Chapter 920
Shang Zhen was walking forward, when he heard a soldier shouting not far away: "Shuanzi! Shuanzi!" "What's wrong?" another soldier asked.

"Come on! Shuanzi was injured by the little devil!" Another soldier shouted.

Damn, Shang Zhen has a bad premonition, what are you guys gathering at this time!

Should he make a sound or not? Shang Zhen hesitated for a while before he heard a "dang" sound not far away, and then another soldier shouted: "Lie down!" With a "boom", it was another grenade that exploded.

Shang Zhen grinned, at this moment he suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion.

He gritted his teeth, calmed down and walked forward, and finally when he reached the end of the alley, there happened to be a crossroad.

Just stay here, unless the Japanese army passes through the wall, the possibility of crossing the intersection is undoubtedly the greatest.

Shang Zhen started to wait again. After a while, he vaguely saw two figures coming out from the opposite alley.

It should be the Japanese army, right?Shang Zhen raised the rifle in his hand.

It would be a breeze to kill one of them with his current marksmanship, but at this moment he hesitated again.

This can be said to be the advantage of Shang Zhen and also the shortcoming of Shang Zhen.

Advantages, resourceful and decisive, will never hang on a rope, thinking is divergent.

The disadvantage is that sometimes you will not be very decisive because you have to consider the pros and cons of everything you do. On the contrary, soldiers like Hu Zhuzi, Ma Erhuzi, can do whatever they think of.

What Shang Zhen is hesitating now is whether he should let himself be exposed. If that is the case, the Japanese army must have slipped through the net!

This is a choice, should he kill the invader first to vent his anger, or follow the vine to get rid of the evil?
But just as he was hesitating, the situation happened again, and suddenly there was a "chug chug" machine gun from the opposite side, and in the light of the machine gun, Shang Zhen noticed a figure who fell down immediately .

oops!What a surprise, Hao Xiazi's soldiers were not given for nothing, and he finally defeated a Japanese soldier!
Shang Zhen was pleasantly surprised, and saw a shadow running towards him.

At this moment, out of hatred for the Japanese army, he instinctively grabbed the rifle in his hand, but just as he was about to pull the bolt, he heard a voice from his left.

And just those words shocked Shang Zhen!
Shang Zhen can guarantee that the sound is definitely not a Chinese sound, it is an oriental flavor in his mother tongue, and he instinctively flicked the muzzle of the rifle and pointed at it.

It's just that the light is even darker where he is now.

Looking at the person running from the opposite side, he could more or less borrow the light from the fire made by Hao Xiazi and the others in the distance, and all he could see here was the blurry corner of the house across the street.

People have walked through the night, and when the vision is blurred, any object they see is enough to arouse people's associations. For example, a piece of hanging clothes may make people think that there are people there. The so-called "people are scary, scary" dead".

And now it's the same situation. I can see everything, but I can't confirm it. This is not much different from seeing nothing.

But think about it, if Shang Zhen saw the Japanese army there, then the Japanese army must have seen him too, it would be an encounter, and it would be difficult to say who would die and who would live!

Seeing that he couldn't see the situation on the other side clearly, Shang Zhen turned his eyes and saw the figure running from the other side of the intersection, but that was exactly where he was going.

It seems that there is really Japanese support on the opposite side. There is a cross street. I and the Japanese army on the opposite side each occupy a corner. I didn’t meet a bunch of them. I don’t know if it’s my own or the Japanese army’s luck or misfortune. !
Since the Japanese army was there to support him, Shang Zhen decided not to shoot anymore. Who knows if there are still Japanese troops behind.

This group of Japanese soldiers is very difficult to deal with!I really have to get rid of the evil!

Shang Zhen felt that he should follow the two Japanese soldiers. What if the Japanese soldiers had their own lair?
Thinking of this, Shang Zhen tiptoed towards the opposite side with the rifle in his hand.

His eyes didn't keep staring at the opposite side, but also scanned his feet. It had just rained. How could the streets be so flat, and there were still puddles in some places.

If he accidentally stepped on the water with a "slap", it would be fine if the Japanese army shot at him, but what if he threw a grenade over?

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was advancing with his gun, carefully avoided the small puddle in front of his feet. On the other side, at least he didn't see anyone poking his head out. It seemed that the two Japanese soldiers were already retreating.

Shang Zhen was really careful, but the battlefield is the battlefield, there are too many unpredictable factors, suddenly he heard the sound of gunfire, and then a bullet flew past his chest!

Of course, by the time he sensed this moment, he had already subconsciously stuck to the corner of the wall where he wanted to reach.

It was true that only one shot was fired, but now Shang Zhen is not exaggerating at all, he can really feel that the place on his chest where the bullet grazes is hot and even has a burnt smell, that is the scorching bullet and the wet body. The result of friction with cotton clothes.

No matter how fast a person reacts, it is impossible to be as fast as a bullet. Therefore, people who can survive on the battlefield, let alone say that they have great abilities, are fate!

After fighting for a long time, let the little devil knock down a dozen or so, but the little devil only hit one, and almost accidentally injured himself when it was over.

Shang Zhen complained inwardly, and glanced at where the bullets were coming from. This time, there were no more bullets flying over, and there was no movement at the other end. It seemed that the soldiers under Hao Xiazi saw that the night was too dark to search for the remnant enemy, and they had already retreated. went.

Damn it, did you withdraw late just to shoot me one last time?

In his heart, Shang Zhen finally revealed his true colors from the Northeast, and then he carefully walked around the corner of the street with his gun in hand. He needed to find the whereabouts of those two or more Japanese soldiers.

Two hours later, Shang Zhen stood next to a door bucket.

The door buckets are built close to the main house, and generally play a role in keeping out the cold.

So the door is very rough, made of thin wooden skins,
But Shang Zhen maintained a lunge and lunge posture outside the door bucket, holding in his hand the Hanyang-made rifle he took from Lu Yifei.

The front end of the Hanyang-made rifle had already sunk into the thin board, just because Shang Zhen stabbed the bayonet through the thin board, and the bayonet had pierced through a person. Japanese army!
Damn it, what a ghost!

Shang Zhen thought about it carefully for two hours, and finally he was sure that the Japanese army was hiding here. In the end, he directly penetrated the Japanese army with this method of stabbing the cow through the partition, just like nailing a Japanese army lying on the wall to death. gecko on.

Draw a gun?If the gun is drawn, that guy will definitely pile up, what if there is a sound?
So Shang Zhen let go directly, and the rifle that penetrated the Japanese soldier got stuck on the board, so the Japanese soldier did not fall.

At this time, Shang Zhen was touching the grenades. He unscrewed the caps on the handles of the two grenades he brought, and then he entered the door with two grenades in one hand and two guide ropes in the other. fight.

"Dang" "Dang", Shang Zhen gently kicked the door of the main room with his toe.

And when someone inside opened the door to expose a crack, Shang Zhen stepped forward and pushed his knee against the door forcefully, and the person inside yelled "Ah" unpreparedly, at this moment Shang Zhen With a movement of his hands, the lead rope was pulled away, and then he stuffed the two grenades into the house!

(End of this chapter)

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