Chapter 971 The Unlucky Old Man ([-])
Both Shang Zhen and Cai Chengwan were captured by the Japanese army, and Cai Chengwan escaped with hundreds of young men as bait. Although neither Cai Chengwan nor Shang Zhen mentioned this, the two But they all know it well.

And when Shang Zhen was promoted by the soldiers as an officer, after he gave those soldiers a choice, Cheng Wan chose to leave the army, but who would have thought that he would now be mixed into the puppet army again.

To say that Cai Chengwan is really capable, now it seems that he is getting acquainted with the puppet army again.

But facing such a person, should Shang Zhen trust him or kill him directly.

It's easy to kill him, but if you kill one, you have to kill two, and after you kill two, you have to kill three. Shang Zhen and the others will be exposed.

But if you don't kill them, you will become tens of thousands. Who knows if this kid will sell Shang Zhen and the others anti-Japanese fighters again!

As far as Yu Shangzhen was concerned, at least just now it was an extremely difficult choice, otherwise how could he hold a gun and a knife at one time.

Holding a gun is to fight, and holding a knife is to silence.

But now Shang Zhen has obviously made up his mind.

He was still holding the gun in his hand but his head was moving forward, and Cai Chengwan turned his head to the side with great insight, so it became Shang Zhen's whisper to Cai Chengwan .

At this time, there was a sound of "哗啦" and "哗啦" outside the big stone. It was the puppet soldier peeing.

Cai Chengwan nodded, Shang Zhen grinned, then Cai Chengwan retracted his head and half-drawn body protruding from the crevice.

"There's nothing inside, let's go!" At this moment, the people on the other side of Dashi heard Cai Chengwan's voice.

Ma Erpao, Li Qingfeng, and the old man had puzzled expressions on their faces, and now they could hear Cai Chengwan's voice a bit familiar, but they only saw the back of Cai Chengwan's head, Cai Chengwan I didn't recognize him when I was wearing a puppet army uniform.

Moreover, they still don't know what Shang Zhen whispered to this puppet soldier, and why he let him go after it was over.

But at this time, the soldiers at the bottom of the pit had already seen Cai Chengwan's face, but they were staring at each other in astonishment.

"Ouch!" Just when everyone thought that the two puppet soldiers were walking away and they were fine, Cai Chengwan's voice came from the other side of Dashi.

"What's the name of the ghost?" asked the puppet soldier walking with him.

"My stomach hurts, oops, I seem to have diarrhea, you go to them first, I have to find a place to squat for a while!" Nai Chengwan said.

"Damn, the lazy donkey is shitting too much, hurry up." The puppet soldier cursed, and then there was no movement on the other side of the big stone.

On the top of the pit, Ma Erpao and the three of them looked at Shang Zhen, and at this moment they saw that Shang Zhen was holding on to the corrugated corners of the big rock with both hands, so he pulled it up with the strength of his arms without even using his feet. .

After Shang Zhen went up, he lay down on the boulder and said in a low voice, "Rifle!"

Ma Erpao didn't know what Shang Zhen wanted the rifle for, and hurriedly handed it up, and Shang Zhen crawled forward on the boulder after receiving the gun.

The three people under the big rock really couldn't figure out what Shang Zhen was going to do, and Li Qingfeng and Da Ben also climbed up the rock.

The two of them are martial arts practitioners, so they are good at it, and it is not difficult to climb up the big rock.

Ma Erpao was also in a hurry, seeing that the three people were all on the boulder, he couldn't climb up, and finally squeezed through the crack of the rock again.

And when he could see the situation outside through the crack of the stone, he was stunned for a moment, but then he grinned and laughed silently.

Because he saw that in the gap between the trees dozens of meters away, the puppet soldier was really squatting under a tree with his head on his back.

He still didn't see the face, and he couldn't figure out whether the guy had real diarrhea or fake diarrhea, but it was really white!
Oh, this Ma Erpao is laughing, okay, this dog day is interesting, people say that if people are always bragging and have no real skills, they will have diarrhea at critical moments, but this puppet army can really talk about diarrhea at critical moments, hey , It's really a big deal!
But Ma Erpao didn't know that the words that Shang Zhen whispered to Cai Chengwan just now were, if you dare to disappear under my nose, see if I don't kill you with a single shot!
As far as this sentence is concerned, if Shang Zhen said it to the slow reaction of that brain, that person may not be able to react.

But who was Cheng Wan, he immediately understood the meaning of Shang Zhen's words.

If Shang Zhen didn't kill him, he just didn't want to cause other troubles, but if Shang Zhen let him go, what if he sold Shang Zhen and the others?So Shang Zhen threw this problem to him, so that he would not disappear from his field of vision.

Cai Chengwan knew that Shang Zhen's marksmanship was extremely accurate. Although the forest was very dense, there were only bare branches but no leaves after all, and the tree was not thick enough to stop bullets. He thought he dared to run. Zhen could definitely knock him down with one shot.

So what to do?Then he can only find a reason to delay the time.

He also knew that when it was dark, Shang Zhen and the others would take advantage of the darkness to run away, and that would be considered letting him go.

So a funny scene appeared, the other puppet troops were still searching for Shang Zhen and his whereabouts, but Shang Zhen pointed a gun at the man who was squatting under a tree and pretending to shit.

Shang Zhen and Cai Chengwan are not at ease with each other, but they have the experience of fighting against Japan together in the past, so let's just waste time like this.

But how long can it be delayed?
After Cheng Wan squatted there for about ten minutes, the puppet soldiers shouted from the forest on the top of the mountain: "Old Wan, let's go, there is no one on this mountain!"

It was just this shout that made both Shang Zhen and Na Cai Chengwan nervous again.

Speaking in Northeast dialect, Cai Chengwan said that he had diarrhea, which is bullshit. He squatted there for ten minutes but he didn't even let out a fart!

If the puppet army came to him and there was no excrement on the ground, how would he explain it?

There was no other way, so Cai Chengwan could only agree, and then casually broke a stick beside him.

Why are you breaking the wormwood?There is a Southern dialect called "Chagouzi", but the Northeast dialect is the most concise and called "Kaifu".

As far as the current situation in China is concerned, ordinary people, let alone soldiers like Cai Chengwan, even mid-level and lower-level officers dare not say that they have toilet paper after squatting in the pit!

In today's China, is toilet paper available to ordinary people?

In the civil war just after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, a senior general of one side was defeated in battle, and he himself pretended to be a small soldier.

But he is used to being a high-ranking officer, so if you ask him to wipe his buttocks with leaves, sticks, or clods of earth, he is willing to count!

In the end, his real identity was discovered because he finished unpacking the large toilet paper!

"Wait a while, you guys go down first, my mother's ankle is sprained again!" Cai Chengwan couldn't say anything, so he could only continue to make up lies, and he deliberately glanced at it while pretending to wipe his butt Where is Shang Zhen and the others hiding?

At this time, Shang Zhen had already appeared on the big rock. Anyway, there was no puppet army in front of him now, so Shang Zhen was lying on the big rock and aiming at him with a [-]-type rifle!

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and Cai Chengwan really didn't dare to run away from Shang Zhen's gunpoint. How could he not understand that he killed hundreds of strong men on the south bank of the Huaihe River for their lives? He was apprehensive.

If he dared to run, Shang Zhen would dare to shoot!
Sprained ankle, this reason is considered reluctant, but this is the only reason I can think of.

He fastened his trousers, picked up his rifle leaning against the tree, and pretended to be limping, but he still didn't forget to take another look at the big rocks.

What made him depressed at this time was that he saw that Shang Zhen had already got off the big rock, but behind a tree he was still holding his rifle on his shoulder, and the muzzle of the gun was still pointing at himself.

Only then was he helpless, he could only turn around and limped and walked forward, leaving Shang Zhen's muzzle representing death behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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