eyes were bloodshot, red and red, as if he had eaten a dead child!
And Shang Zhen, who was standing at the side, was holding a [-]-type rifle in his sleeves and only looked at it lightly, looking so unpredictable.

The [-]-type rifle in his arms was exactly what he wanted from Hao Xiazi in order to kill the Japanese soldier.

After using up the rifle, Shang Zhen didn't return it.

Why should he pay it back?In the army, the strong are respected, Shang Zhen understands that if you fight the Japanese devils one-on-one with bayonets, let alone recruits, even veterans who fight one-on-one with the Japanese army will lose most of them.

This gun is a reward for myself!

"Okay, Dongbei guy!" At this point, blind Hao was also curious and asked Shang Zhen, "What trick did you use?"

Shang Zhen looked at Blind Hao's curious look and turned his eyes. He really didn't want to talk to Blind Hao. What the hell is he leading troops to fight? Isn't this just treating recruits like nothing? ?
But because people had to bow their heads under the eaves, Shang Zhen could only move forward, whispering to the blind man Hao.

And blind Hao was disapproving at first when he heard Shang Zhen standing there in vain, but then he became dubious. Finally, when Shang Zhen finished speaking, blind Hao waved his hand and shouted: "All of you recruits! Line me up!"

After more than ten minutes, those recruits were already standing in front of a big family in the village.

What is the concept of a big family nowadays?That generally refers to the family of the third or fourth generation.

Chinese people always pay attention to blood relationship, not to mention in the south, after a certain family has made a fortune in a certain generation, they will continue to build houses on the original basis.

Under the grandfather, there are the eldest son, the second son, the third son and so on, and the son has the eldest grandson, the second grandson and the third grandson. If the grandfather lives long, he is likely to have a great-grandson again.

In this case, it is easy not to separate the family, and to the outside world, it is the power of a family. Whether it is fighting against people or fighting against the sky and the earth, it can play a role in keeping warm.

But now the officers and soldiers are facing such a big family.

It's just that someone's dead body was already lying on the street outside this family's door.

That man was not a soldier, but an ordinary citizen, a middle-aged man in his thirties.

The back of his heart was already stained with blood, which was clearly stabbed to death by the Japanese army with a bayonet.

At this time, under Hao Xiazi's order, some veterans entered the family's house, and soon the dead were carried out by the soldiers.

The dead were old and young, men and women, and the blood had dried up. It seemed that they had been dead for a few days.

The beard of the old man among the dead was very long, but he was also stabbed to death by the Japanese army, so the gray beard had long since lost its true color and was now blood-black.

As for the children, if they are half-children, that's all right, but some are still in their infancy!
Those men in their prime were nothing more than that, and one of them died with a kitchen knife in his hand, presumably he fought the Japanese army before he died.

But the death of those women was already horrible. Girls as young as seven or eight years old, and old women as old as sixty or seventy years old, their lower bodies were completely naked. Obviously, these women were raped and then killed by the Japanese army!And this big family was completely slaughtered by the Japanese army!

"Look, do you know why you want to beat the Japanese devils?" At this moment, Shang Zhen stood up, "Think about it, the Japanese devils are like animals, they won't let anyone go.

If we don't resist, then our parents, our brothers and sisters, and our children will be what you see now! "

Shang Zhen glanced over the faces of those recruits.

At this time, the recruits were naturally looking at the civilians who were massacred by the Japanese army, some of them were dodging their eyes with expressions of unbearable expression, and some of them were showing resentment.

"Have you ever thought about how lucky you are to have a gun in your hands now, at least when the invaders come to kill your relatives, you can resist!" Shang Zhen said again.

When he said this, the recruits couldn't help but look at the guns in their hands, and some even clenched their hands a little bit.

"Now! Close your eyes!" Shang Zhen suddenly said something surprising.

As soon as he said this, those recruits really closed their eyes, and at this moment, Shang Zhen's words floated in the air and directly poured into their ears: "Think about your most beloved man or woman .

For example, the father who raised you, or the elder brother who has been doing heavy work for you.

For example, your dear little brother or little sister, such as the mother who pulled you up with a handful of shit and urine.

For example, when you understand how men and women are going on, your favorite big girl!

Now they were killed by the goofy little devils, no, the men were killed, and the women were cursed!

So tell me, are you still afraid of death?If you don't want to avenge them, are you still men with handles?
The south bank of the Huaihe River has been taken over by the little devil, and you have seen the virtues of the little devil. I can't curse your family for accidents, but I dare to swear to God, your family must have been harmed by the little devil.

So you have guns in your hands, are you still afraid of being a dick?If the Japanese devils killed your relatives, then you go and kill the Japanese devils! "

Shang Zhen has always been a taciturn person, but this time he really couldn't see Hao Xiazi's gang treating his compatriots in such a reckless way, so he rushed ducks to the shelves and said a lot.

What he said was a little excited, and he also managed to move himself so much that he became hoarse with the last sentence.

"I'm still afraid of being a dick, and they all take guns and stab those little devils a few more times!" At this time, blind Hao shouted.

Shang Zhen's words really make sense!

Xiazi Hao didn't know whether those recruits were persuaded by Shang Zhen, but he did know that he had been persuaded by Shang Zhen, the northeastern guy!

(End of this chapter)

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