The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 96 Returning to the team again and the debate between insects and birds.

Chapter 96 Returning to the team again and the debate between insects and birds.

The sky was gloomy, and there was a drizzle of rain in the sky, but after a while, snowflakes appeared in the raindrops, and it turned into a sleet.

There were very few pedestrians on the road outside the city wall. At this time, there were three horse-drawn carriages walking hard in the mud. The wheels of the wooden carts were covered with mud. Several people were sitting, so that the horse pulling the cart also became hesitant.

When the troika reached the gate of the small county, the soldiers who were about to close the gate shouted, "Stop, what are you doing?"

At this time, someone in the carriage shouted: "My own people!"

The soldier guarding the city looked at the people on the carriage vigilantly. Just when he was about to ask, "Which one is your own?", the man on the first carriage suddenly lifted the bag next to him and held up a flower organ. over the top.

I don't know if it's my own, but the flower mechanism is not fake.

There were three soldiers standing outside the city gate, two veterans leading a recruit.

As soon as the two veterans saw the other side showing their guns, they pointed their rifles at them and pulled the bolt at the same time.

Naturally, the recruit followed suit and pointed the rifle, and the bolt was also pulled away.

And at this time, one of the veterans really had some eyesight. He saw that the recruit had already put his finger on the trigger, so he hurriedly reached out for the recruit's rifle.

Who knows if the recruit was too nervous, or if the veteran's actions frightened the recruit, the recruit really pulled the trigger, and there was a "pop" gunshot, but fortunately, the bullet shot into the sky.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, you're calling yourself!" The man in the carriage who had raised the flower mechanism above his head kept shouting.

It's just that the gunshot was an order. After that gunshot, many soldiers appeared on the top of the city, and even machine guns were set up!

"Hey, let's play!"

"Don't shoot your own people"

"Did you see us pointing guns at you?"

The dozen or so people in the carriage shouted and raised their hands at the same time.

It's impossible not to raise your hand, unless they want to fight each other!
"You said you belonged to us, tell me which part you belong to?" On the tower, an officer finally appeared.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his 40s on the carriage finally sighed with relief: "Grandma is so stupid, I finally met a normal person!"

The county seat is called Ningyuan, and it's not that big. It's a small, square town.

Because of that unexpected gunshot, even in this stormy evening, news quickly spread that more than a dozen stragglers who came back from the front were almost misunderstood by the soldiers guarding the city gate, and their own people almost beat them. stand up!

Twenty minutes later, the dozen or so stragglers in plain clothes who came back from the front line were already warming up in the house. They were Shang Zhen's group.

They got the accurate news that Ningyuan City had their Northeast Army, so they rushed here starry night and night. Who would have thought that due to the nervousness of a certain sentinel, they would almost let the machine gun on the tower "chug"!

"Our regiment leader asked you to send one of you to answer the call!" The door was pushed open and a signal soldier entered the room and said.

After what he said, the group of soldiers in the room looked at each other, and then most of them looked at Shang Zhen, who said that Shang Zhen was the leader elected by everyone.

"Everyone is looking at me?" Shang Zhen didn't have the consciousness of being a leader, "Isn't there no need to fight this time? Platoon leader, you should go, I don't understand anything, and I can't explain it when I go. "

What Shang Zhen said was undoubtedly correct, and Wang Laomao turned his head to look at Old Huotou, but saw that Old Huotou Kaba lowered his eyes, and then made a gesture of invitation that only a fancier would do.

No need to ask, old Huotou agrees with Shang Zhen's statement, and now there is no war, you are the platoon leader, you should go, my old Huotou is just a fire-headed army!

The next thing became a matter of course, Wang Laomao went to see the head of the regiment and told about their origins, and the head of the regiment felt that it was not easy for them, so he arranged for them to stay.

Arriving at Ningyuan, it finally belongs to the territory that the Northeast Army has not yet lost.

Ningyuan County is a regiment stationed in the Northeast Army. There are nearly a thousand people under the command of a regiment leader. They don't care about the few remnants of them. They gave them new winter uniforms and did not give them What task to send, so they idled up.

The previous ups and downs seemed to have become a dream yesterday, and everyone became more at ease.

No matter which company they belonged to, the dead were dead.

If you are alive, then live well. At this time, there is no need to say anything else. Being alive is a kind of happiness in itself.

People's enjoyment is limited by their own subjective world, and everyone's enjoyment is different.

Literati would recite poems, paint pictures, cook wine and make tea in their spare time, and as soldiers with no culture, their happiness was just talking nonsense.

Even, like Hou Kanshan, he would wear that casual clothes and go to the street to see the women on the streets of Ningyuan County.

And within two days, the student Liu Wentai who was wearing glasses continued his journey in the pass, and he was going to look for his classmates next.

Because of this, the stragglers all said that Liu Wentai was disgusted by Hou Wangshan, a bastard!
In the past few days, the rain has stopped, but the light snow is still falling endlessly. When the seasons change, the roads are difficult to travel. Maybe it is because the Japanese army did not invade Ningyuan again.

Just before dawn on the fourth day when Shang Zhen and the others came to Ningyuan County, the door of the small courtyard where Wang Laomao and the others lived squeaked.

Hou Wangshan, who came out wearing a cotton coat, went to a wooden pile at the corner of the courtyard.

Men, everyone knows that as long as you don't look up, there are thatched buildings all over the place, and that place is recognized as a place for these stragglers to solve their trumpets.

For this reason, Wang Laomao once said, what the hell, even if you burn a wooden box, you will feel that there is a bit of anger in the smoke!

But what Wang Laomao said this time is not easy to follow. First, although those people in Old Huotou are polite to him on the surface, they still don't like him in reality.Second, Mr. Wang also urinates there every day, so it's useless for him to talk about others!

At this time, Hou Wangshan, who was in a daze, unbuttoned his belt and was about to pee, but at this moment he shook his head and suddenly saw a figure sitting or crouching under the other wall.

This discovery caused Hou Wangshan to say "Oh my god". At that time, he forgot to pee while lifting his pants, and he still kept saying, "Who?"

At this time, the black shadow replied, and the answer was very simple, just one word "I".

"I'll go, you bastard, you really want to scare me to death!" Hou Wangshan scolded.

It was only then that Hou Wangshan remembered that all of them had been enjoying the joy of life these few days, but Shang Zhen had returned to the normal state of training every day, getting up before dawn, Tossing and turning somersaults in the yard, and then being the last one to enter the bed.

Hou Wangshan naturally scoffed at Shang Zhen's behavior, but the old Huo Tou said it was "the early bird catches the worm".

Hou Wangshan didn't dare to offend the old Huo, so he could only curse secretly behind his back, "Fart! The early bird gets the worm, and the early worm gets eaten by the bird, don't you know?"

But seeing Shang Zhen startled himself again this time, he scolded: "There is fart training every day, after training, you are going to fight the bayonet!"

Hou Kanshan was habitually cursing, while Shang Zhen was habitually silent.

In the end, Hou Wangshan had no choice but to go back to bed with his trousers in his hands, while Shang Zhen, who was in horse gait, was still squatting there, like an immobile statue.

 The fifth shift was completed, and it took an hour and a half to correct the typos. The work of writing for the Internet was a painstaking effort.

(End of this chapter)

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