Chapter 937
Shang Zhen shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to calm down.

There was blood dripping from his head and onto his cheek, it was sticky and hot.

If it was the blood of the enemy, he must feel happy.

However, he knew that it was not!

It was the blood of a Chinese soldier, or it could be said to be the blood of his subordinates, and there is a high probability that the blood was thrown from the grenade and then blew up on his own people and splashed on his head and face!

Many people will miss their childhood very much after they first understand the world. Even though that childhood is suffering, no matter how miserable childhood is, it will give them the deepest happiness because of the nature of children, even if it is only a little bit.

When you grow up and become an adult, you will find that life has too much helplessness.

Some people in the officialdom want to be upright officials, and they all say that "the pure will be pure and the turbid will be turbid", but the reality is that in a big dye vat, few people can be alone, not even the lotus that comes out of the mud without staining.

Love, let alone hate to meet the woman I like. When I was not married, I just wanted to separate from my original spouse because of bad relationship. A personal union with children.

The adult world is so difficult!
And now, Shang Zhen is already in such a helpless situation. In order to save Qingfeng Li and the three of them, he threw an air-burst grenade. There is no doubt that the fragments of the grenade not only killed the enemy, but also killed the three of them. own soldiers.

When saving people, some of them will die. This is a contradiction, and when saving people, a rescuer like himself kills his own people by mistake, which makes Shang Zhen's eyes bloodshot even more.

However, Shang Zhen's helplessness was not over yet.

He suddenly discovered that rushing to the battlefield to kill the enemy and become benevolent, even if he died with the enemy, wouldn't it be a relief?
Just like he is now, he wants to rush up to kill the enemy alone, but he also thinks that there are so many living brothers under him, and he still needs to take them out.

The final result of rationality and impulsiveness was that he shouted: "I'm covering, everyone retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he habitually touched his waist. He knew that the bullets in his box cannon had been emptied again, and he needed to reload. His waist was empty, but his clothes pockets were heavy. The veteran who "borrowed a gun" to him had given him his bullet pouch at some point.

As for this detail, that is, the detail that the veteran handed him the bullet and he slipped it into his pocket, he really didn't remember it. It must have been a subconscious behavior at the time.

Shang Zhen, who was hiding in the corner of the alley, began to press bullets into the box cannon.

The old soldier only had one clip for pressing the bullets. When the clip was finished, there was no clip available for the time being. Shang Zhen could only press the bullets one by one into the barrel one by one.

Just when he noticed that his hand pressing the bullet trembled slightly, which made him alert because of his impulse just now, a person suddenly rushed past him.

The man rushed over from behind him, and naturally entered the alley again.

Now there are dead bodies and groaning wounded Japanese soldiers in the alley. Shang Zhen finally led his people back out, but the Japanese army saw that the casualties were a bit heavy, but they were preparing to attack at the other end of the alley.

Now this alley is the center of the exchange of fire between the enemy and us, so this person rushed in again? Gaha?
"Hey——" Shang Zhen subconsciously yelled, he pushed the bolt of the opened gun forward, and directly leaned half of his body out of the corner of the wall.

Shang Zhen glanced at the end of the alley, but he only glanced out of the corner of his eye, but he was surprised to find that it was Wang Xiaodan who rushed out this time!
Although Shang Zhen didn't ask before, he guessed that Qingfeng Li and the old man would only go to rescue Wang Xiaodan when he was behind.

The people who fell down in the alley just now, but to Shang Zhen's relief, Qingfeng Li and Wang Xiaodan rushed out after all.

But now what is this dead king Xiaodan rushing in for?
"Wang Xiaodan, come back to me!" Shang Zhen shouted anxiously.

Originally, Shang Zhen didn't have the habit of calling others nicknames, but this time he was really in a hurry.

In order to save Wang Xiaodan, Shang Zhen knew that he must have killed his own soldier by mistake, if your mother Wang Xiaodan rushed out at this time, wouldn't our people die in vain?
But Shang Zhen just finished yelling this sentence when he saw a Japanese soldier leaning out from the other side of the alley, "Crack", Shang Zhen's gunshot rang out.

How long can an alley be?How long can an alley be if it is straight without turning?And how accurate is Shang Zhen's marksmanship?

The muzzle of the rifle of the Japanese soldier who came out was shot before he could turn around.

But since the Japanese army planned to attack, how could it be possible that only one person rushed out?
Shang Zhen saw a yellow shadow flashing at the entrance of the alley, he waved his hand and fired another shot.

The second Japanese soldier fell in response, but Shang Zhen saw a black grenade falling down as soon as it was thrown up.

It turned out that the Japanese soldier was also going to throw a grenade into the alley.

Damn it, blast yourselves this time!Shang Zhen was overjoyed.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen saw another grenade flying over in an arc at the moment the Japanese soldier fell.

Shang Zhen was in a hurry, and he instinctively raised his hand to shoot.

Yes, Shang Zhen's marksmanship is very accurate, and he is also a quick shooter, but he really doesn't have that ability to throw the flying grenade with bullets, or at least he missed this shot.

"Lie down!" Shang Zhen shouted, and he could only retreat to the next best thing.

Then Shang Zhen watched the grenade reach the end of its parabolic trajectory. Fortunately, it was still about [-] meters away from Wang Xiaodan's bastard. Obviously, the Japanese soldier who threw the grenade last was still killed. His shooting earlier was affected, but the grenade didn't get thrown very far.

Shang Zhen shrank back instinctively.

And just when he heard the explosion in the alley, he saw another box cannon being thrown back in front of him.

Subconsciously, Shang Zhen took the sincere face of a veteran he saw, and the thick lips that had already been rubbed with plaster clicked up and down: "It's full."

What's full?Of course, the bullets of the box cannon that had just been handed to him were already full.

A real man, saying "thank you" is hypocritical. Shang Zhen put the box cannon in his right hand into the veteran's hand, handed the left pistol to the right pistol, opened the trigger and shot at the other side of the alley. two shots.

Of course he didn't see where the Japanese army was, and it was just a deterrent shooting.

At this time, the Japanese soldier at the end of the alley did not show up again, perhaps because he was shocked by his marksmanship.

"Wang Xiao! If you don't come back, I'll kill you!" Shang Zhen cursed, and he really pointed the gun at Wang Xiaodan who was busy among the corpses in the alley.

At this moment, Shang Zhen caught a glimpse of Wang Xiaodan getting up from the corpse of a Japanese soldier. He ducked and jumped to avoid the corpse in the alley, and ran back like a monkey on a vault.

Only then did Shang Zhen figure out what Wang Xiaodan was doing when he ran out?
There were actually two grenades tied to Wang Xiaodan's neck, and one in each of his left and right hands. The pockets of his jacket were also beating heavily, obviously there were also grenades in them.

This bastard actually went out to find grenades at this critical moment!

Moreover, although the face of this bastard is painted like a dog's buttocks by blood, the two small eyes that are looking at him are bright, it is a kind of child offering treasures to himself, and even A little flattering!

However, the doggy expression then became more exciting, just because he was so busy looking at Shang Zhen that he didn't notice his feet.

With a sound of "pacha", the blood that had turned into a pool of blood splashed under his step.

So, the funny jumping monkey turned into a frightened rabbit just now, and jumped back with a "bass" "bass" "bass".

(End of this chapter)

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