Chapter 925 The Zen of Shooting
When he visually estimated that the Japanese army was more than a mile away from them, Shang Zhen finally fired the first shot.

The blood boils whenever there is a chance to kill the enemy. That should be the consciousness of the vast majority of Chinese soldiers.

When ordinary soldiers saw the invaders coming, they would feel more or less excited, and having this feeling also represented a kind of morale, but this definitely did not include veterans like Shang Zhen.

Veterans rarely have emotional fluctuations, it is more like a calm combat machine.

Just like when the soldiers found out that Ma Chuncai and the others were being hunted down by the Japanese army, all they thought about was whether to save them or not, but Shang Zhen thought about how to save them, how to use the terrain, the situation after saving people, and so on.

But now, the Japanese army appeared in the north again, and Shang Zhen knew that he had to save people.

There are several reasons. If they don't save them, Ma Chuncai and those veterans will die if they are flanked by the Japanese army.

At the same time, if he doesn't save him, then the veterans around him can't justify it. After all, they are in the same company. If they don't save him, what will they think of him?
At a distance of more than [-] meters, if you let Shang Zhen see whether he has hit the Japanese army, he will not be able to see clearly, but at Shang Zhen's shooting level, he can already feel that he is inseparable from his own perception. up.

Shang Zhen's cultural level is limited, so he naturally can't describe this feeling. Perhaps only the traditional Chinese culture says that technology is close to gods can explain it.

This gun was lost, this is Shang Zhen's feeling when he finished his first shot.

After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes again, moved the bolt and raised the gun to aim, ignoring the noise on the battlefield.

At this moment, his world has changed, he can clearly feel his breathing and heartbeat and even the trembling of the [-]-type rifle that he put on the ground invisible to the naked eye, but his eyes are fixed on the five hundred A few meters away, the moving figure of the Japanese army couldn't be smaller.

When he felt that the muzzle of his gun had locked on the target, he pulled the trigger with his index finger and slowly hooked it back. At this time, he seemed to have forgotten that what he was targeting were those innocent invaders, and he also I'm just playing a game about meditation that is transcendent.

There was a "crack" gunshot, the gunshot was inconspicuous amidst the chaotic gunfire, and the bullet flying in the void was also inconspicuous, just because it was in the void that cannot be seen by human vision. , There are countless bullets flying.

The bullet flew out of the muzzle, no matter how it would fly a thousand meters, so the trajectory was a slightly curved arc.

No matter which side the shooter wants to kill the enemy, but most of the bullets finally return to the ground with that unique arc, or make a small splash in the puddle, or go into the ground with a "chirp" sound. into the soil of the land of Qilu.

At this time, there was a bullet as if being pulled by the hand of God. Its starting point was the rifle in the hands of a soldier named Shang Zhen, and his ending point was a Japanese soldier running forward with his waist bent.

The lead bullet of inorganic substance broke through the organic body of the soldier at this moment, but then it hit the skeleton of the soldier, and the lead bullet was deflected with resistance, just like that The grandson who entered the iron fan girl's belly rolled like a monkey!

And when it came out from the back of the Japanese soldier, there was already a blood hole the size of an egg on the back of the Japanese soldier!
The lead bullet flew for a certain distance and finally penetrated into the ground, as if it also hated the blood of the invaders, and it wanted to wash away the blood stains it had just scratched with the soil.

And the moment it hit the ground, the Japanese soldier who was chasing after with his gun finally let go and threw his gun and plunged into the mud on the ground, and never got up again.

And at this time, on the mound [-] meters away from the Japanese soldier, Shang Zhen had already pulled back the bolt, ejected the cartridge case and pushed it again. He began to aim again. He was still expressionless, but he knew, I hit it this time.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if you walk in a deep boat for a long time, you will see that all five aggregates are empty."

"That's why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance and touch."

For the five aggregates, form, perception, thought, and awareness are all based on the sensory perception of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

This is a famous saying in the "Heart Sutra" in Buddhism. It basically says that only by abandoning the perception of the senses can one see the truth of life.

Shang Zhen doesn't have the understanding in this area, but now he is only focused on shooting but has ignored his surroundings. The duties of a commander and the duties of a soldier are still in conflict with each other after all.

At this time, Shang Zhen didn't know it, and the recruits and veterans on his side also started fighting.

Some shot in front of the veterans who were running forward on that dirt road. It was to prevent the veterans from running further north. The veterans on the dirt road could not see the Japanese army appearing in front of them. Throw yourself into the trap.

But more soldiers still fired bullets at the Japanese army who was chasing them.

Regardless of whether they can shoot the Japanese army from [-] meters away, it is good to be able to stop the Japanese army from pursuing.

And in this way, those veterans on the dirt road looked back and then forward, and after a short period of shock, they also figured out that this was Shang Zhen, who had parted ways with them before, and they were covering for them and prevent them from retreating along the way.

Therefore, crossing the rice field without rice in the middle of the two roads became their only choice.

Those veterans shouted in unison and finally got off the dirt road and rushed towards Shang Zhen and the others.

It's just that when they stepped into the soft rice field for the first time, their feet sank in.

And if they want to move forward, they have to move their back feet, and the premise of moving their back feet is that the front feet that have already fallen into the mud must use force.

So the result is that although the body is moving forward, when the front foot becomes the back foot, it has sunk deeper!
The veterans ranged in weight and strength, but after they rushed dozens of steps into the rice field, they were like a bullock cart stuck in the mud, and it was already difficult for them to move.

Bullets from the Japanese army flew from afar, and a veteran who was trying his best to pull his legs out of the mud fell and fell slowly.

"Crawl, don't run!" In the end, I don't know who shouted, so those veterans could only crawl forward in the muddy rice fields.

The Japanese army chasing from the front has also stopped advancing, just because they were blocked by Shang Zhen and the others.

Not to mention whether the recruits and veterans on Shang Zhen's side had accurate marksmanship, but after all, there were so many people and they occupied a favorable terrain, the Japanese army could only lie on the muddy road and shoot at Shang Zhen and the others.

After the enemy and us fired at each other for a few minutes, Shang Zhen and the others, under the leadership of the veterans, separated part of their troops and began to shoot northward, because the Japanese army in the north was also approaching.

But Shang Zhen still didn't notice all this, he just lay down on the spot and kept shooting at the Japanese soldiers, and when he finished pressing the bullets into the gun again and wanted to shoot again, someone next to him stretched out a hand and held it down. His gun: "Stop shooting, it's time to withdraw!"

Only then did Shang Zhen wake up from the state of shooting.

He looked up, and saw that the person talking to him was Lu Yichun who was holding a telescope earlier.

He lowered his head to look down the mound, and there were eight soldiers circling behind the mound he was lying on, but in the rice field in front of him, there were six soldiers lying there.

There were more than [-] people in Ma Chuncai's group and Shang Zhen's group when they separated, but now there are only fourteen dead and alive, so do you need to ask the rest?He must have been beaten to death by the Japanese army on the road!
This is war, and the living people die in the blink of an eye, and they don't know when their day will come.

At this time, Shang Zhen was a little distracted.

(End of this chapter)

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