940 One Night

The night in the country is still so dark.

There was a sound of Xi Suo in the darkness, and then it became the sound of extremely light footsteps and gradually faded away.

"Damn it!" Hearing that voice, Ma Erpao couldn't help cursing.

Now he had to admit that Shang Zhen's judgment was right. Shang Zhen gave all of them a choice. During the night when Shang Zhen went out to kill the enemy, he either stayed or left.

Those who stay are heroes, and those who leave are cowards!
And the sound of Xi Suo in the middle of the night and the sound of leaving footsteps are undoubtedly left by those cowards.

"Don't swear, everyone has their own ideas." At this moment, Ma Erpao felt itchy in his ears, and it was Lu Yifei whispering to him.

"What? Do you have any ideas?" Ma Erpao replied dissatisfied.

"I'm also human, why can't I have my own thoughts?" Lu Yifei disagreed, "If you find out that I'm gone at dawn, don't be surprised."

"You—" Ma Erpao was so angry that Lu Yifei "barked and ate".

The so-called "Wu Chi Wu Chi" is a Northeast dialect that describes being very angry, with chest heaving and panting, which can be understood as onomatopoeia.

"Don't make such a fuss, this gasp, I don't know that you are going to a brothel to find a woman!" Lu Yifei naturally understood Ma Erpao's temperament, but he was still angry with him.

"I——" Ma Erpao was definitely not his opponent when he was arguing with Lu Yifei.

Of course, Ma Erpao is also a nickname, not a real name.

His battle of fame in Hao Xiazi Company was also because he couldn't win the verbal battle with others. At that time, he was so angry that he gave the opponent two cannon punches. Once he remembered hitting the opponent's stomach, he made him squat down, and he felt that it was not enjoyable. Instead, he pulled him up and punched him in the face again.

In the end, there was nothing wrong with that guy's back molars, but he knocked out two front teeth.

However, no matter how angry Lu Yifei is at this time, Ma Erpao will not fight Lu Yifei.

The reason, brother, the kind of brother who "carried guns together, went to the countryside together, and fucked together".

"Of course, if I hadn't left, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw you weren't here tomorrow morning." At this moment, Lu Yifei added another sentence.

"You're just leaving!" Ma Erpao cursed angrily, but this time he was run over by Lu Yifei because of his verbal arguing, so he couldn't control his emotions, and his voice suddenly rose, in this deep night It seemed very abrupt.

Of course, there are others with the two of them. There are more than [-] people left, and those who leave will naturally stay. Although no one knows how many people will stay, no one pays attention to Ma Erpao. vent.

"I should yell a few more times, I'm so aggrieved!" Ma Erpao cursed angrily.

At this time, Lu Yifei, who succeeded in hooking the fire, did not forget to add another sentence: "Don't! You bring the she-wolf again!"

Ma Erpao was so angry that he wanted to curse again, but at this moment, there was a faint explosion sound from the direction of Niuzhuang in the distance.

It was the explosion of a grenade.

Although the soldiers were hiding more than a mile away from Niuzhuang, those who did not leave would not be able to sleep soundly if they knew that Shang Zhen had gone to fight the devils.

Regardless of whether the soldiers in the darkness heard Ma Erpao's scolding or not, they all heard the explosion in Jingye.

All of a sudden, there was the sound of "buzzing" discussions from soldiers in the darkness.

Everyone got up from the ground or where they were leaning on and looked in the direction of Niuzhuang.

At this time, the gunshots in Niuzhuang rang out, and the "da da da" machine gun fire was heard most clearly, and the tracer bullets fired by the machine gun were also very eye-catching in the dark night.

"It's over, it's over!" A soldier muttered in a low voice. He undoubtedly meant that Shang Zhen was discovered by the Japanese army, otherwise how could the Japanese army's guns hit so hard.

When Shang Zhen left, he only took a few grenades with him. It wasn't that the soldiers didn't want to give him any more grenades, but they didn't have any of them.

At that time, they only heard the explosion of a grenade. Doesn't that prove that Shang Zhen didn't achieve any results, at least it didn't sound so optimistic.

"Why is it over? Why is it over?" Ma Erpao started arguing again.

Ma Erpao has already decided to follow Shang Zhen to fight the Japanese devils, so if Shang Zhen is over, who will he go with?

Naturally, no soldiers would argue with Ma Erpao at this time, and most of them just watched the gunfire in the distance and listened attentively.

And at this time, they suddenly heard another explosion, but this explosion was much louder than the previous grenade explosion, and they even saw the white light produced by the explosion flashing out of Niuzhuang. !
"Hey (ái), hey, hey!" A soldier shouted.

The explosion came loud and sudden, but he had no time to express what he said.

Immediately afterwards, these soldiers in the darkness seemed to see a firework show going on at Niuzhuang. Countless sparks are really like fireworks in festivals, but they are much brighter than the stars all over the sky!

"Brilliant! How many fucking Japanese devils will be blown up!" Some soldiers shouted excitedly.

But then someone yelled: "Why are you hitting me on the head like a bastard?"

It turned out that the soldier reached out and patted the ground when he was excited.

There was a feast of fireworks in the distance, but they couldn't see their fingers here. The soldier slapped the ground excitedly, but he slapped the butt of his companion in front of him!

After a series of explosions, Niuzhuang became even more lively. The explosions caused a fire, and some houses were burned. The soldiers could fully imagine the embarrassment of the Japanese army under such fires.

However, some soldiers were worried about whether Shang Zhen and the others could escape from such an explosion.

The explosion, the big fire, and the gunfire of the Japanese army made every soldier sleepless, and they talked excitedly, so the night passed amidst the heat of Niuzhuang and the heated discussions among the soldiers in the dark.

It's just that when the day dawned, the cheery soldiers fell silent. It wasn't that they were tired of watching the scenery in the dark, but that they found out at dawn that
After all, there are still some people missing in this team.

The original team of more than [-] people actually lost more than [-] people. There is no doubt that those [-] people chose to leave the team in the dark night. As for where they went, only God knows.

"Where's the old ball, Lu Yifei, have you seen the old ball?" Ma Erpao searched among the crowd.

"I didn't look. Li Daming and Zhu Yuliang were gone too." Lu Yifei, who was also looking for them in the crowd, replied.

"The one with the surname Cai is gone." At this moment, a recruit added.

"It doesn't matter if he dies or not!" Ma Erpao disagreed.

Ma Erpao doesn't have a good impression of Cai Chengwan. He always feels that that guy is like a fool. He has a lot of ideas and doesn't do anything practical. He is naturally at odds with people like him, and all he cares about is the old ball. Veterans like Zi, Li Daming, and Zhu Yuliang.

"There are not many old people left, Liu Li, Gu Zhengfang, Lu Fengshu..." Lu Yifei looked at the heads and checked the missing people.

"Those guys left as soon as they left, and we were not on the same side! But the old ball and old Zhu Da understood, but they all ran away. Fuck, you really know people, know faces, but don't know your heart!" Ma Erpao scolded there.

(End of this chapter)

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