The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 923 The Positive Significance of Ah Q's Victory Method

Chapter 923 The Positive Significance of Ah Q's Victory Method
"Are you happy?" When Shang Zhen was rolling up his trousers, Ma Erpao asked him with a smile beside him.

Fighting against the Japanese army in the rain yesterday, Shang Zhen's clothes were already soaked.

Of course, it is impossible to wear them even if they are not wet, because what they were wearing at that time were Japanese army clothes.

So last night, after Shang Zhen blocked the Japanese army's den and threw two grenades inside, he never went into the house to search for remnants of the enemy.

God knows how many houses there are in the house where he threw the grenade. If there is a partition wall or something blocking it, then some Japanese soldiers will have to survive.

He, Shang Zhen, is not a god. If he dares to break into the house again, the Japanese soldiers will point their guns at the door, and he will die!

So Shang Zhen was guarding not far from the door, but after he guarded for more than half an hour, no Japanese soldiers came out of the room, and no Japanese soldiers came from other directions.

Shang Zhen reckoned that there were not many Japanese soldiers left in the village, so he was hungry, sleepy and cold, so he simply went back to find his own few.

They found a big family, went in, rummaged through boxes and boxes, changed their outfits, and then they went to bed and rested.

And when Shang Zhen returned to the village to check the situation at dawn, he saw the situation where the soldiers had no one to call the shots.

At this time, Shang Zhen was pulling up his trouser legs, and the cotton shoes had already been taken off, and the laces were tied together by him. The two muddy shoes were hanging around his neck, and he was already barefoot.

The water is cold, but it's better than getting your shoes soaked again, right?
"I'll be happy if I wear a pair of shoes that don't get wet?" Shang Zhen retorted while rolling up his trouser legs, "Besides, we earned these shoes."

There is the puddle on the road ahead, Shang Zhen doesn't want to get his shoes wet again.

As for the vast majority of other people, the shoes are wet, but what does that have to do with him?They haven't killed as many Japanese devils as they have killed!
"That's not what I meant, hehe, what I meant was—" Ma Erpao stepped forward and said, "There are so many people following Shang Shang, isn't that happy?"

Shang Zhen understood what Ma Erpao meant when he heard what Ma Erpao said. He rolled up his trouser legs and looked back. The recruits and veterans were all looking at him. It cannot be said that everyone trusts him, but at least they trust him Much more than that of Ma Chuncai, otherwise he would have a good way to go, why should he suffer this crime?
"Oh, what's happiness? I'm actually very happy without you, but I can't bear to let you be cannon fodder with you, so I have to work hard. That's fine, let's go!" Shang Zhen said helplessly.

The sound of "crashing" sounded, and Shang Zhen just walked away, but suddenly a veteran who was wading in cotton shoes behind him suddenly said: "I have never seen a person who can brag like you!"

The old soldier's words caused the surrounding veterans to burst into laughter, and the recruits also grinned foolishly.

Shang Zhen walked forward and didn't answer any more, but there was a smile on his face, yes, he was bragging unintentionally, and this bragging was a bit big, as if he could use himself as cannon fodder. It was like everyone else was saved.

Dozens of people waded through the puddle before Shang Zhen put on his shoes.

"I don't understand why you refuse to walk on the main road." Lu Yifei walked for a while before asking Shang Zhen the real question.

"There's no reason, the other side of the two villages hasn't fired guns since last night, isn't it occupied by the little devil?" Shang Zhen expressed his judgment.

"That's true, but no way, unless the little devil came from another direction and didn't pass through our village, otherwise we wouldn't know about it." Lu Yifei replied.

As far as Lu Yifei knew, just after their company voluntarily abandoned that village, the number of Japanese troops passing through this village was just a small team. He felt that the two companies of his battalion behind should be able to hold their respective positions.

"Even if the little devils didn't take down those two villages, if they lost, they would definitely pass through our village when they retreated. Do you think the devils will take the main road or the small road?" Shang Zhen asked.

"Of course it's the big road, I understand." Lu Yifei replied.

Not only Lu Yifei understood, but also the soldiers who listened to the two of them.

"It will depend on the situation in a while. If there is a real fight, you may not be able to take the alley." Shang Zhen said, and then sighed, "Who can say for sure about the war, sometimes it is just a step by step."

Afterwards, everyone stopped talking and walked slipperyly on the muddy road. Some people kept falling down, and their bodies were soon covered with mud.

"Come on! What are you afraid of if you fall a few somersaults?" At this time, Shang Zhen encouraged everyone, "Think about the little devil, at least the little devil's tank is lying down, and the little devil's plane will not dare come out!"

When Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers thought it was true!
The suede toe shoes of the Japanese devils are more slippery than the cloth shoes of the Chinese army. If they fall one somersault, the Japanese devils will have to fall twice!

Shang Zhen and the others did not know that just the year before last, a writer in China passed away, and he was also of the same age as them.

The writer named this trait of the Chinese people as "Ah Q spirit". What is the Ah Q spirit? It is the method of spiritual victory. It's gone, but I'm still in a good mood after all.

I have to admit that sometimes this mental victory method really works!
When I thought that I only fell one somersault, the Japanese devils would have to fall twice, and everyone became happy, yes, then don't care how many somersaults I fell, the Japanese devils will directly multiply by the number they fell. Two, who's not happy?
In the midst of stumbling, Shang Zhen and his team finally walked further and further, they finally reached the side of the gentle hills in the distance, and at this time they could no longer see Ma Chunzi and his gang who had gone the other way people.

"After passing here, can you see the village ahead?" Shang Zhen asked Lu Yifei.

"Yes." Lu Yifei replied.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen and the others suddenly heard chaotic gunshots from the other side of the mound!
Whether the gunfire was far or near from them, in Shang Zhen's judgment, it should have been around one mile, or not more than one mile.

"Didn't the other side of the village start fighting again? No, could it be Ma Shicai and the little devil who really ran into each other?" Lu Yifei judged.

Everyone stopped involuntarily and looked at Shang Zhen.

"You're all looking at me? I want to know what's going on, so I'll know if I take a look?" Shang Zhen gave an order, "Come with me and a few people go up to the dirt bag to have a look, and the rest stay put and stand by!"

This mound just separated Shang Zhen from the side where the gunshots were fired. Shang Zhen and the others really couldn't move forward. If they moved forward, they should be able to find the Japanese army, but the Japanese army could also find them.

(End of this chapter)

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