The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 933 This officer is not easy to be!

Chapter 933 This officer is not easy to be!
"We have won the battle." A veteran muttered while sitting on the ground, and on the left and right of him were soldiers who had just stopped their feet, and there was a panting voice.

There were a total of thirty people in their group, including veterans, recruits, and the Northeast guy Shang Zhen. Of course, no one dared to call him "Northeast guy" now, and replaced him with "Sir".

Originally, Shang Zhen could be regarded as an acting company commander in terms of his position, but the problem is that the company commander is not elected, but appointed by the superiors.

The veterans also know that if Shang Zhen is called the company commander, it is not in line with "rituals", so they should be called the commander.As for what the new recruits know, the veterans call them officers, and they call them officers too.

Previously, when Shang Zhen saw that the soldiers brought back less barrels and tubs, he was anxious, but he divided their team into three groups, and all rushed to the village closest to the battlefield.

Why?That was naturally because the buckets and basins that Shang Zhen and the others used to water the hillside were obtained from the homes of ordinary people in nearby villages.

Before the war, Shang Zhen also specially instructed that when you retreat, you must bring back those guys who filled the water. Otherwise, once the Japanese army suffered a loss, they would definitely vent their anger on the people in the nearby villages. Who told you people to borrow buckets? Did you loan the basin to the national army?
It's just that Shang Zhen and the others have already fought a battle. In order to run out of the open area and hide before the Japanese army seized the commanding heights, the soldiers really ran as fast as they could.

But now Shang Zhen asked the soldiers to rush to the nearby villages to protect the common people who might be in danger, some soldiers felt resentful.

And what the old soldier muttered about "they have all won the battle" was a half sentence, and the meaning of the whole sentence was nothing more than, we have all won the war, so is it worth running like this to protect the common people?
Maybe if the veteran wanted to come, he would have to bring down a hundred or so Japanese soldiers in this ambush. This thing is enough to brag about for a lifetime, so why are you running like hell now?
But how could Shang Zhen ignore the people?He first ran in the lead and then urged behind, that veteran didn't have the time to talk, now that they had run to the outskirts of the target village, it was a good time, and then the veteran expressed his complaints.

Shang Zhen was also panting heavily, but not as exaggeratedly as the soldiers. Hearing the old soldier's complaint, Shang Zhen's eyes swept over the faces of the soldiers.

Of course he understood the sentiment of the soldiers, and this was one of the reasons why he didn't want to lead this team.

The foundation of these soldiers is too poor, not only the combat quality is poor, but also the character is not comparable to their own group.

These veterans of the original Hao Xiazi Company have many soldiers, and each of them always feels that the common people owe them, and they should take it for granted when they eat and drink with the common people, and they lack a kind of kindness in their bones.

They also have enthusiasm for fighting devils, but the enthusiasm is only for a while.

But he wouldn't say such words even if he beat Shang Zhen to death.

Of course he understands that there is no comparison between soldiers and soldiers. This situation is like driving away the original wife with a letter of divorce, or the original wife died of illness, and now he marries another one. Talk about the benefits of coming, so what?
It's useless to be impatient at such a time, so Shang Zhen thought for a while before asking: "You guys, no, our Commander Pang said that we will fight the little devil to the end, so why do you have to fight to the end?"

None of the veterans in their group expected that Shang Zhen would ask such a question. After a few stunned, the veteran who complained about being tired from running said, "Our old man, Commander Pang, is not bad!"

"That's right, Commander Pang doesn't put on airs with us, he looks like a soldier in terms of food and clothing." Then some veterans added.

"That's enough, Commander Pang treats you well, and you will pay back with death.

The common people treat us well, do we have to protect them too? "Shang Zhen asked back.

"Nonsense, can ordinary people be the same as Commander Pang?" the old soldier retorted.

"If you ask me, people are all the same." Shang Zhen explained, "When others treat us well, we will return it back. This is called two good and one good.

It is the same between us soldiers, even between you, you are called brothers when you face each other well, if you always sell you at critical moments, how can you become brothers with him?
The common people are the same.

Okay, what's the use of talking about this, first find a place with good terrain, what if the little devil really comes to retaliate against the common people? "Shang Zhen is not very good at doing ideological work for soldiers, and he doesn't have this habit either. He doesn't want to continue this kind of conversation, and he only misses his brothers more.

"Li'er is so reasonable, but it's really tiring to run." The veteran muttered again, and his movements were also slow.

This time, Shang Zhen, who was walking towards a commanding height, was really unhappy. He turned his head and glared at the veteran and said, "I didn't appoint this officer myself. Do you really think I have a good temper?"

Shang Zhen glared at the old soldier a little bit, and Shang Zhen then added: "I won't go away, I'm going backwards, I'm being polite to you, if you don't understand, if I have to beat you, then you're a scumbag!"

Then Shang Zhen ignored the veteran and went forward, so the veteran's face was embarrassing, and the rest of the veterans showed gloating expressions.

This time Shang Zhen did not put Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei, Lu Yichun or even that old ball into this group.

According to Mu Gen, there are three villages closest to the battlefield, and these three villages need to be protected, so Shang Zhen has to divide his people into three groups.

But the problem is that those veterans are really difficult to manage. If a group of people go out, someone has to be responsible. Shang Zhen can only send out Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei, and Lu Yichun, who he knows relatively well." Be an official".

Otherwise, he suspected that the remaining veterans would be lazy and take others to bed.

There is no way, it is not my team after all, although the veterans have listened to their own orders on the surface, it is inevitable that there will be yin and yang.

As for the old ball who questioned Shang Zhen at the beginning and later expressed his "surrender", Shang Zhen also gave a task alone, that is, when he went out, he aimed at the point to become ten thousand, and it is now that Shang Zhen is right. The behavior of hundreds of strong men acting as human shields still feels chilling, and he must be more careful with that guy.

In Shang Zhen's feeling, this team is really like a mass of loose sand that he squeezed together.

When they are forced to engage in positional warfare, that too can live with the position.

When they are under the machine guns of the supervisory team behind them, they will also work hard to move forward.

But when the combat mission is not very urgent and they are asked to protect the people who are usually used to oppressing them, then their performance is definitely a question mark.

But what Shang Zhen hopes now is that, after all, this ambush still caused casualties to the Japanese army. Maybe the Japanese army was eager to attack LY, so they would not come to kill an anti-Japanese detachment like himself that was already operating behind the enemy lines.

But Shang Zhen was wrong, and more than half an hour later, the village they guarded had no trace of the enemy, but right in front of them, there was suddenly a mess of gunshots.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was on a high point, could see the village in the distance, which was also guarded by troops.

With the virtue of the Japanese army, if they want to kill people to vent their anger, they should not attack several villages at the same time, so that village should be the target of the Japanese army's attack.

"Hurry up, let's go there too, even if we can't kill many little devils, it's fine if we can lure them away from the village!" Shang Zhen ordered loudly, while cursing the Japanese devils in his heart, these beasts, who suffered from the war Why do they always harm the common people!

(End of this chapter)

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