Chapter 930 The Simplest Ambush ([-])

The Japanese army came, two columns.

They were so unscrupulous and swaying, they didn't even pay attention to the small highlands on both sides.

Of course, this Japanese army has proud capital, just because they are the famous Fifth Division.

However, due to the lack of Chinese military intelligence, sometimes it is difficult to figure out the designation of the Japanese army, so they simply use the name of their chief officer. For example, the head of the fifth division of the Japanese army is Seishiro Itagaki, so this division is also It was called Itagaki Division by the Chinese army.

There is a halo behind the heads of gods and Buddhas, and there is also a halo behind the heads of Itagaki Division.

From the perspective of their Great Japanese Empire, the Itagaki Division was one of the earliest seven divisions formed by the Japanese army, and one of the seventeen divisions that the Japanese army had standing before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War.

And from the perspective of war, their halo is even better!

The earliest division existed during the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-]. It once defeated the Huai army of the Qing Dynasty in North Korea, captured Pyongyang, and drove the Qing army across the Yalu River.

In the Russo-Japanese War ten years later, Liaoyang, Shahe, and Fengtian battles were fought successively, and it was finally stationed in Manchuria, so it was there when the September [-]th Incident occupied the three eastern provinces.

When they got here, some people thought of it. Isn't that the Japanese Kwantung Army?

Yes, it is the Japanese Eastern Kwantung Army!

The Japanese Kwantung Army is the elite of the Japanese army, known as the so-called "Flower of the Army", and the title of "Flower of the Army" was first created by the 21st Brigade of this division.

After occupying the Northeast, with the start of the full-scale Anti-Japanese War after the July [-]th Incident, the Sakagaki Division began to kill the Quartet.

It was there in the Battle of Nankou, and it was in the Battle of Xinkou, and this time the Japanese army decided to capture Xuzhou without any progress on the southern front, so it became the pioneer of the Japanese army on the northern front.

So far, this Banyuan Division has rarely lost its track, and it has suffered only once, and that is when the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army got fucked by a guy at Pingxingguan.

However, what the 115th Division was fighting was only its supply troops. Even if it tripped a person, Bulegaerka's skin was bald or his eyes were black and blue, it would only make the Itagaki Division lose It's just a slap in the face, it's not even a bone injury.

And now the Japanese troops who are going to reinforce LY City are all simmering with anger.

The Chinese army has limited intelligence on the Japanese army, but the Japanese army has never been short of information on the Chinese army. Why is there so many traitors in China nowadays?

The Fifth Division, Itagaki Division, the so-called steel army of the Japanese army, faced the [-]th Army of the Chinese army, the so-called miscellaneous army, but they never thought that this miscellaneous army was harder than the central army. Fighting, fighting to the death means not retreating. Whole companies, rows and battalions die in battle.
However, it rained again the day before yesterday, and the road was slippery. Their thin-skinned tanks would slip when they hit the muddy ground, and they couldn't climb up the slope, and their guns couldn't shoot accurately.

The Chinese army kept shooting at them in the waist-deep trench, while the Japanese army staggered up the slope.

What big advantage can the Japanese army take in this situation?The result of the quick decisive battle originally imagined turned into a war of attrition, so how can the Itagaki Division bear it?Then keep adding troops.

There is a vicious dog in the house called a watchdog, and the watchdog who has never been beaten is really fierce, and the same is true for this Japanese army at this time. They have so many brilliant achievements, how could they treat this ordinary Marching is in the eye.

What's more, they got accurate information that the [-]th Army has already shrunk across the board to protect the city of LY, so how could they pay attention to the "little fish and shrimp" of the Chinese army who may be dispersed?
It's just that they don't know that there is a Chinese saying, which is quite long, and it's called, "When strong winds and waves come, how can a boat capsize in a small river ditch."

Because at this time, behind the ridgelines of the highlands on both sides, the Chinese soldiers have all hid.

On the side close to the village where Shang Zhen and the others came, there were more than [-] recruits and veterans, and on the other side were Shang Zhen with more than [-] people.

But no matter how many people there are, none of them has a gun, and all they hold in their hands are grenades and grenades.

There are not many grenades left, but there are still some grenades that can be captured, but two of them are spread out in each person's hand.

Shang Zhen's request to the soldiers in this battle is very simple, that is, you don't need to shoot, you just need to throw out the grenades in your hands!

Even if you can't throw that grenade far, as long as it can go down the hillside!
And the premise of all this is that the string of the grenade must be pulled, and the grenade must hit the cap!

It is really difficult for Shang Zhen to set such a battle requirement.

In Shang Zhen's eyes, the combat quality of the veterans of Hao Xiazi's company is just average. According to the gang under him, he is still far behind. As for the recruits, he can't ask too much, as long as he can throw out grenades When the explosion rang, that was a good anti-Japanese fighter!

The highlands on both sides were quiet, no one poked their heads out, and the Japanese army naturally couldn't see anything.

Shang Zhen also left two observation points on the high ground on both sides, including himself, and the observation points were still disguised, and they just showed their eyes.

More than [-] Japanese soldiers really came. Even though the Japanese soldiers lined up in two columns, Shang Zhen and the others only had about [-] people in total. Even if they lined up, there would be no Japanese army leader.

And Shang Zhen didn't intend to "eat" this Japanese army at all, so if he really had that idea, it would be really unpopular.

From the combat point of view, Shang Zhen only wanted a victory.

From the perspective of battle loss ratio or trading, Shang Zhen just wants to make a steady profit without losing money.

At this time, Shang Zhen's sharp eyes were watching under a piece of dry grass on the ridgeline of the high ground. More than [-] Japanese troops in front had passed by, and those in the middle overlapped with the ambush circles they set up on both sides, and the Japanese troops behind had not yet entered. Ambush circle.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen drew his head back, and he looked to the left and right, and the soldiers on his side were all looking at him.

It was too close to the Japanese army, and the soldiers couldn't show their faces, so why not use Shang Zhen as a signal flag?

Shang Zhen could see excitement, nervousness, and even fear in the eyes of those soldiers, but it didn't matter, as long as after this battle, Shang Zhen can guarantee that these soldiers, whether they are veterans or new recruits, may not have The quality of the fighters, but they will definitely have the spirit of the anti-Japanese fighters!
Shang Zhen slowly raised the grenade that had been pulled out of the pin in his hand, and then he slammed the small cap of the grenade on the butt of the rifle beside him!
And this is the signal to start action!

(End of this chapter)

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